Aug 8 2007, 02:56 AM
enough said!!
ps.... 1st post/topic ;)
oz man
Aug 8 2007, 11:39 AM
No where near enough said, I want reason why.
Aug 8 2007, 12:17 PM
They say it for themselves!!
toughest, And soon to be the last remaining REAL 4x4 with solid axles front and rear!
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 8 2007, 12:21 PM
Well oz if you really must know??
Once you get a few timber planks mind you even marine ply will do the trick & I know where you can get some pretty cheap as well
What you then do is cut out a hole in the passengers door, hole needs to be approx 30 cm x 30 cm next you need to use the planks to make a ramp leading up to the hole you just cut & secure the ply.
Cause I'm telling you that Landcrusiers make one hell of a
Chook Pen
Chooks just love it in there esp the rooster he's the driver &
Rules his roost from up on the steering wheel
Hope this has explained things for you.
Aug 8 2007, 06:15 PM
i agree landcruisers do make a good chook pen,
now if we talk about the patrols thats a different story,
but even better get your self a jeep ,
Aug 8 2007, 08:57 PM
Aug 8 2007, 09:22 PM
Yea hustler, you must be sick......
Patrols come second....
however after spending many years in the automotive trade (working in a 4wd shop in sydney and for ARB) I will only ever own a toyota.....
Beter build quality
Much easier to work on
easier to get parts
reliability above everything
The 2 worst cars that i have worked on simply for difficulty, inherant problems and parts
LAND ROVERS AND JEEPS!!!! (my dad is a rover lover!!!) They are terrible peice of gear to work on!
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 9 2007, 12:10 AM
Bla Bla Bla Rum
Had them all even one of those thingamajiggy landcruiser chook pens
Got to admit it took a beating survived STEVE.P rolling it twice even stood up to that Arnie Mutt wanting to put a rock through the windscreen cause his yakka's died
But it was ruff as guts worse than driving a semi Oh yeah I also remember the time I shat myself towing Fed's 16 ft shark cat with it
Did someone say Jeep ??I'll book you in to see a looney Dr if you like you can use mine
What a load of shite those jeeps are I should know I had one of those thingamajiggy's as well
And yes poly the old willey's weren't a bad little unit but only for bush bashing
Now if you guys are dead set serious about a good 4WD drive & prob the best standard tow vehicle going around then do what Jumpus did
I saw the Light & got one of these Hubbabubba's
Aug 9 2007, 12:40 AM
Jumpas, no offence, but that is not a real 4wd..... ;)
Firstly, Ground Clearance and Secondarly and most important IFS!!!!!!
Yes, It will probably do more than you will ever need it to but it would not stand a chance on most of the tracks I like to drive.
As i said though, not everyone wants to rock crawl or drive extreme tracks and your navara will do fine, however for what i do, it just does not cut the mustard!
At LEAST ; 2" Lift ?(preferably 4" ) 285/75 or 33" Tyres, Front and rear lockers, Good suspension articulation, and Clearance..
I feel that this is almost the minimum (4" lift not nessacary) if your serious about touring the country and getting offroad doing it safley and without risk of damage to your veichle.
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 9 2007, 12:58 AM
Have a good look @ the tyres Rum
They're called low profiles & when you tow the closer to the ground means less body roll.
Now if you really want a good off road 4WD then you'd give all the one's mentioned the big flick & get yourself something that dosen't weigh as much I've got a little 4 cylinder daihatsu diasel unregistered set up as a shootuing buggy down @ Goulbourne now that thing will go anywhere
Aug 9 2007, 01:26 AM

Theres a real farm truck jumpus,
35" pede's
10" Lift
Spring Over Axle Conversion
Roll Cage
2h Conversion
Locked Diff's
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 9 2007, 01:32 AM
How do the CHOOKENS get in there in other words where's the planks

FJ 40 ???
Aug 9 2007, 01:46 AM
BJ, same thing, but diesel....
With there wings.... or a step ladder...
Been rolled so many times we have lost count... But it climbed some Big Hills!
Aug 9 2007, 07:12 PM
well in my personla opinion, it take a patrol over a cruiser any day, a very good mate of mine had a cruiser and we often went off road and had fun in the dirt, and i often used to drive it, then he sold it and got a patrol, the patrol was 100 times better then the cruiser, easier to drive and more comfy, it got us a lot more places and just seemed to handle every thing better , and as for the jeeps, there are pure class, comfy plenty of power and look great,
a mate of mine bought the perfect 4wd about a year ago and id love 1 but simply ant afford 1 ,
he bought the new range rover vogue, it cost him all up including extras $180,000
it would have to be the best thing i have ever driven , and ive driven a lot of things,
Aug 9 2007, 09:00 PM
Perfect PRETEND 4x4!
They have all round Independant suspension to start with....
Patrols ar a good strong truck, stronger in the gearbox and diffs than a crusier, however the overall quality I feel is not as good. They are however the only other 4x4 i would consider for serious offroad driving.
The range rover, however comfortable, is not an offroad veichle!!
Aug 9 2007, 09:18 PM
very true, i wouldnt take a range rover to far off road, except for a bit of beach or dirt work,
but it all comes down to what you want to do with it, if its just for towing and business then it take the rangy,
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