Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 15 2007, 02:15 PM
Here you go poly !
OK guys I know there's not a great deal of members here yet but what the heck dosen't take much to convince me to take a trip down to Greenwell even tow the little boat down for Day outings aiming trip for a couple if weeks down the track.
Any questions & who's interested just add a reply.
For those who dont know the area Greenwell is only 11 klms out of Nowra been going down that way for nearly 30 years now it's where I got converted into a fisherman starting of doing LBG.
Still a good time of year foranyone interested in LBG & they've had a very good year as far as Marlins go.
Greenwell itself great little estuary spills into the Shoalhaven I have a few friends who live there last week was told nice reds 2 - 4 kg were on the bite there's good gravel beds about a mile out to sea for those with bigger boats + a couple of nice little reefs in close where I've always done pretty good fushing for the Red ones.
Then we have The Banks about 8 miles out what can I say about this place to many fond memories & if it's firing not to many places better
Then we have JB Jervis Bay again worth the trip just so as you can tell peeps you actually fished the place
What I like about the area down there is ! You can always find a place to fish no matter how strong the wind is blowing & from which directed if it does come up & this time of year you'll find favourable weather
Apr 15 2007, 09:55 PM
poly's in
Apr 15 2007, 10:15 PM
Sorry JG, Bit far for a day trip, but let me know when your going to JERVIS BAY I'll come for a week.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 15 2007, 11:26 PM
Chad brought it up the other day said he had a few days off in a couple of weeks & had a trip planed to fush JB & poly mentioned to let him know when I was down there next.
So thought bugger it why not get peeps to meet up down there.
Shortly I'll be looking to buy a place down there
I've been sitting on my arse for years doing nuttin & finally decided to pull my finger out & yes I'm actually doing
W :o
K @ present prob take me a couple of months to complete then I'm back to being free to go fushing @ will again.
purpose of this thread was to see if anyone else was interested in coming down.
Apr 16 2007, 12:08 AM
headin down at the weekend for a fish, i will let u all know how i go posting mite even post a pix now the pix thing is fixed
Arnie Dog
Apr 16 2007, 01:23 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 16 2007, 05:16 PM)

Chad brought it up the other day said he had a few days off in a couple of weeks & had a trip planed to fush JB & poly mentioned to let him know when I was down there next.
So thought bugger it why not get peeps to meet up down there.
Shortly I'll be looking to buy a place down there
I've been sitting on my arse for years doing nuttin & finally decided to pull my finger out & yes I'm actually doing
W :o
K @ present prob take me a couple of months to complete then I'm back to being free to go fushing @ will again.
purpose of this thread was to see if anyone else was interested in coming down.
Arnie Dog
Apr 16 2007, 01:31 AM
Jumpus when ARE you coming down? I will try organising a BBQ for some of the old diehards it would be good to catch up with 2lbs, Jock, Dumpo and some others. Going out for a Jewie on Thursday arvo. post me an email and let me know what happened at the other end if you know what I mean. The Jews are starting to show up YIPPEEEEEEE !!!! B)
Apr 16 2007, 01:39 AM
Hi arnie
Ill see if JG goes down I might join him for the day
PS hows the house painting going
Arnie Dog
Apr 16 2007, 02:14 AM
QUOTE (STEVE.P @ Apr 16 2007, 07:29 PM)

Hi arnie
Ill see if JG goes down I might join him for the day
PS hows the house painting going
Haven't started yet no bucks hopefully I will get some work soon. I sent JG a message but I don,t know who gets what I will work it out eventually I hope. Hitting the sack now I'm old remember so old they call me FOSSIL
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 16 2007, 02:24 AM
Where you been Bobby ?
Good to see you made it was just about to give you a Ring Ring Ring
Hello Where's Mi BobbyMate I've started getting that empty space up here completed just issued new lease to one off the tennants prob be tied up here for a couple of months.
BUT someone did mention FISHING & I'm on my way
The Jews are starting to show up YIPPEEEEEEE !!!!
Well pull your finger out go catch one & post a report pretty sure they guys here would love to hear about it as well as a few tips on how you get them on those SP's
Oh yeah if the guys down there are on the net give them the link to this place love to have a chat with them some I haven't seen for years
ps] Have been praticing my Scottish for Jock
Gret Jumpin Heggis, We yu Shoo the Do gettin ay Drooft oop mi kilt
Apr 18 2007, 12:11 AM
Give me plenty of notce,see what happens.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 18 2007, 01:05 AM
QUOTE (fish @ Apr 18 2007, 06:01 PM)

