Aug 24 2018, 05:53 PM
We haven't had a post for well over a month now and there are really only about five of us who look and contribute spasmodically. Has Fishing Oz Style hit the iceberg and going down? Has the captain abandoned ship with most of the crew?

Sadly, is it worth Ozman's time and money to keep it open? This isn't the only site suffering from the "Aussie lack of involvement" and the FB version appears to me, to only have marginally more members who contribute. We have too much social/games/online activities which has killed the ability to interact physically with others of like mind and most will not, or don't care enough, to make an effort to get together. I remember the get togethers at the St George MB Club and we had 20-30 members, who we mostly met through FOZS, and we had a great time in my opinion. Last one we (the few) tried to organise, saw only Frank and me attend. Shame, but there it is. I would like to catch up with old mates and those who I had disagreements with in the past, and just socialise a bit. Anyway, my "rant" is over.
Aug 25 2018, 03:20 PM
KKW. I agree with what you say and also would like more activity on here and a few get togethers now and again.
I have gone to the dark side of fishing forums and joined and am a active member of Fishraider. I said I would never
post there but now after a couple of years have come to be quiet fond of the site and have fished with a few members and had socials.
We had a meeting at River road where 45 members showed up and we had a great day. Some really knowlegable blokes there and we all get along.
My site FANGNSW has pretty well gone the same way as this site, but the last week 3 members have made contribution in the one subject.
My pommy mate is coming over from England again next February and staying for 3 months. I am planning a few trips away for him.
Next year will be my last year of boating and fishing as I am selling all my gear and retiring, might just keep one plastics outfit to fish from the shore
once or twice a year.
Aug 25 2018, 06:42 PM
AND.... a blackfish outfit, now that you are getting older
Aug 26 2018, 02:05 PM
Hi fella's It's a Shame That I live so far away as I love to have a day fishing with Mates, I have even Bought another Boat which I recently Towed
To Longreach and Back Looking for some water, I haven't had it in the drink since I bought it But I am hoping to find a mate and get it in for some COD fishing
before the week is out and COD season is over for another 3 Months, I hope to see you under the Manilla Bridge Catching Flathead.
oz man
Aug 27 2018, 01:29 PM
While I,m alive the site will stay open , but yes we need some new blood to lead as I did this site for Jumpy as a favour many year back.
With the hope it would be a grand one with sponsors etc . Well I know his health and same with me has taken up a lot of time .
Like last year to me was basically a wipe out with 7 plus months in and out of hospital , the last being a 5 month as they finally found out what was causing my septicemia Now its long round for me to recover.
As it really stuffed up my nervous system and my left leg where they found an abese full of staph infection the size of a deflated football.
Anyhow that me and I,m back and ready to do some advertising of the site.
Aug 27 2018, 02:53 PM
Good to Hear from you George, I hope your body can come good now after all the trouble that you encountered, we have all had our up's
and downs because we are getting older, But you will bounce back and get on top of things again,
Wishing you Well in the Near Future.
Aug 28 2018, 07:25 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Aug 28 2018, 07:29 AM)

While I,m alive the site will stay open , but yes we need some new blood to lead as I did this site for Jumpy as a favour many year back.
With the hope it would be a grand one with sponsors etc . Well I know his health and same with me has taken up a lot of time .
Like last year to me was basically a wipe out with 7 plus months in and out of hospital , the last being a 5 month as they finally found out what was causing my septicemia Now its long round for me to recover.
As it really stuffed up my nervous system and my left leg where they found an abese full of staph infection the size of a deflated football.
Anyhow that me and I,m back and ready to do some advertising of the site.
George. Sorry to hear you haven't been travelling well health wise, hope you are on the mend.
Good to see at least a couple of members still look in here from time to time, I look at least twice every day.
Aug 30 2018, 08:23 PM
In an attempt to help a bloke I gave him the link to the website here and this is what happened.
Re: Jumpy's Website
Quote Originally Posted by Fed
Go & have a look at the boat / trailer builds at the top of the boating section.
http://www.fishingozstyle.com.au/for...ex.php?act=idxJumpy (Angelo) is a straight shooter & won't lead you astray.
The website is a bit dead but ask questions I'm sure he would help you.
Hey Fed the pics are for members only to see i tried to register its saying the captcha for the security code is down so no one can register
Is something broken Oz?
Glad your feeling better mate.
oz man
Sep 3 2018, 01:24 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Aug 31 2018, 02:23 PM)

In an attempt to help a bloke I gave him the link to the website here and this is what happened.
Is something broken Oz?
Glad your feeling better mate.
no nothing is broken
and thanks for the support the neurologist says it will take up to 6 years if at all it maybe something I have to live with.
Did you see this buried in the copy & paste quote, it's the response from the guy who tried to register.
Hey Fed the pics are for members only to see i tried to register its saying the captcha for the security code is down so no one can register
oz man
Sep 3 2018, 11:23 PM
nothing wrong this end that I can see , when did he try to register
found it there was an upgrade so have disable it and put a separate coding in.
If they have trouble just get them to email me ozman@fishingozstyle.com.au and I will do a manual override.
items needed are
user name
password temp that they can change when listed
email address
Thanks Oz I let him know.
Young bloke wanting to build an alloy trailer & I'm trying to steer him in the right direction.
It's a real shame a lot of the build thread pictures disappeared, even after all this time I still refer back to the ones that are left.
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