Aug 5 2007, 11:27 PM
Just got myself a new esky for an upcoming trip, been using the old falling apart chepie for years and finally decided that I dont want to spend 1000+ on a fridge just yet
So I got a 110 litre esky off ebay (factory second, has discolouring and scratches) which will be mounted on the back of my ute for trips
$112.60 +postage! I recon thats a bargin!
Aug 5 2007, 11:30 PM
should add, RRP is $399
Aug 5 2007, 11:39 PM
Good Deal, I pulled the seat out of my boat and put a cushion on mine you can move it around for driving or fishing.
Aug 5 2007, 11:40 PM
how many body's can it hold , full body red wine
thats a good deal there rum.
O I forgot rums
Aug 5 2007, 11:44 PM
Yea, im pretty happy with that, there was a smaller one that went for nearly $200, and the same size, finished half an hour later for over $200 , so gotta be happy,
postage is about $70 but thats still under $200 for a large esky, went into town and looked at a similar esky in the 90lt size and they wanted $300 so i rekon I done good..
Just need a tent now, sick of dome tents. Want a decent sized canves tent for longer stays when ya need more room than just the swag!
Aug 5 2007, 11:48 PM
You should get a tent with WHEELS more comfortable and easier to pack away.
Aug 5 2007, 11:50 PM
They kinda have a little trouble on the tracks i like to drive sumo.. ;)
Camp trailer is an option, however then i cant tow a boat
Aug 5 2007, 11:55 PM
Chad, I used to have a 97 75series HI Roof Troopie I've never forgiven myself for selling it for $12000
Aug 6 2007, 12:05 AM
great touring veicle!!
Aug 6 2007, 12:06 AM
chad go to a tent place if you can , you will be very surprised what they have know .
I saw one heavy duty canvas . 6 by 6 feet drop it roll out into square 1 pole in middle .
60 sec to set up. and pack up. top stuff for moving around
Aug 6 2007, 12:08 AM
Click to view attachment Chad Here's a pic I just scanned.
Aug 6 2007, 12:23 AM
Yea, they are a good setup. Did you have the full camper setup inside?
Aug 6 2007, 12:24 AM
My dad has one of them steve, They are great, however im looking for a bit more room, for the longer stays, to setup a bit more of a home and so you can get out of the rain if its coming down, without walking on beds etc.
Aug 6 2007, 12:38 AM
I've got a big dome its called the tarshmahull. takes about 30 min. to set up its big sleeping quarters , can put 2 double size air matresses and its still got about 3feet inbetween them and 4 feet when you step in before matresses, then combined at front about the same size as sleep area to set up kitchen.
then the rear tent can fold out again and can cover half the car , mini garadge you can also go out through front or back of sleep area eg. to get to car without getting wet it all zips up to enclose every thing .
have had it in some wicket storms and is very good. but this is one for a bit of a stay. very comfy.
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 6 2007, 02:44 AM
Well didn't want to do the BRAGGING Thingamajiggy with you Chadd Chadd
But what the HECKLE
I built my own Esky fits inside my fish box can also pull it out & toss it in the back of the ute when going away camping from memory it's 1100 mm x 550 mm x 500 mm
Beaut thing about mine as I already said is that I made it & didn't use plasti or sterene as the insulation like those crappy bought eskies this time of year it'll hold ice for 3 days depending on heatload you put inside by heatload I mean put something warm inside opposed to something cool then you have a greater heatload being applied to the ice hence it will melt alot quicker.
Even our last trip down to Greenwell in big boat we still had ice on the 3rd day this time of year I load it up just with frozen pillies & the pillies are rock hard after being out all day so we only pull out a new block to thaw when required saves stuffing up all the blocks it's no good refreezing mushy pillies only good for burley after they've thawed once.
I used the foam sandwich system with 25 mm high density 2 pack form which is equivellant to approx 3 fold the insulation your esky has
Aug 6 2007, 04:28 AM
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 6 2007, 06:33 AM
Now all you need is a
GOAT to put it in
Aug 6 2007, 01:57 PM
Click to view attachmentClick to view attachment Hey Chad , heres some more shots of my old mobile Tent with UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS.
Aug 6 2007, 08:16 PM
thats sweet sumo,
I am getting a canvas canopy made up for my tray, in which my swag will live, getting a fly screen in one of the windows,
This will be good for short trips, however on longer stays its good to be a little more comfortable..
Found some oztrail single pole tents on ebay for under $300
Aug 12 2007, 08:35 PM
Got My esky today, Its MASSIVE and a really good quality esky... I can only find one mark on it that could possibly make it a factory second and its the top is slightly scuffed, like a somthing was stacked on it!
Extremly happy!!!
post pics of it all stickered up soon!
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 12 2007, 09:02 PM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Aug 7 2007, 02:06 PM)

getting a fly screen in one of the windows,
You know how to make a fly scream dont you Rum ?????????????????
Pull It's Bloody Wings Out
Aug 12 2007, 11:51 PM
good job jumpy....
super glue and a foot of cotton is funny too!!
Aug 16 2007, 03:16 AM

The new esky!!! It turns out its a WACEO ESKY without the badges!!! Now i just need some tints and fluffy dice!
Aug 16 2007, 03:17 AM
already added some fishing and B&S Stickers!
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