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Fishing oz style > Chat > Lets Talk Fishing
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How Ya's all going?

My Name's Chadd and I Live out west NSW. Most of my fishing is done from a 4.3m Allycraft In Batemans or Jervis Bay, however I have just started doing a bit of Fresh Water fishing in the lachlan and the Bidgee.
Hello to you.............

My name is Majed and i live in the south west of Sydney.
I fish mostly from my 15ft cuddy cab in Georges River and Botany Bay.

g"day i am poly the plastic man do most of my fishing from turos heads to Jarvis bay, the boat is a 4.1 poly craft , if u would like to know more about me just ask.
Jumpus GooDarus
G'day guys & welcime !

Wont be long B4 we have a full board happehing I was out fishing this morn when George the guy who's setting up the board tried contacting me for layout once it is done I will post a thread asking for suggestions or improvements.

I know I've got a beautiful melon but sure even you thinkheads can come up with the odd good idea

And poly the answer is We're not going to install a McDonalds Drive Through for your Poly laugh.gif laugh.gif
Hey Jumpus, what time zone is this forum using?
Hi all my name is steve
I am an alcoholic Oh shit wrong site

while im here Im into all sorts of fishing
Like my bass
and like throwing plastics a lot, mainly B/bay
cheers steve
oz man
QUOTE (Majed @ Apr 13 2007, 10:51 PM) *
Hey Jumpus, what time zone is this forum using?

I have it set to usa, canada as that the timezone of the server
I'm Eddie, just getting back to fishing after a long break.
I'll be a frequent visitor (weekdays) to Botany Bay until I get right back into the swing of things.
We're not going to install a McDonalds Drive Through for your Poly
bugger :blink: :blink: :blink:
Hey Eddie, good to see you back. My boat is running well now......turned out to be a coil issue on #3 cyclinder.
Ahh, Well Nice to Meets Yas All !!

Will be looking forward to getting back up to my old home (The Shire) and catchin up with a few of you for a fish!
I followed your saga all the way through to the end Majed.
Why don't you post your leaking ram pics in the boating section, I have a 70HP manual here.
If you decide to post them add a couple more from a little further away.
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (oz man @ Apr 14 2007, 05:37 PM) *
I have it set to usa, canada as that the timezone of the server

You'll find just about all the members here will be Aussies

I tuned my time zone to Sydney time via control panel options
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Majed @ Apr 14 2007, 04:51 PM) *
Hey Jumpus, what time zone is this forum using?

Missed your Q only just saw it

look @ previous reply

Geez Fed haven't spoken ti you for ages
About 1/2 ago on the ph wasn't it ??? laugh.gif laugh.gif
Thanks, changed the time zone.
Hi my name is catchnrelease, but also known as Goldfish

I like any fishing style smile.gif
Hey all, My listed name is SUMOFISHIN, I am affectionately known as the SUMO or FatMan, I live at Manilla smack in the middle between Split Rock and Lake Keepit 18Ks each way, I moved here 24 years ago after spending 34years around Jervis Bay. where I learnt everything, especially that people get offended if you call it JARVIS BAY,
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Apr 15 2007, 03:14 PM) *
Hey all, My listed name is SUMOFISHIN, I am affectionately known as the SUMO or FatMan,

Look everybody Paul Vautin is here laugh.gif laugh.gif

G'Day Sumo welcome aboard think most here already know you
good one sumo glad to see u over hear hope to see u at the jarvis bay thing when it can be setup
QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Apr 15 2007, 03:31 AM) *
Hi my name is catchnrelease, but also known as Goldfish

I like any fishing style smile.gif

g'day catch good to see u hear and y arnt u studding we nead more doctors to keep poor old J.G. going
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (poly @ Apr 15 2007, 03:55 PM) *
good one sumo glad to see u over hear hope to see u at the jarvis bay thing when it can be setup

Actually poly when I finally work out how to use it we have a Events option on this site but it's got me stumped how to use it laugh.gif laugh.gif

Anyways might get iz to add another forum for any such outings once a few more members start appearing here I'm sure outing will be popilar esp with the learners guys who dont have a great deal of fishing expitrence.

