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Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps I did have a day planned to fish for them last sunday got everything ready played around with the motors the day B4 had been watchiing the current lines moving in better water from the last trip we had out & everything looked good a flavourable days fishing.

Went to bed early around midnight on Saturday night asleep about an hour then the pains started was kinda hoping I could shake then off even tried one of my old tricks sticking my fingers down my throught to vomite this helps clear my system those who dont know I suffer from crones desease & it's been behaving for the last 18 months & picked a good time to flare up again.

Well around 5 am with very little sleep I knew it wouldn't settle so off to hospital I went where I had to sit in the bloody waiting room for another 3 hrs b4 they gave me a bed they're not allowed to admister heavy pain relief unless you're in a bed & I refused the panadine forte they offered cause it's as useless as tits are to a bull.

Let me tell you the pain can get quite severe to the point where you're nearly blacking out finally got a bed thn I had to wait another 2 hs B4 they gave me a shot of Morphine it takes Morphine to settle me down but the bastards only gave me a mild doze & I awoke screaming in pain for another dose within the hour.

Well this time I got the proper dose & settled in nicely didn't awake till this morn & all was well no more pain did the sneaky sneaky & ducked home around lunch cause I'd left food out & recalled not turning off the heater.

Then I recieved a ph call from one Mr Jimbooky who'd gone out last sunday got a couple of fin then anothe ph call to let me know one of the pro boats had dropped a 300 hook long whick yeilded one fish to every 2 hooks not bad mind you the same boat had yellow fin schooling around the boat as well but didn't bother putting out a rod cause they were flat out with the long line.

I'm not going to disclose where all this took place nor with any future fishing reports of mine if the regular posting member want to know them you can pm me for details & futher more I think it a good idea that all fishing reports follow the example I've given cause my view is if people only visit the site for reports & dont contribute by even saying hello then they're not entitled to info shared by the regular posting members.

By all means keep up with the fishing reports just dont specify locations I think us locals know where each other fishes by now maybe using this approach might get some of the non posters posting & they'll find hey we're not a bad bunch of blokes & gals who're more than helpfull when asked a Q

Anyways that last ph call did the trick & if I'm A O K by 11 am tomorro I'm out after the fin so hopefully I'll have some good pics & a story to tell
Very sad to hear of your pain Jumpus! I feel for you, i suffer from terrible Migraines and i mean terrible, i know its not the same but sometimes i need 5 Panadeine Forts to make it go away. No one understands, but i do. Take it easy there champ!

And all the best for 2moro if you go. I'm sure you will get some fish.

Jumpus GooDarus
Like I said I've had a good run 18 months is a very good run & one stage I was in hospital every second week 7 THAT WOULD EXPLAIN MY ABSENCE FROM THE FISHING SCENE FOR AROUND 3 YEARS.

Think the worst thing I ever did was to retired & these projects I've been involved in of late have had a big part in keeping me healthy for the past 18 months & yep I recall you mentioning your migranes & I'm fortunate in that or any other respect dont get headaches & can shake the flu off overnight as long as I get outdoors & dont mope around indoors feeling sick.

p] If I get out I'll catch one for you then let it go with your name on it laugh.gif laugh.gif
jumpy hang in there mate you can do it ...go jumpy
Jumpus GooDarus
Dave !

It Was Dark In There

I had to discharge myself laugh.gif laugh.gif
Hey Jumpus, Hang in there and keep yourself active and fishing, Bye the way Don't be afraid of the Boogie Man he won't get you.
oooohhhhh poor didums,naahh realy hate to hear you in pain mate,and Xtosea i understand the migraine's as my Mum is a sufferer of both Migraine's and Crones disease.

BTW funny to hear about the Panadine Forte,X if i had five i reckon i'd die,if i have 2 i'm in gaga land.

Love the panadine forte with a few ports or rumski's, start to get used to them after a while..

Hey jumpas, i got a few 30mg Morphine Pills (no longer available)... Been saving them for when i really need them! ;)
QUOTE (Smelly @ Aug 7 2007, 10:26 AM) *
oooohhhhh poor didums,naahh realy hate to hear you in pain mate,and Xtosea i understand the migraine's as my Mum is a sufferer of both Migraine's and Crones disease.

BTW funny to hear about the Panadine Forte,X if i had five i reckon i'd die,if i have 2 i'm in gaga land.

Dazza, i'm so glad someone kinds understands! Believe me sometimes 5 aint enough, i hate taking them, my liver and kidneys must be poo poo! But the pain is unbearable, but anyway, its Jumpus here thats sick, hopefully he gt some fish today!!!! yippeeee
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Aug 7 2007, 02:04 PM) *
Love the panadine forte with a few ports or rumski's, start to get used to them after a while..

Hey jumpas, i got a few 30mg Morphine Pills (no longer available)... Been saving them for when i really need them! ;)

I've got some as well but dont take them once I found out what they were, didn't realise when they gave them to me cause they're not marketed under the name of morphine & you can get addicted to them so I stopped using them think I've got a near full pack somewhere.

If it's one thing I'm not it's a pill poper I even 4get to take the steroids they've got me on prob why I copped this last attack

ps] fished the bay 2day had some running around to do & didn't get home till around 1 pm
Comon Jumpy, get out there and catch a fin. You can do it! :thumbs_up:

Get well soon. :doctor:

smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif
well,it's past 1am now and i have no fishing report to read,so ...................................

THANKS FOR NOTHING laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

well its good to hear your out of the quack house jg,
a mate of my brothers suffers from the same thing as ya,

and as with the yft , well maybe next time
Jumpus GooDarus
To tell ewes the truth prob would 've had nothing to report had I'd gone, looked @ the Sea surface temperature and currents lines last night & this little pocket of warm water I'd been keeping an eye on has started swirling nth & I would've headed south

At least we went into the bay & got CATCH22 a feed of blurters [no taste buds that guy]
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