Didn't IU have to make you a pilchard sandwich last time oz cause your missus had you on a diet ???
I went back & had a look in my diary @ that one & got a few laughs
ive never caught a tuna and never had anything to do with them , but il take ur word for it,
Think I've mentioned already YFT are my pet fish there's something about them that still excites seen & caght my fair share over the years we've had them by the 100's in our burly trail & would pull the bait away if we didn't want to hook the one going for it.
But one fish really stands out in my mind we were on the Peak STEVE.P was having a sook packed his outfit up & was sitting with his arms crossed wanting to go in cause we'd caught nothing all day but that's the way it goes most of the time.
I always liked to fish @ least 1/2 hour into the night for the YFT & just on sunset saw this Humungas Gigantorous Thingamajiggy swim along side the boat it came from the bow & was heading down the cube trail mouth open like a giant vacum cleaner sucking up all the cubes I was tossing in.
Well I kept my mouth shut till I hooked it & STEVE thought I was pulling his leg till I turned the ratchet on for him to hear
It was a beautifull fish that one with those sickles running down to it's tail thought it was & did call it for a 100 kg + fish but only weighed in @ 96.5 kg
Till this day I think I get more of a buzz seeing come to the boat moreso than when they're hooked think it's got to do with the anticipation of the hookup, had quadrupal hookups with all fish over 80 kg that was a fun day we were using chair rods & only had one chair