Hey Chadd,is that prawn on a 2hook gang?if so neva seen it done like that,i normally peel all my prawns,yes even to fish not eat,but if i don't peel it and want to use it whole i just put a single hook through the tail section like you've done,somtimes i even put a prawn on the hook head first,instead of the other way. :blink:
With the strip baits i'm not a big fan of gangs,unless go'n for tailor with pillies,so i'd use either a 2hook rigg(tied on a leader) or just a single hook with a 1/2hitch to keep it nice.
As for the pillies i normally use gangs,
but i have been known to feed a single hook through the eye then looping it through the bait a coupla times to leave a small hook burried in the guts,i know,i know it's not the right way to do things but it has paid off a few times when fish had been pinching pillies off gangs.I even hooked the biggest jew i've ever hooked fishing like this :huh: .
Now all we've got left is the gang with the whitebait,a great flathead bait.With them i used to just grab a few and just hook 1 on each hook,looks like a little school and the flatties cant resist.
And remember some fish take a pillie head first,others like Jumpus fish take it the other end first so rig your pillies to suit the fish ya chase'n.Another trick i used to use was to load the pillies mouth and guts with tuna oil soaked chook pellets,that was
after i'd soaked the whole trace in the juices that'd build up on the bait board,the whole time with my back to me mates on the boat.Geez the things ya do when ya fish in comps
