Mar 7 2019, 01:17 AM
Been having a bit of trouble with my 30hp Merc on the back of the OLD Brooker tinnie. First up the throttle warm up lever wasn't working, fixed that, then the other day wanted to go fishing , tried to start it and NOTHING!!! turned key but nothing happened, choke working so tried jumper from large battery that should kick over a prime mover, still nothing, just a click from the starter solenoid , Had a fiddle for a while till I lost my cool with it then covered the thing over and forgot it for a couple of days. Went back to the boat and ran jumper straight from battery to starter and she turned over, then tried starting with key and she turned over very slowly, so charged the battery for a day and now I am ready to give it another try tomorrow.
Mar 7 2019, 07:11 PM
Battery fully charged and now turning over like a jet engine. Took a bit to initially get her going and with a couple of minor adjustments is reving pretty good, although it does have an occasional miss so will throw a new set of plugs in her and I think she will be right. I am running a Tohatsu 40hp coil on it so hope the plugs are the same, resister type, can't remember if the Tohatsu ran resister plugs and if or it makes any difference.
George ( Sumo ) What's your read on plugs I have a set of non resister type plugs here that Yamaha use, IF Tohatsu use non resister type and I'm running resister type can any damage be done ? all other numbers on plugs are the same just not resister.
oz man
Mar 8 2019, 02:12 PM
Something like that always happens when you try and plan.
Mar 9 2019, 01:29 PM
Sorry Frank I Just saw this Thread this morning , Personally I don't use Resister Plugs where possible The Resister plugs don't make any difference to the
engine Just the radio interference, as long as you have the correct size Plug you won't have a Problem, The slight Miss you have could be caused by a Resister plug.
Mar 9 2019, 02:18 PM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Mar 10 2019, 08:29 AM)

Sorry Frank I Just saw this Thread this morning , Personally I don't use Resister Plugs where possible The Resister plugs don't make any difference to the
engine Just the radio interference, as long as you have the correct size Plug you won't have a Problem, The slight Miss you have could be caused by a Resister plug.
Thanks George I thought that was the case but I wanted you to confirm it for me. I will throw them in and see if it makes a difference, if it still has the miss I would say it's probably the Tohatsu coil OR a high tension lead.
oz man
Mar 17 2019, 02:05 PM
well did it fix it, don't leave me in wondering
Mar 18 2019, 01:23 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Mar 18 2019, 09:05 AM)

well did it fix it, don't leave me in wondering
Well Don't know yet, it's been raining OR I have had other things to do since my last post and I haven't got around to fitting new plugs yet, might do it today.
Mar 18 2019, 01:33 PM
It's still raining Frank.
Mar 20 2019, 01:28 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Mar 19 2019, 08:33 AM)

It's still raining Frank.
Finally got around to starting the motor. Put new plugs in connected the water turned the key and away she went, no missing and farting around just a good solid roar of the motor, adjusted the idle once she warmed up and put it in gear and gave it some revs and she purred like a kitten. Test now will be actually putting it in water and do some fishing. Just need someone to come with me to do the hard part of launch and retrieve.
Mar 21 2019, 01:25 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Mar 21 2019, 07:28 AM)

Finally got around to starting the motor. Put new plugs in connected the water turned the key and away she went, no missing and farting around just a good solid roar of the motor, adjusted the idle once she warmed up and put it in gear and gave it some revs and she purred like a kitten. Test now will be actually putting it in water and do some fishing. Just need someone to come with me to do the hard part of launch and retrieve.
Sounds like you have the Motor under control now Frank, My boat has been in the shed for over 2 years because I have No One to help me Launch and Retrieve.
Mar 22 2019, 04:50 PM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Mar 22 2019, 08:25 AM)

Sounds like you have the Motor under control now Frank, My boat has been in the shed for over 2 years because I have No One to help me Launch and Retrieve.
George. I thought you had a few boats now, do you get to use any of them ?.
Mar 23 2019, 02:26 PM
Frank I just sold One and the other two are just sitting around
Mar 23 2019, 04:46 PM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Mar 24 2019, 09:26 AM)

Frank I just sold One and the other two are just sitting around
Bit like me I have 12' punt sitting down the back shed, hasn't seen water for about 7 years and I have 17' half cab sitting on front lawn that hasn't seen water for about 5 years. I have to start selling a few unused items.
Mar 24 2019, 01:25 PM
Yeah That's a great Idea, I could have Australia's Biggest Garage Sale, BUT as with Launching the Boat I'd have No one to Help me.
oz man
Mar 28 2019, 03:58 PM
It seems like everyone is getting up in age and maybe need to downsize.
Mar 29 2019, 01:46 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Mar 29 2019, 10:58 AM)

It seems like everyone is getting up in age and maybe need to downsize.
Downsize!!! I have already gone from a 26'er to a 23'er down to a 17'er to 16'er then 15 'er and several sizes in between and now 14 'er don't want to downsize any more than that.
Mar 29 2019, 02:04 PM
I started with a 7 Metre, Then went to a 4.5 mtr which I still have I had 2of 3.8mtrs I have a 3 mtr punt, and recently
had a 4 mtr V nose punt if I go and downsize now I will look like this pic
Click to view attachment
oz man
Mar 30 2019, 01:56 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Mar 30 2019, 08:46 AM)

Downsize!!! I have already gone from a 26'er to a 23'er down to a 17'er to 16'er then 15 'er and several sizes in between and now 14 'er don't want to downsize any more than that.
I wasn't meaning that way but the amount of boats etc.
Mar 31 2019, 02:05 PM
George I'm down to Just 2 Now But the 3 mtr Punt might be Going soon to my Son
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