And to start it off I've just finished build up a couple of new 3 kg bait rods
Not a big lover of hyperlons I much prefer the feel of cork grips as you will see in pics below I've only waxed one of the rods the other 2 have yet to have the cork waxed they are the lighter coloured ones.
BEES WAX Is used & different methods are used I generally just put wax container near the heater till wax goes into liquid form then with a rag I rub it into the cork some peeps use a hair dryer what ever takes your fancy BUT I wouldn't recomend using a heat gun.
They give off too much heat which in turn can weaken any araldite used around the winch etc
Speaking of heat & araldite here's a tip if ever you need to replace a broken rod tip I lightlt run the tip over the gas stove taking great care not to allow flame to come in contact with rod blank in other words keep flame/heat on metal part of the tip to be replced, you dont need a great deal of heat & Never Try To Force Tip Off Blank do it lightly so as not to damage/twist the rod blank apply more heat if need be.
OK back to the rods blanks used are called a RAP blank have used them B4 & love their action classed as a Smart Wovan Space Graphite Blank the ones in pic are rated @ 1 - 3 kg & are 7 ft 6 " long, I'm not a big lover of short rods exept for lure casting & the 3rd rod in pic is shorter @ 6 ft & has the pistol grip which will be housing my little chronach in case I ever decide to go Bass Fushing again.
I much prefer overhead baitcasters for lure casting find them pretty easy to use & the shorter blank allows better accuracy when castingfor me it does dont know about anyone else.
As far as Rod Building goes well you dont save any money building your own these days you can buy off the rack cheaper & I did just that when I got back into fishing 12 months ago BUT what I found factory built rods are all over the place wrong back bones, grips not to my liking etc etc so I opted to start building my own again after many moons of not doing so.
Anyways ask any Q's or better still start your own thread if interested in rod building, my earsight ain't what it used to & I keep binding designs nice & simple these days