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Fishing oz style > Chat > Gilligan's Island
As most of you have proberly heard on the radio and read in the papers about the street racers,

i thought that id proberly be the best 1 on here to bring this up since and as much as i am ashamed to admit it, im an ex street racer and thank god i grew out of it in a hurry,

now every 1 is comming up with all these ideas on how to stop them, some are good ideas and some are just plane crazy,

firstly i reckon we need more inder cover police cars on our streets but lets make them a bit better then what the cops have got now, you can pick an unmakred car out a mile away, the typical commodore or falcon, stock standard with chaser rims, how original and then in our area a few years ago the cops had a few wrx's, great exept on the back window there was a sticker that said '000 racing' wow every 1 knew they where under cover,

people are talking about when the cops catch them they should crush up the cars and put them on there front lawn, hmm well i reckon they should take the cars off them , and the cops should either strip them and sell the parts off or re sell the cars and the money from the sale should go back into road safety,

also if you have a highly mod car i reckon you should pay more on rego and insurance, and you should have to attend the driver road safety program which where you have to do an 8 week course where each week you go into a classroom and you sit down and chat to the cops and ambulance officers and people who have been involved in car accidents and they show you highly graphic pics of what happens when you have a high speed accident,

alsoo if you are caught street racing i believe your name should appear in the newspaper, you lose your lic str8 away and say good bye to ur car and attend the safety program,

the cops know where the street racers go geez i can name a dozen places off the top of my head where they would be people racing there cars on a nightly basis,

it also comes to the parents of these children. whats going thru the moms and dads minds when they see there son or daughter pull up in the family driveay and there driving a highly mod car , do these parents really think that there son or daughter are the only law abbiding person who owns such a car and does not race them on the streets,

well fellow fishos thats my view whats yours
further to my previous post, as some of you may know , i do on avergae 300 kms a night in and out of sydney,

i see every night people racing off at the lights or on the motor ways,

like geez approx 3 or 4 weeks ago out on the great western highway towards blacktown i watch 2 white honda preludes go flying past and the really strange thing was they both had the same number plates, yep exact same rego plates, exact same rego plates front and back, take 1 guess what they where up 2 that night
It's all a beat-up, in fact the whole road toll is a beat-up and if the Govt didn't make money from it then they wouldn't even bother with traffic police.
How many do we bump off, 1000 a year? So what, at least half of them deserved it anyway.
Natures way of culling bad drivers.
Its the good/honest drivers they take with them that hurts!

Used to do a bit of it myself to hustler, can beat the old ae86! ha

I think the peneltys need to be harsher, take the cars off them..... simple as that!

I know it would suck, and it would mean alot more 'sleepers' but if you have a high performance car be part of a club
which attends track sessions, such as a gun license, you must be a club member or have somewhere to shoot with permission.
As Hustler57 mention he used to race. This highlighted information has come about recently because of the older sweethearts were kills. You all know who I am talking about the older couple that have been put to rest recently. I saw that on the news yesterday as I saw what happen to the cars that were racing a little while ago.

They are talking heavy fines, possible jail terms etc.

We are looking at it now because of that accident. We are still looking at this because of the further news reports and followups on the older couple.

Guys it is up to us. Tell the kids (your kids) how to behave towards your fellow beings.

I am not married and I have no kids it is my fathers words that I still hear and follow even after when he died.

I believe that penalties are NOT harsh enough, I know only so well when I was a teenager we did the same thing BUT it was out on Heathcote road or at Homebush abbatoirs, where there was NO Traffic and no other vehicles in the vicinity, I also know from experience how it hurts to lose loved ones, I have lost two brothers and a sister in car accidents, AND as CHRISTOS has stated It is up to us to teach our Kids, I was the OGRE on Friday Night when I stopped my 16yr old daughter from going to the pictures, the picture theatre is at Tamworth 45Ks each way, when I asked how and who with she said! with four other girls from school and 1 boy, now this boy has had a licence for 3 months and during that time new laws were introduced regarding P platers and Passengers, there is NO WAY they could have been back by curfew. this would have been a DELIBERATE BREACH of the new laws, and Im glad I stopped her. As it happened we had rain that evening and I never heard what happened or if they still went, But I still have my Daughter.
should be harsher laws , take car off them say 3 mounths ,inpound it make them pay inpoundment fee's. suspension of licence , make them reapply for licence and have on it speed offender ,
I they get caught a second time , they lose the car.
to deter them from driving a friends car or mum / dads that car would be lost too. so if people know there speedsters they wont let them drive for fear of losing second car.
the way you punish these people / kids take away there candy. and privleges.

