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Jumpus GooDarus
Well went fushing again 2day Ha Ha Ha

Looked outside about 11 am & I said ***Looking GooDarus Jumpus ***

Hit the water @ 1 pm a good run out wide sitting on around 25 knots saw baits in the water by 2 pm again I didn't like the look of the water pay no attention to pics it was not that clean or blue actually was surprised by pic colour anyways water temp had crept up a touch from last trip by .8 of a degree but water still looked crap I even stuck my hand into the water to check.

And YES I can verify that the water was wet laugh.gif

Not much current either we drifted with the breeze @ a slow but good pace think about .7 of a knot got to tell ewes all this bullsh*t to make up for the lack of fish yet to hook a YFT this season after 3 trips now.

Finally a rachet went off looked @ the sounder & we'd just drifted into 590 meters running off the canyons, wouldn't say I got a stiffy cause the ratchet stoped ratcheting just as quick as it had began waited & waited then waited some more & no more bloody ratcheting took place, I fed another bait out whilst STEVE picked up the rod & said there was a bit of weight there straight away I picked it.

Bloody Sharpus Tootharus cuming up the burley trail so STEVE set the hook & I was waiting for him to get bitten off on the mono trace came in like a wet sack @ 1st till it saw the goat then it went ballistic & put on a superb arial display spewing I didn't have my SLR Megga poodle camera with me cause I got no arial shots with my little NotSoMegaChiwawa camera it's to slow for those type of shots.

Even had to start the motors on 2 occasions to clear the line from under the goat finally got Sharpus to the boat again & again we were treated to some arials I quite enjoy watching mako's do their belly flops this time we got a good look @ the fish & a good guess would be a touch over 150 kgs & he looked solid.

Intended cutting him loose but saved us the trouble when it finally bit through the mono leader right @ the boat.

That's my story & I'm sticking to it other than the mako dead as a doornail out there although I wasn't on the fish I liked the look of the rod built it up last month & 1st time used was today.

The Chop
Hi Jumpus looks like a great day 590Mtrs out of sounder ? hey Jumpus next time your out in that depth can you get me a few Pic's on sounder in that depth of water.

Regards Chop
Jumpus GooDarus
Yeah chop was cursing you @ 1st laugh.gif laugh.gif

Then I remember to swith over to 50 kw crystal clear after that was even picking up fish down @ the 300 meter mark 1/2 way down

Like anything just have to play around & get used to a new toy

I couldn't recall how to get the digital temp read out I'll have a look in the book & set it up 2morro
Jeez Jumpy, from the ramp to 590 Metres in an hour, what have you got on the back of that goat aside from the 50 Kw transducer?
My Johnno is only about 50 Kw. laugh.gif
Would you have tried to boat that Mako given the chance?
Jumpus GooDarus
When you've got the equipment Fed use it laugh.gif laugh.gif

Yeah we hammered out there 21 mile run from the ramp & basically sat on 35 knots in the Bay & only slowed down a touch once outside conditions were pretty good & the Yammy's purred out there

Actually it was under an hour laugh.gif laugh.gif

The 50 kw we were refering to as you've guessed was the transducer I got a new Furono 585 a couple of weeks ago & had probs 1st trip out & the prob was me not not knowing all it's features or how to use it properly I never read those bloody instruction books

It's a dual frequency both 200 & 50 & I was cursing The Chop cause I couldn't get bottom out there until I recalled what he said to me @ the Goat Show & flicked it back to 50 kw after that all was well.

You have to see this thing readings were clear as a bell picking up activity @ 300 meters no prob think I'm going to enjoy using it, did use it the other day in the bay great for identifying the Reds + it's got a big screen which is great cause when I'm @ the back of the boat I can still see everything & know when a Red is about to take a bait & I'm not joking about that comment either I freak peeps out when I tell them they're about to get a bite.

Would you have tried to boat that Mako given the chance?

Never in a pink fit, have you ever seen how those things roll up a flyer ?

Not that the boat couldn't handle the fish but go look @ some of the regular shark boats they are scratched to the sh*thouse shark rolls flyer bash's along the side a few of them have stainless bolted on to protect the boat + what what would you have done with the shark had it been gaffed ??