It'll give them a chance to meet the guys who do get a few tips check out tackle etc

Who knows peeps may even start swapping buggy smugglers laugh.gif laugh.gif
this place is just to good to be true if u need a hand in setting up the outing just let me know
QUOTE ((poly @ Apr 15 2007 @ 04:01pm)
g'day catch good to see u hear and y arnt u studding we nead more doctors to keep poor old J.G. going

Holidays mate...2 weeks of no school and only a vis. art worksheet as holiday homework...yipee!
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (poly @ Apr 15 2007, 04:42 PM) *
this place is just to good to be true if u need a hand in setting up the outing just let me know

Dont think any help will be required poly

I'll just post links to accomidation down there for visitors & each makes their own arrangements no probs getting say a BBQ happening for a get tigether after a days fishing etc depending on how many want to rock up may even get some sort of discount on accomidation. last time I stayed there was in a cabin @ coral tree nothing fancy only slept there.
Hey JG, I wish you'd shoot a few of those Penguins, they make my eyes go funny.
Jumpus GooDarus
Is that better SUMO ??????????????????????????????????????????????
fish when I CAN I do thing,s the way I LIKE, you dont have to agree but I WOULD APPRECIATE THE RESPECT to AGREE TO DISAGREE...TWO RIHGTS DONT MAKE A WRONG....and Sydney is not the centre of the Universe...what a load of crap...ha ha 2 2 many Rumbo's... bla bla bla ...happy 2 beer here .
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (fish @ Apr 15 2007, 10:22 PM) *
and Sydney is not the centre of the Universe...what a load of crap...ha ha 2 2 many Rumbo's... bla bla bla ...happy 2 beer here .

Woger That

ps ] what are you on about ?? laugh.gif laugh.gif
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 15 2007, 10:36 PM) *
Woger That

ps ] what are you on about ?? laugh.gif laugh.gif

I can't say...I think u know ;)
Hey JG, One penguin is a lot better on the eyes, bu you could have let him keep dancing.
wacko she works
Jumpus GooDarus
Hey poly !

What sort of crappy Avator is that you've got ??

It's not doing much for my earsight let me tell you laugh.gif

Here I got a present for you

hay i like it i will do it up to morrow
Never fear Smelly's here,
been hav'n trouble's posting ,but thanx to Jumpus i'm up & run'n now & look'n forward to hav'n some seious fun.

BUUT this site is a little daunting for a computer novice like meself so be warned i may ask some stupid Q's.Do'nt get me wrong i think the site looks petty cool & has some gr8 features from what i've seen.

anyway it's gr8 to see some familiar faces & i look foward to meeting a few new ones


first stupid Q:just noticed when u open up preveiw post window,there's no way to close it,do ya just leave it open?
Jumpus GooDarus
first stupid Q:just noticed when u open up preveiw post window,there's no way to close it,do ya just leave it open?

Simple !

You're used to having it open in a new window, with this board it opens on the same page.

Just scroll down the page a wee bit & click Sdd Reply when ready to post.

By clicking Preview ! all this does is allow you to preview reply as will show up in the thread complete with any images you may have added via options like IMG etc
WELCOME Smelly, but that's not much of an intro, all we know about you is that you ask DUMB questions, we can all do that, better give us a bit of an idea what we're up against.
Jumpus GooDarus
He's got a Smelly Finger SUMO

Which he uses to catch Flathead with laugh.gif laugh.gif
Hi Smelly,

Welcome,we all stupid is here as stupid does... Welcome.

laugh.gif Fish laugh.gif

Ps even the fast reply op is too fast 4 me :wacko:
compared to me smelly u must be a computer nerd, these dam things are a mystery to me
compared to me smelly u must be a computer nerd, these dam things are a mystery to me
O.K a few things about me biggrin.gif

I'm a powdercoater with a missus and two girls

I have too many interest's with no where near enough time,they include: Fishing(der)

Working on old Valiant's-Welding&spray- painting,I have two cars under various stages of repair,an old AP6 and a 71Charger

Learning guitar & do'nt laugh but i do'nt mind a bit of Karate either.

