What did I tell you oz
You guys have no idea how I come up with those tiles
Started off with oz in his other board givig me the title of *ShoutboxAdmon* prob because of the way I took the piss out on peeps, I basically owned the shoutbox oz even gave me my very own whistler which I used to sin bin members.
Anyway next thing you know oz wanted to give everyone a title so in steps [susej] my username on that site & I gave everyone atitle & there were some classics amoungst them.
2 of the mods in particular were my favourites one a Scottsman whom I named *NoUndies* & wykael think I called hom everything from *CrossDresser* to *DragQueen* mind you it was all in good fun & think everybody got a laugh except for one guy he got pee'd because I gave him the title of *PussPuss* mainly because he had cats in his signature.
Bugger thought I was insinuating that he was gay & started a thread complaining to which I had only one reply, told him if I thought he was gay I would've given him the title of *PussTee*
Having said that the peeps @ the site are cool dont think the Mods there ever have much to do let alone warn people etc & thats the way I want it here nothing wrong with having some fun with one another I only consider it over the line when people start swearing & directing it as personal abuse anything of that nature hear will be deleted think we're all grown up enough nit to do that sort of thing.
I actually started a thread telling peeps how their title names came about I had a good time doing it as well got many a laugh from it.
OK just had a looky & it's still there pinned in fact along with another payout thread which I started both in the Lets Talk Forum threads called
Dear Diary! & Member Titles for those interested & want to have a read here is the link to the site if I'm not mistaken think you may have to register view but not sure either way registering is as easy as it was here.
Plus for all you guys who have been asking about a chat room register & have a look @ the Shoutbox say hello ir whatever let me know what you think of the shoutbox.
http://www.matrix-mates.com/forums/index.php?act=idxAs far as your titles here go only a few have got them so far what happens is I wait for you to slip up B4 donning you with a title after a few more I'll start a thread giving reasons for your titles.