I dont like killing fish just to get a photo of it
I was going to toy with you for a few more posts but I'm not in the mood.
You don't have a 50 Kw transducer mate, better check it out with Chop because I know you don't accept much of what I tell you.
Either way, it's good to see you getting out there, YFT coming up I expect.
Jumpus GooDarus
laugh.gif laugh.gif No Fed I said I had a dual frequency souder not transducer laugh.gif

And I flicked it over to the 50 kw range

Tell you what though itching to get amoungst the fin missed the brilliant season last year cause I was rebuilding the boat & only got a couple of decent trips out there.

Once I know the good water has come back it's all systems go as you've seen from my previous reply's it dosen't take me long to get out there + nothing worse than spending 10 hr days chasing them.

Back when I really fished for them we never webt out till lunch time, would get 1/2 doz or so & be back in after a few hrs unforTUNAtly times have changed & the fish are a bit scarcer these days
Have to say the jump's that mako put on were awrsum , some 30mt's from boat, had to free spool him twice.
as he went under boat, and then he would come flying out 15feet or more :o ,
as i got him close to boat towards the end he was straight down , then the line started to angle up I yelled at JG he's coming up for a jump . the scarry thing was it was very close to boat. and the thought of this thing crashing down near or on us sent us both to the other side of boat laugh.gif
but he just surfaced and I got him within 2mt's of boat and we had a good look at him Big solid thing with that evil eye staring at us. we were going to cut him free but a finall lunge and the leader parted from hook. saved us the trouble. biggrin.gif
Talk to chop, it will give him a good laugh when you tell him your sounder/transducer runs at 50Kw. LOL!
Jumpus GooDarus
Yeah Yeah Yeah SMART :drop the daks: laugh.gif

I gather you're refering to kw that I typed instead of kHz

I also call megapixels megapoodles & Boats Goats
Well that didn't take long.
Are we having fun yet?
back to condensation rolleyes.gif
And exploding boats.
Jumpus GooDarus
Not to mention Bloody Johnston outboards that wont bloody start

Fed I knew what ewe were on about from your very 1st reply laugh.gif laugh.gif
Well done Jumpus, you tell stories better than J.K Rowling, who needs Harry Potter when you're around! Nice sharky, and the water looks nice and blue? Good to see some pics of them.

G/day EX
It might look blue in the shots but it was cold / green very shity.
Jumpus GooDarus
Water was crap Kamil no different to last trip out looked lifeless & not even SUMO's Duck stayed for very long this time

Even tried playing some scottish music to bring the fin on started with some Rod Stewart he did nothing so got out the secret weapon

Yes you guessed it The Bay City Rollers & I'm telling not even they worked

I did forget to Mention on the way out in about 70 fathoms I nearly ran over a Marlin saw it to late as I was moving @ the time doing about 25 knots tongue.gif We both saw it last second sitting on port side then looked aft to see it turn & swim away.

I'm sure it was a marlin cause I've never seen a garfish that big B4 laugh.gif

I'd really like to see the water turn into cobalt blue that's when I really feel confident with the YTF
Hey at least you got a Fisharus, when are you going for Runnus Fastust again? Would've been great out today, beaut weather. smile.gif
Marlin hey? Blues? i think i mentioned my mates saw 3 in their burley trail the other week, but did not tempt them? WHat was the water temp? mid 18's? Isnt it too cold for the Jumpus Goodarus to be around? Funny stuff?
This season has been a fizzer for the fin! THere is craploads of them at Port Stephens!
Arrghhh this weather!

Jumpus GooDarus
Tghink I told you about my last trip to Pt Stephens didn't I ??

Quadrupal hookups on fin nothing under 60 kg it was an awesome days fishing

I was looking @ the currents & thinking Yep Pt Stephens will be firing @ present

From what I recall the Mako's never used to rock up off Sydnet till end of September & you'd get them all through October just goes to show how crappy the water is off here now

3 in their burley trail the other week, but did not tempt them?