Give me plenty of notce,see what happens.
My 2nd backyard down there
Anytime you're down this way
The guys arnie was refering to are the guys I used to fish with many moons ago back in my LBG days & between us think we could entertain many a peeps with stories.
Apr 20 2007, 03:47 PM
Sounds Great, give me some warning and ill be there!!
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 20 2007, 04:23 PM
Poly is down there this weekend catchi a the plastic bags
Expet a full report from him on Monday
Apr 22 2007, 12:15 AM
i will right it up tomorrow and post some pix of the place to meney peeps out at the weekend to do mutch good.
Apr 22 2007, 02:34 AM
Hi Poly,
Mate... looking forward to it.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 22 2007, 03:11 AM
QUOTE (fish @ Apr 22 2007, 08:24 PM)

Hi Poly,
Mate... looking forward to it.

Me too even !
Cant wait to see pics of plastic bags
Apr 23 2007, 03:16 AM
Yep Yep, ill be there fri/sat/sun in JB.. Having a go...
Going to look for a dropoff past lonenose and burley up, dnt have any actual spots i know of yet as untill now i used to just drift for flatones, so will be a new experiance.
Will take the GPS and take some way points and over 3 days we should be able to find a few fishus
Apr 23 2007, 11:33 AM
Red slimy stuff at Jervis Bay yesterday...
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 23 2007, 02:44 PM
That looks like that red algae you see floating outside in the currents 4get what it's called
Was there an article with the pic Fed ?
Curious if the rain has washed it into the bay from the creeks
Apr 23 2007, 05:58 PM
is it this weekend that you are all heading down ????
Apr 24 2007, 01:22 AM
Just a short paragraph Jumpy saying it's algae at Jervis Bay.
news.com.au but I think the article has gone now.
Apr 24 2007, 03:19 AM
why why why wheneva i organise a trip does it RAIN and now this??
whats the go with it!!!!
still ok to fish or what down there?
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 24 2007, 03:42 AM
It'll be gone by th time you get there.
Good guess is it's been blown in by a Onshore breeze & currents prob good news for th LBG guys
You often see that algae out in currents off shore thats where I'm assuming it came from
Bear in mind I didn't read the article that went with the pic
Apr 24 2007, 03:37 PM
he there im finally awake the masters killing me slowly jack hammering and lifting 20kg slabs of concrete in bloody plastic weel barras ill be f..... he bloody forgets were getting older we are not 20 anymore..
Apr 24 2007, 05:25 PM
i tell u something we have a hole bunch of young blokes in the crew at work and just me and one other older mate those young blokes can't keep up with us.
the boss had us trimming trees last week me and my old mate peter on the saws and 6 of the young ones feeding the chipper by 10 o'clock they were totally bugged hah to give them an extra brake it is sad to see realy
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 24 2007, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (CATCH22 @ Apr 25 2007, 09:27 AM)

he there im finally awake the masters killing me slowly jack hammering and lifting 20kg slabs of concrete in bloody plastic weel barras ill be f..... he bloody forgets were getting older we are not 20 anymore..
What are you on about ?
All you've been doing is hanging by the upstairs window watching the Chicky Babes walk by
I'm telling you guys every time a female walks by CATCH starts taking his clothes off but he's right he is getting old the Chicky babes run away when they see him naked
Apr 26 2007, 09:30 PM
J.G. is it still on or do u wont to wait till the work is done
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 26 2007, 11:24 PM
Chadd's down there now poly
I was going to head down as well but my muscles are sore as
Have a rest day tommorow may get down there on sunday
Apr 26 2007, 11:29 PM
im tyed up with work for the next 2 weeks the buggers have got me on call the money is realy good dut it stuffs up the weekend
Jumpus GooDarus
May 29 2007, 01:15 AM
I wouldn't call it a outing but I'm definately going down this weekend
Figured it's the only way I wont end up doing more work so Arnie those Jewgong better be there book them in under the name Jumpus Goodarus
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