If nothing is taken away they would keep doing it.
Jumpus GooDarus
It's not that often I read the newspapers in fact very rare but so happened I did buy the Telegraph today only cause I was stuck in hospital & I did just happen to read the article where the police commisionner suggested.

Crush Their Cars

Well I reckon it's a Ripper of an Idea but the idiots have to be their to watch their cars get crushed

You'll find the goons cause accidents but rarely ever get injured themselves years ago they used Pt Botany as their drag grounds till council put in the speed bumps which I might add are a pain in the arse when towing.
Brickies in the early .70s, it didn't get any better.
Jumpus GooDarus
Showing your age Fed laugh.gif laugh.gif
Dont remember the brickies but the old man does, in my day it was Carter Street and Auburn Maccas on sunday nights, I reckon the yanks have nailed this one, accrew x amount of points and you go probationary and have to attend drivers ed, offend again and you can lose your car and or license indefinately. The current affair beat-up I saw the other night made me sick, the clowns go to a legitimate drag circuit which has monthly street meets to help keep it off the street and "harass" so-called street racers, go figure. Yes many admitted to street racing but realistically what young bloke is gonna stand up in front of 100 of his peers and say "street racing sucks?" :huh:
Yes it happens but there seems to be major confusion as to what is "street racing" a "car enthusiast" or "legitimate racer".
My young bloke is 15 and I allready have a car, motor and all the gear ready to go or being bulit and guess whos doin the and him. When he gets his license he will know every nut bolt and escutceon that lives in the car and you know what I have a feeling that the hundreds of hours put into the car will outweigh the "quick thrill" of a heads up.
Funnily enough at 38 years old I still have the urge to show the young bucks how to drive, but I guess thats what makes us mature hey, the intelligence to say NO!
And if I saw the young bloke doing something stupid, Id kick hiss arse just like my old man did.

Take the cars off them....

Although I would have lost a few cars by now... and a bike :(

My Old VK Calais got me a few fines and so did the WB Ute, All for speeding offences, but never racing and always out on country roads. Not saying its less of an offence but If i lost my car I certainly would have learnt my lesson!!

I think that there is the availabitly of many off track events, Had a toy in a AE86 Sprinter (LOADS OF FUN But still prefer my V8's) and it was great fun, however costs like tyres and maintanance and track fee's and saftey are WAY more expensive than a speeding fine! Maybe if it was the other way around then they might go to the track..
Hey Squizzy ask your dad about the Shell refinery at Clyde, Heathcote Rd, Kurnell and Beefies at Tavener's Hill.
Sunday night was the 'big' night, Thursday nights were the sneaky nights. LOL!
Considering it was close to 35 years ago there was a lot of very quick cars around then.
QUOTE (Fed @ Aug 13 2007, 06:09 AM) *
Hey Squizzy ask your dad about the Shell refinery at Clyde, Heathcote Rd, Kurnell and Beefies at Tavener's Hill.
Sunday night was the 'big' night, Thursday nights were the sneaky nights. LOL!
Considering it was close to 35 years ago there was a lot of very quick cars around then.

Having worked at Cronulla for 10 yrs in the late 70's and 80's, I often went to Kurnell to 'check out' the guys in their hotted up cars, drag racing near the brick pits.
I can remember a few occasions where I had to pick up arms and other body parts. Not nice!!!. At the end of Sir Joseph Banks Drv, it hits the T intersection of Capt Cook Drv. Had a car go straight across and become airborne, landing in the pond on the other side. It was wheels up, and when we got it winched out, discovered someones young daughter and her boyfriend drowned. Yeah racing is fun, until there is a tragedy - then relos have to grieve for many many years afterwards.