Very rare you will a lure will do the trick or if you've got a live bait out the back & you'll know when a Marlin has taken it your ratchet will go tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick @ a vey very slow pace until the fish decides to take off
Gr8 report man,just love that look of hurt on STEVE's face,nice shot of sharkie too.



BTW i've seen Garies that big laugh.gif
Thats one hell of a fish....i would be too scared to go out that far in my boat or any boat for that matter...
Seas can turn on you in a quick flash....
Jumpus GooDarus
You'd be very silly if you even thought about going out that far in your boat Majed & @ least show the common sense to know so.
To many people think they're hero's in little boats & like to brag about how far they travel to get to their favourite fishing spots I think those people are fools & I'll shoot down any comments they make.
My little boat is around the size of yours & it's very very rare I take it outside the bay the seas have to be pretty flat.

It's not just the seas that you have to worry about in a small boat weight transfer also plays a big role in my books I'll give you an example of what I mean.

In my big boat I can have 3 guys on one side & the boat will only tilt over a fraction shark cats are also very good for this I call them a stable platform, I've been in boats where you sh*t yourself when just a couple of peeps go to one side to trace,gaff or release a fish & a very good example that I recall was many moons ago.

Back then I was pretty inexpirienced didn't own a boat & fished with someone who owned a 18ft billfisher think we were both stupid cause we were out wide had Mako's around the boat all day hooked & lost the 1st 2 @ the boat when they rolled up the flyer rope you have to keep it short.

Anyway after that the mother of all mako's rolled up & it was a race to see who hooked it wasn't interested in whatever we fed it just kept chewing on the burley pot tried whole stripey's fillets etc but no go.

Then when my mate wasn't looking I snuck a kung fu fish he'd caught onto my hook the kingy was around 7 kg well that did the trick & I was in he was spewing cause I'd hooked all the fish that day, then he asked me what bait the mako took tongue.gif

I couldn't lie cause he'd only find out later so told him Your Dinner laugh.gif laugh.gif

We had that fish to the boat on 3 occasions fortunately for us Anton only had a crappy flying gaff & it wouldn't pin into the fish cause I reckon we would've been gonna's thinking about it later reckon the fish would've dragged the arse of the boat down add to that the condition had become sloppy we would've taken in alot of water & prob sunk anyways it was getting very late & after fighting this fish for close to 7 hrs on 15 kg tackle I decided to lock the drag & bust up didn't have GPS in those days fishing down south & didn't know how much fuel we had left.

Oh ! the fish by the way was close to 15 ft long & after speaking to a few people who knew better than we an estimate of a 1000 pounder was put on it
That is why i love Estuary fishing.
It is relaxing, safe and for my type of fishing enjoyable for the kids.

Beats working or bitten by a shark.
Jumpus GooDarus
You get a different sort of buzz out wide fishing for gamefish all it takes is one good fish to make the day worthwhile.

I was never a real estuary fisherman till a decade or so ago & only fished estuaries when seas were a bit big, these dats I quite enjoy fishing the Bay living close to it makes it easy as well generally only sneak out for a few hrs not one of those guys who makes a day of it.

Pick my tides & off I go thats why I kept my little goat easy to handle on my own + I've gotten into this SP thingamajiggy & with new mods to goat it's ideal I can get into area's where I cant with the biggger goat.
[quote name='Smelly' date='Aug 13 2007, 10:50 PM' post='4079']
Gr8 report man,just love that look of hurt on STEVE's face,nice shot of sharkie too.

That isn't hurt on my face , Its were you going bitch come to pappa biggrin.gif
The rod was a new blank and it was a joy to use, grunt at the bottom and good easy curv at top , was on bitch for about 30 odd minutes and wasn't straining at all , upped the drag past its setting when I asked the question what line was on reel, 24kg was the reply. so I let him have it :2guns: Plus I was sitting down and was letting a few rip :drop the daks:
laugh.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif u kill me dude.

Jumpus GooDarus
Smelly what GooGooGahGah is trying to tell you is that he shit himself & was doing a GooGooGahGahPooPoo
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