Aug 9 2007, 01:55 AM
Whats your favourite Calibre.
Im a fan of the 223, Not oversized but still big enough to knock out a decent pig if your a good shot.
Has the advantage of cheaper ammo for when your just playing around.
Aug 9 2007, 03:08 AM
I love my o/u shotguns.
Aug 9 2007, 02:34 PM
I have owned and used just about every calibre from 17 to 375H&H Magnum, plus Every shotgun cal from .410 to 10 guage, and my favourite rifle calibre is 7.62 x 39 which is 311 calibre as in a 303 it is actually a 303 shortened and rimless modified in Russia for machine gun use. became a semi auto military rifle known as SKS & SKK as used in Vietnam. it runs a 120gr projectile in place of the 303's 164gn and the case is shortened to 39mm using fast burning powder instead of cordite. the standard military ammo has a velocity of 2300fps from a self loader and 2900fps from a bolt action. many 303 rifles have been modified, very few factory rifles have been made for sporting use. this 30cal shoots almost dead flat to 400mtrs and has the hitting power in excess of a 30/30.
I forgot to add that I used to buy crates of ammo 1400 rounds at $2.50 per box of 20 military projectile and $4 per box for soft point.
Aug 9 2007, 07:37 PM
i dont have much knowedge of rifles but i can tell ya when ive got a semi strapped in my holster , dam it gets in the way ,
Aug 9 2007, 09:20 PM
try lugging around a 6inch Dan Wesson with a bull barrel all night and see how much it gets in the way
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 10 2007, 02:25 AM
Many moons ago when Geronimo was but a wee boy living in his mothers Tee Pee
I had a Sako 270 awesome firearm & as SUMO already said
many 303 rifles have been modified, very few factory rifles have been made for sporting use. this 30cal shoots almost dead flat to 400mtrs and has the hitting power in excess of a 30/30.
The 270 was a spin off & boy i loved those long range shots
These days only own 3 firearms really enjoy using Bruno 22 hornet, rarely use my 22 mag & would have to say I get more of a buzz watching my mutts working than actually shooting but to keep them happy I use a Miruko under & over as a shotty
Aug 10 2007, 12:06 PM
So Jumpy, yuo got pig/roo dogs?
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 10 2007, 03:05 PM
Nope !
Mine are Gun Dogs pointer/retrievers
Aug 10 2007, 03:10 PM
I had a slug gun once, the cops came & my old man confiscated it. LOL!
Aug 10 2007, 03:47 PM
Do you have any trouble putting the bullet in your Gun Dogs Jumpy? or do they just stand there and let you load.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 1 2007, 07:14 PM
Well after last trip I've decided to get myself a new gun.
As much as I like my hornet think I'll keep it just for bunny's & hares, mind you it still performed on the goats last trip but lacked the knock down power of a bigger calibre @ long range.
Up close it was just fine when I had a head shot but lacked @ long range when we had some pigs showing me their rumps whilst running away guess they didn't to end up on SUMO's dinner plate & thats why they ran
Think a new 270 is on the cards cause I'm learning that way dont know about you guys but I think the secret to pulling of a good shot is having confidence in your firearn as well as a good eye.
Take SUMO for example from what Dave & I saw he couldn't hit the side of a barn with a canon & I'll be buggered if I know what he's gonna get Dave [CATCH22] reckons I should give him the title SUMO 44 cause he missed the 1st 44 shots he had
Sep 1 2007, 08:46 PM
Sorry Jumpy, but I forgot to tell you not to start looking for a 270w, 300wm, 0r 375h&h The Cockies around here don't like them, there was an exception to the rule made when I was culling for them around here but they don't like visitors with CANNONS it's a farmers thing,, they can kill a $50k Stud bull at 2klms and it's not wise up on the Mountains,
And you can take the micky out of me anytime,
But I bet Im the only person that ever put you in a STATE of SHOCK with your MOUTH OPEN for 7&1/2 minutes when I pulled off a 200meter shot with a handgun.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 1 2007, 09:08 PM
SUMO I shoot @ alot of other places than up your way & reckon I'd be better off using a bow up your way.
Told you I'm a hunter not a shooter & not a big fan of driving around all day shooting from the car any mug can do that in my books thats not what it's all about I like to camp out & get early starts dont worry me @ all if I have to track something for miles on foot have been doing it for years.
But I bet Im the only person that ever put you in a STATE of SHOCK with your MOUTH OPEN for 7&1/2 minutes when I pulled off a 200meter shot with a handgun.
SUMO that was a fluke & you know it
I'll rephrase that it was a lucky shot if I gave you 2 box's of ammo you wouldn't be able to duplicate that shot
Sep 1 2007, 09:33 PM
When you point a gun at something and hit it where you aimed there is no fluking involved.
Sep 1 2007, 09:38 PM
J G if u consider your self a true hunter u will forget about bigger calibre fire arms and go back it time to the days when a man had one shot i would sedgiest u try a 40cal black powder gun Thompson contender make a very fine copy of the KENTUCKY LONG RIFLE or the ENGLISH BROWN BESS plus many others
with this in mind u feel u can not go down that road i would think a 243 more than enough gun for that type of hunting
Sep 1 2007, 09:41 PM
Poly I like the 243w as a calibre but the 243w will blow your ear drums, a 257Roberts is far superior.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 1 2007, 11:15 PM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Sep 2 2007, 03:23 PM)

When you point a gun at something and hit it where you aimed there is no fluking involved.
Well What Happened with the other 44 shots you had & missed ???
J G if u consider your self a true hunter u will forget about bigger calibre fire arms
poly like I said earlier some of the properties I shoot @ aren't like up @ SUMO's flat country with little cover & as I also said I think I'd get a real buzz using a Bow again just ask SUMO how close I was getting to the quarry.
Only prob with the Bow would be Dave he'll be spewing that I cant shoot as much for him to take home
We all hunt different I just like being outdoors you get sick of the city life only prob I found with last trip was my brain was telling me I was 21 yo & my body argued
Sep 1 2007, 11:28 PM
guys come on the best ive owned was a lever action as all mine were but was a 444 marlin ,now thats a gun
Sep 2 2007, 01:26 AM
223rem, 22-250
That covers most I would think, if your a good shot.
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