I reckon that if the hoons have their cars crushed, after they have been involved in a serious accident, they should also be made to pick up body parts. Sumo knows the smell of dressing out a carcass. When you find a human being, with the intestines torn out and the body mangled, with the associated smell, you might think twice about street racing. I still drive too fast at times. I have undergone advanced driving and speed courses, and am more aware of my surroundings and other drivers, than I would have been 30 yrs back, but racing alongside someone else in a suburban location is just waiting for an accident to happen, in my opinion. I know, I am an old, fun police.
Jumpus GooDarus
I've never been a petrol head nor do I get a stiffy over hotted up cars they dont do a thing for me & never have

Think everyones done silly things behind the wheel of a car including yours truly tongue.gif

Back in 1990 Nissan released their new 300 ZX & I bought one prob my favorite of all the cars that I've ever owned never ever copped a speeding fine in it & in those days I did alot of driving prob the best cruise contol I've ever used never went over the settings as some do.

Anyways looking @ the owners manual one day it claimed the car could do the 290 klms per hour it said on the speedo

Well had to see 4 myself didn't I laugh.gif got it to 280 kph B4 I decided to back off smooth as but I wasn't racing anybody & no one on the road it was early hrs of the morning coming back from Canberra 3 lane highway.

These street racers are hoons saw one of them locked up @ a police station once & the abuse he was giving the coppers WELL if I were one of the cops I would've lost it & beat the crap out of the little Dickhead.
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Aug 13 2007, 02:50 PM) *
These street racers are hoons saw one of them locked up @ a police station once & the abuse he was giving the coppers WELL if I were one of the cops I would've lost it & beat the crap out of the little Dickhead.

hysterical.gif hysterical.gif There are more subtle, more painful ways to get at those types. I have had them crying and begging to be released and never once raised a hand to them - BUT I know how you feel ;)
Jumpus GooDarus
If you ask me it's all these anti discrimitive laws that are to blame everybody just pussyfoots around them

Cops these days are a perfect example I'm not a big bloke by any means but I reckon if I farted on some of these cops nowadays they'd roll over & die laugh.gif laugh.gif

When I was a teen no way you'd give lip to a cop & I'm not that old either not like Fed who's really showing his age now I probally wont recognise him haven't seen him for 20 odd years now laugh.gif

ps] I was in hospital some time back & saw a couple of cops there anyways I was walking their way when I started shaking my head this one cop didn't even look 15 years old, & when I got near him I couldn't help myself had to ask

You're A Bit Young To Be a Cop Aren't You ???

Well he gave me a dirty look & not till he opened his mouth did I realise that He was a She

She was a Bloody girl who looked like a 15 yo boy laugh.gif laugh.gif
When I first got my license I was living in good old Lismore, got sprung by Sgt Lewis one friday night doing burnouts and it was taken care of the old fashined way (a damn good flogging off the cops followed by a call to dad from the station). He came down and then and only then was I given the keys back. Now funnily enough Sgt Lewis was the same cop that tested me for my license at age 16 as I was to commence work and needed a license before age (which was legal in those days) as we lived in a remote location.
The family still keep in touch with Sgt Lewis (or C*** face Kneivel as he was known as he was originally a bike cop). Hes got my respect to this day and in retrospect may have saved many lives considering I lost 4 mates to mva's in my first year out of school.

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Aug 13 2007, 03:26 PM) *
I'm not a big bloke by any means but I reckon if I farted on some of these cops nowadays they'd roll over & die laugh.gif laugh.gif

I have heard that if you farted on ANYONE, they would roll over and die laugh.gif Maybe we should change your nick to 'The Spleen'
All the Govt have to do is legislate that no car can be capable of going over 80 Kms/Hr and cannot achieve that speed in under 15 seconds.

Save accidents, fuel and greenhouse gases etc., but are they serious?

We used to race in pretty much deserted areas and it was well organised.

Now I think the street racers have that hoon element, booze, drugs, car rebirthing, insurance jobs, loud music, burnouts and generally confronting the police and the public with it.

I don't remember ever seeing anyone get hurt but they were different times then.
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (kkw @ Aug 13 2007, 05:26 PM) *
I have heard that if you farted on ANYONE, they would roll over and die laugh.gif Maybe we should change your nick to 'The Spleen'

I keep telling ewe kk !

It was my Dog laugh.gif laugh.gif
QUOTE (Fed @ Aug 8 2007, 08:08 AM) *
Brickies in the early .70s, it didn't get any better.

Don't know what kind of 'bickies' you guys have got 'round that way,but to race at the

old brickies at 'Doony' (round'ere),ya'd need a bloody big Dune Buggy!! laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

yeh take their cars and givem too me ...hahaha why not ....stuffem
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