Singing a song would be nice if I can sing. So here comes a song.
I have a friend that has the ability to locate bargains. I followed my friend to this bait and tackle shop that he had located in Rose Bay (Sydney, NSW). This shop is no longer there and I can not tell you where they have moved to. They had a bin full of rods that had some damaged to them. I went through the bin and I found this 14 foot rod, that I thought I should be able to fix. I am not sure but I think that I paid $20.00 – $30.00 dollars for this rod. And under 5 dollars for the runner. I did take a chance but it was only a small amount to pay.
Normally you would pay over $200.00 for a good quality 12 foot rod. You can purchase cheaper rods and expect them to be less than perfect.
This same friend many years ago had purchased a composite rod made from graphic and some other materiel. He was fishing for Kingfish off the rocks, again many years ago and after catching one he was trying to land the fish a little higher. His rod had exploded and turned to dust. I think that he had too many scratches on the rod and it had cracked and went back to its original state. I was not there so I did not see this happen just that what he told me after wards.
Now being a person that has a fish just at the waters edge, just needed to reach out and grab the fish he did what all of us would do. Kick the bloody fish back in the water. :mellow: :huh:
Back to the story of the 14 foot rod. It is a very light rod and not made from wrap fiberglass. Then I should expect this to disintegrate, Let us hope that I catch one fish before that happens.
From where I fish from normally (from the rocks) I have seen people fish with the short rod of about 5 foot. Now I know that is wrong. They have to use a heavier sinker just to get some distance. If the wind is behind me even better I do not even have to cast smaller sinker and just toss the bait in the air the wind does the rest.
Let us talk about the 7 foot rod from the boat. My only short working rod. I needed one but as I do not have a boat only access to Majed boating scene. At the time that I acquired this rod I was in the right place at the right time. It had a price ticket of $139.00 and I was lucky enough to get this on a raffle. I am happy with the feel and action that I am getting out of this.
I think I should stop here as this is turning out to be a concert.
Some thing that I should mention is that we will as fisher persons destroy our equipment. It normally happens as a matter of time and wear and tear. We can only hope that we are getting use out of them before going to buggery.