Jul 1 2007, 08:25 AM
My dads got a rod that ive been meaning to ask about,
Its got on it John and Ken Bruce Custom rods, Taren Point and would be probably 20 years old,
Belonged to my pop before my dad got it.
Its probably in the 2-5kg Class?? as a very rough guess and has a beautiful action.
The binding is a yellow/black cross and very basic.
Just thought id ask if anyone knows the brand name?
Its my dads favourite rod and he wont even let me touch it let alone use it,
but ill keep trying to pinch it.
Dont know WHERE I got M&M from Or what i was smoking that night!?!?!?!?
Arnie Dog
Jul 1 2007, 01:10 PM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Jul 2 2007, 02:15 AM)

My dads got a rod that ive been meaning to ask about,
Its got on it M & M Custom rods, Taren Point and would be probably 20 years old,
Belonged to my pop before my dad got it.
Its probably in the 2-5kg Class?? as a very rough guess and has a beautiful action.
The binding is a yellow/black cross and very basic.
Just thought id ask if anyone knows the brand name?
Its my dads favourite rod and he wont even let me touch it let alone use it,
but ill keep trying to pinch it.
Sorry Rum doesn't ring a bell the only M&M's i know of taste great I just LOVE choclate
Arnie Dog
Jul 1 2007, 01:14 PM
Did you check out the Catana rod chad they are GR8 value for money and with a 4500 B/R it's a good combo
Jul 1 2007, 08:41 PM
Yes those m&m's are good speacially the yellow ones :clapping:
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 2 2007, 01:29 AM
Personally I prefer the
Smarties over the M & M'sSometimes I crunch them very slowly or munch them very fast
But whenever I have some Smarties I always save the
Red ones for last
Going back twenty 20 year you were limited to your choice of Blanks which you could choose from unlike these daysthere's new2 brands appearing left right & centre.
Bindings tell me nothing they could be pink for all it's worth colour of the blank however is a different story, so whats the Story ZMorning Glory you may ask ??
Back then there were 2 popular blanks & chances are it's one of them
If blank is a dark browny colour & a unsmooth finish then my call would be that it's a Len Butterworth blank.
If blank is a nice smoother finish & yellow in colour then I'd lean towards a Snyder.
If you really have to know then rip off the rear hyperlon chances are model numberis still there
Jul 22 2007, 03:14 AM
yea, start again...
i gotta get off the crack
Jul 22 2007, 03:58 PM
Ken Bruce was at Taren Point about 35 years ago and Butterworth rods & blanks were about all he used, I had a mate who bought one.
Having said that all or some of the above may be wrong as my memory could use a good defrag.
Jul 22 2007, 10:02 PM
Thanks Fed, that also matches Jumpys comment, about being dark and rough finish..
Is there anyway we could put a new reel seat and handles etc along with new guides, as it has a metal reel seat that is getting pretty rough.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 23 2007, 01:02 AM
Hey Fed !
I cant remember a tackle store @ Taren Pt but there was one @ Carringbah for many many years across the road from the Carringbah Inn is that the one you are refering to ?????
It was a easy guess Rumpy back in those days rod blanks were limited to a few unlike nowadays where technology has gone through the roof if you reckon your dads rod has got a good action then you should really have a look @ the new gear most of them are awesome
Jul 23 2007, 03:09 AM
He used to be on Taren Point Rd, a couple of clicks or so South of Capt Cook Bridge on the LHS.
Arnie Dog
Jul 23 2007, 03:14 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jul 23 2007, 06:52 PM)

Hey Fed !
I cant remember a tackle store @ Taren Pt but there was one @ Carringbah for many many years across the road from the Carringbah Inn is that the one you are refering to ?????
It was a easy guess Rumpy back in those days rod blanks were limited to a few unlike nowadays where technology has gone through the roof if you reckon your dads rod has got a good action then you should really have a look @ the new gear most of them are awesome
Ken Appel was the store at Caringbah guys
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 23 2007, 03:19 AM
You're 100% correct knew the shop I was thinking of was called Ken ???
It was Ken Appel
ont seem to recall the one Fed's refering to all maybe it was B4 my time I didn't start fishing till early 80's
Jul 23 2007, 03:25 AM
My first rod came from ken appels, it was a silstar graphite boat rod.. Still got it.... although the reel seat spins around and all the guides are buggered
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 23 2007, 01:15 PM
Depends how bad the guides are rod prob needs a rebind & it'd be wise to replace the reel seat as well
But if you want to do a temp repair on the reel seat drill 2 holes into it be careful not to drill into blank then line it up & inject araldite intto the holes
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