Looked outside about 11 am & I said ***Looking GooDarus Jumpus ***
Hit the water @ 1 pm a good run out wide sitting on around 25 knots saw baits in the water by 2 pm again I didn't like the look of the water pay no attention to pics it was not that clean or blue actually was surprised by pic colour anyways water temp had crept up a touch from last trip by .8 of a degree but water still looked crap I even stuck my hand into the water to check.
And YES I can verify that the water was wet

Not much current either we drifted with the breeze @ a slow but good pace think about .7 of a knot got to tell ewes all this bullsh*t to make up for the lack of fish yet to hook a YFT this season after 3 trips now.
Finally a rachet went off looked @ the sounder & we'd just drifted into 590 meters running off the canyons, wouldn't say I got a stiffy cause the ratchet stoped ratcheting just as quick as it had began waited & waited then waited some more & no more bloody ratcheting took place, I fed another bait out whilst STEVE picked up the rod & said there was a bit of weight there straight away I picked it.
Bloody Sharpus Tootharus cuming up the burley trail so STEVE set the hook & I was waiting for him to get bitten off on the mono trace came in like a wet sack @ 1st till it saw the goat then it went ballistic & put on a superb arial display spewing I didn't have my SLR Megga poodle camera with me cause I got no arial shots with my little NotSoMegaChiwawa camera it's to slow for those type of shots.
Even had to start the motors on 2 occasions to clear the line from under the goat finally got Sharpus to the boat again & again we were treated to some arials I quite enjoy watching mako's do their belly flops this time we got a good look @ the fish & a good guess would be a touch over 150 kgs & he looked solid.
Intended cutting him loose but saved us the trouble when it finally bit through the mono leader right @ the boat.
That's my story & I'm sticking to it other than the mako dead as a doornail out there although I wasn't on the fish I liked the look of the rod built it up last month & 1st time used was today.