I also like doing a bit of art eg,painting(still learning) & drawing.With so many hobbies it's easy to stay outta trouble.

I love to fish Lakes and Rives as i get sea sick,but still go out if i get the chance.I have a little 4mtr boat with as Jack Hunter would say a 'little girly motor',6hp.

And as Jumpus said i love to catch the humble old Flatone,definately my fav fish,i just love to see'em swim away,for which i do'nt want to receive any crap!I do'nt mind keep'n a feed either tongue.gif

Any way gotta get back ta work mad.gif

Hope that's enough info fo ya Sumo

Polly what'cha on about,i see you putt'n up mad piccy's and stuff.I can't even find Jumpus's Big black pen he uses mad.gif

And Ffish that qik reply was too qik for me too

Thanx for the welcome guy's

Hey Smelly, With all that love for Walliants I'm guessing there's gotta be a bit of Greek or Italian in you somewhere. If you get one of them to go don't hessitate to come for a run to Manilla, I'll take you out on one of the Lakes and Catch some Yellowbelly.
No Sumo(the killa from Manilla) Aussie,Aussie,Aussie......u know the rest biggrin.gif

BTW there's no probs getting me Vals to run(can't kill'em),the pob is getting them to STOP!!

Seen your kind offer of accomadation and a fish'n trip on other thread,might just take ya up on that,even though i would'nt hav a clue where that(Manilla) is,i do'nt think the Manilla i'm think'n of has Yella's laugh.gif

Neva caught a FRESH water fish.
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ May 1 2007, 06:47 PM) *
Hey Smelly, With all that love for Walliants I'm guessing there's gotta be a bit of Greek or Italian in you somewhere. If you get one of them to go don't hessitate to come for a run to Manilla, I'll take you out on one of the Lakes and Catch some Yellowbelly.

hey there sumofishin smile.gif i saw your post about introing.
so here goes.ive got a drop dead gorgeous wife and im afraid the only way i will keep her is if i keep her pregers laugh.gif ive got two boys 9 and 7 a girl 4 and my wifes got a bun in the oven. ;)
i work at active 34 and i worked as a proffessional fisho when i left school for five years.
i go fishing when i can and joined a fishing club recently.
im thinking of selling up and going to QLD where hopefully i can get me a swish you beaut boat and brag about all the fish i catch like jumpus does.....hope i didnt cross the line there. rolleyes.gif ima good cook and seafood is my specialty.
i dont mind a beer or two or three or four or five or six or seven, in fact ive lost count tonite biggrin.gif
im not very good on computers but i geuss throwing yourself in the deep end is a good way to start B)
see yers round the traps fellas.
ps.dont be shy give us a hoy......... smile.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Hey fishkiller !

If you water that little tinny back in the Active Shed it might grow up to be just like mine laugh.gif laugh.gif
Jumpus is the one who drives that silver Navara
Hey Smelly, Manilla with 2 LL's is 45Ks due North of Tamworth smack in the middle of Lake Keepit and Split Rock Dams.
and Fishkiller Good intro, I didn't make it all the way to QLD but if youre going North anytime, (as with anyone else on this forum) you're welcome, and we can hit the waterways together.
Jumpas sets the lines and we generally are far behind and dont cross....
in fact, isnt that why were here!! ;)
gotta love it!!
welcome aboard!
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ May 11 2007, 11:06 PM) *
Hey fishkiller !

If you water that little tinny back in the Active Shed it might grow up to be just like mine laugh.gif laugh.gif
Jumpus is the one who drives that silver Navara

Mmmmmmm i had the sneakyest suspicion it was ya doin ?and when we goin fishin biggrin.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Hsven't been doing a great deal of fushing of late

Been doing that W*?king thingamajiggy
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