Have been busy bmoving house & my puter is playing up since packing it away,so i hav to use one at work,so once again NO PICS
So i'll just use enough words so ya feel like ya there
My mates been telling me about his Drummer captures,9 piggy's the other day,the best ones going 3kgs.I've gotta tell ya i loove everything about pigs the fight te feed the lot,top fish.
Anyway i had already organised a trip with Richard,a guy from work and when Mark told me it was too rough on the spinn'n ledge at Noth head so i decided to take Richard to a place my bro and i had been go'n to for Yonks,Grotto Point.It's a major hike to the point,but last time there i got a good Salmon and a stack of Trevally,which i was hoping to get onto again along with afew Pigs,maybe?
After speaking to a coupla other mates(1 who'd slaved heaps hard to help me move,thanx) we had our awsesome foursome for the trip which was happening on Sunday 22nd.Al,Dave and i were to meet Richard at the spit around 5-6am.
I've gotta mention our stop at Macca's at around 5;30am,cant remember store location buuut it was like some 3d world country,Crap eveywhere,food,rubbish,drinks u name it.Was funny to see a bloke gerny'ing out front with crap all round him.We went in dodging crap i mean even inside rubbish & food on tables ice cream on the floor.I made my order and when i got my food i seen behind the counter,Food & rubbish all over the joint.That's when i opened up.'mate,did youse have a food fight last night' 'Naah why' he says.'the shit everywhere' i said.He reply's with 'naah it's alright the cleaners will be herre in a minute'.I said 'so what ya just throw shit on the floor then,mate you can't work like that' 'why' he ask's? "because your working with food' i yelled,before leaving majorly disgusted.
Back to the fsh'n,we got to the spit to find the place deserted,so we headed to Gotto without Richard.We got down to the rock and started fish'n bout 6:30
On the way back iwas thinking i'm gonna get a reward for this,maybe a nice Big Pig,although the wheather just was'nt foul enough i thought.As we got near Grotto i seen the boys saying they had a fish.I ran to the bucket and found a Tailor and a Trevally,you beauty.I quickly rigged up and was on the point and hooked up solid to a rampaging Trevally in no time.No Drummer but it was a solid Trevor near a pb for me,i was stoked my Plan was falling into place.Next on the hookup was Minh,with another Treva.I had no sooner landed this fish for him then Rich was on,but it was only a small Tailor,the first of many.Then finaly Richard got a good hookup,he was using a float so i was hoping for another Trevor or maybe a Sambo.Could you imagine the surprize on my face when i brought a big Bream up to the surface on the leader :o .Not a huge fish but a good 28-30cm Black Bream on his way back up river,BTW Breams were also on the target list,having read they'll be making their way back up rivers.
intermission:go for break here.... OI Wake up
So now we had a good assortment of fish bleeding in a pool,i was happy with that.I could have easily left satisfied,but i had another Tevor to catch and Dave was saving the best for last.As i was changing rig's Dave yelled 'i'm on,i'm on'.The fish was giving him heaps of curry and i was starting to think Pig,when i seen a flash of silver out wide.When Dave got it in closer it looked like a good size Snapper,i waited for the swell to lift it on the ledge b4 the hook came out and left what looked to b a good Snapper laying on the ledge,waiting for the next swell to set him free,hell he just needed to give 1 just 1 slight kick and he would have been free.I got on the ledge and grabbed it( the whole time i had the guys watching my back).I was a bit stunned when i seen what he'd caught,having never seen one as big.Turned out to be a 35cm forklength Tarwhine Bream.This fish was awesome looking,had a head more like a Snapper (juvenile/no lump) and it even had that Pink tinge to it.
After that the next thing brought to the ledge was a Seagull.Same as jumpy's,just looped round the wing,i gently pulled him in b4 trying to grab it,man they can be accurate with that beak,lucky he did'nt get me,and yeah released unharmed.Oh yeah and i also fed a BigBlackCrow about 1/2 a pack of BurgeRings and a pillie.
So there ya go that's about it for our great fish'n trip evryone caught at least 2 fish