Well it's ready to get motor mounted thats the easy part all the hard work has been done now & boat will be going onto the new trailer tomorrow
Everything is wired in & working only thing left now is bolting on the motor & hydraulic steering.
Preferb to do the pin stiping & fix on new boat name out side as Dave would say
It's Dark In There
Side view with consol bolted in thats my fish box/seat did a mod to it cut out a hole & fitted drawers much better storage system have it on the big boat & it's so easy to find things.

A pic from the transom the radio sounder & new MP3 player are mounted in the new waterproof niche I welded in lid stays up via a spring lock pretty tight in there but the switch panel is also under cover in there, mic for the radio sits up inside the lid & there a clear acrylic facia as well as a secondry tinted one in case it rains everything stays dry.
You can also make out the stereo speakers underneath the souder sits in front of radio's but not shown in pic

Looks like a shamosall dust all over it but this is the transom built the pod back when I originally got the boat but the burley bucket is new + the rod rack you'll see a better pic of it down the track

Well tickle me pink Jumpus decided to clean the goat
On the L/H side fixed to the consol you'll notice vertically mounted a strip LED light also have one either side under the gunnels they are the way to go use bugger all power from the battery also fitted LED Nav lights.
New carpet which reminds me if anyone is ever looking @ buying new carpet let me know I paid around $43 per meter & this is one of the top of the line carpets have seen it in boating shops as high as $85 per meter.
Originally only had one underfloor fuel tank & used to carry one of those pastic yammy tanks which was a pain in the arse fishbox covers the fillers & in turn flips over on hinges to allow access to fillers.
Taken with a flash which dosen't make it look to crash hot the interior skin was painted in fleck & looks a hell of alot nicer than the pic shows & there you have one of my Rod Storage area's under the gunnel

Live bait tank was already there just put new cutting board on top of lid, fuel filter/water seperator seen under transon a must as far as I'm concerned & I'll be pissing of that stupid fuel line clip into the motor once motor is on, just like on my 4 strokes hose will clamp on to the motors internal fuel filter.
There's a better view of the rod holders saw them on I think Rex Yipperty Yapperta Show ages ago & thought what a great setup esp the way I fish using baitrunners & overheads they keep your rod tips down low esp handy is there's a bit of wind about angled in 5 different positions all you need to do is pick up the rod quick release.
Oh Yeah Dont forget to
Thank Rexy's Mother For The Rabbits