Went out wide today looking for the Runnus Fastest.
Off to a bad start running across the bay both motors died looked @ the water seperators & they told the story dropped the anchor else the wind would've blown us in container terminal.
I've said it b4 & I'll sat it again I run @ least 2 tanks in my boats & today was a perfect reason why fortunately the other tank was empty & fueled it up b4 going out.
After bleeding the fuel injectors & swapping to new fuel we were on our way turned the radio on when we passed some boats on the shelf & it looked promising fish were being hooked & landed not big the ones I heard were called in @ around 25 kg.
On the way out we did have baitfish breaking the surface when we went through them.
Anyways we were on our way to the southern canyons expecting to see other boats there such were the claims by those on the radio the ones who were getting the fish but not to be I think they were the boats back on the shelve cause the only other boat we saw was the charter boat Broadbill & I've had my marks for ages.
Which brings me to point out Dont trust GPS marks found on the net think thats where these guys got their's & a few I've tried from the net didn't marry the reef formation.
Well it was raining out there not to pleasant + the wind would come & go this make the drift near impossible to fish the canyons the way I like to not helped by very little current couldn't do the drift which has yielded me alot of success there over the years.
My ratchet crept over when I checked the bait it had been grabbed very good guess it was a striped tuna had them do this in the past, short time laterSTEVE got a run but ended up with a baitless hook & no hookup that one was more yellowfin than stripey.
Only fished about 1 1/2 B4 the Southerly started blowing so pulled in the baits conditions weren't bad but it was pissing down rain & STEVE didn't bring his rain gear & the rain looked like it was here to stay this time thought about stopping on the shelve & drifting there on the way in we'd beaten the rain there but thought bugger it wind was still getting up prob get out during the week & give it another shot.