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Fishing oz style > Quackerdoo ! > Four x Fourbies
Im looking for a large space case style storage box for th back of my ute. Like th ones that ARB sell,
but they want WAY to much for them,

Any idea where I may be able to purchase one? Im looking for something pretty big,
maybe 1500x700x700 or roughly that size.

I want it for storage of my camping gear (cooking etc) and food.
have you checked on ebay to see if they have anything on there ?

also check in the trading post.
Try this mob Ruckus, I beleive they can do custom work as well but have a look under cabinets at the Fenzy box. Also under cases at the battery carrier.
Thanks Squizzy, They have got some god gear there, might give them a call and check there prices,

Im waiting to hear back form some army disposals about a few
Hey Chad you are probably better off to get one custom made most sheeties will do them in gal, Jumpus might knock one up in Stainless, and OZ Man has Marine Ply, whatever you do make sure it fits milk crates they are the best thing to pack camping gear in and they double as a stool, they measure 360 wide and stack 650x 2high.
Yea, I have measured up my sizes now so might look for someone who can knock my up a waterproof case?

Jumpus interested??

Got a mate who makes rifle safes so he would have the gear, might have a chat to him also!

Sumo, I Use the Reflex boxes, Umm, plastic box (like the recycling boxes) with lids. They are durable, cheap and stackable. I use a large one for the cooking gear and a smaller one for food etc. I have put timber dividers in the cooking gear one so I can organise stuff in it, I like to be neat and organised. And have cheap lunch boxes that have knives and forks etc that stack in there spot and everything is accessable. I will do a similar setup with the large box including a section for my 2 plastic boxes at the back end, and open section for stuff like winch, recovery straps and boots etc etc. Also want to put a 100mm divider running the full lenght that will house 2 rifles for travelling to keep them safe and locked.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nah ! laugh.gif laugh.gif
SupaCheap have some descent priced storage boxes....all you need to do is bolt them down to your ute....
do you have a bunnings where you are ?they have some good boxs gal and plastic
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