Jun 11 2018, 11:38 PM
Had a mate come up from Leeton to stay with me for a few days. took him down to Cremorne pier to have a go for some John Dory or Luderick on Friday,
best we could do was a leatherjacket too wet Saturday, went down to Pyrmont on Sunday and ended up with 8 nice Luderick which I filleted and now in freezer.
Yesterday went to Botany Bay in my old Bass boat ( borrowed for new owner ) and got blown off the water with 1 metre chop and 18 knott winds,
so had a quiet time Yesty arvo. He went home this morning and now it's nice a peaceful ( weather wise ) with calm seas and no wind.
Jun 12 2018, 02:37 PM
At Least you had ago even with the inclement weather you caught fish, I wish I was visiting for a few days, You know all the good spots,
well done Frank
Jun 12 2018, 05:09 PM
Eden is producing good numbers of luderick in the river at the moment also tailor off the beaches hope to head back down in the next week or two
Jun 13 2018, 08:27 PM
photos Poly, when you land those big choppers.
Jun 15 2018, 04:33 PM
they are predicting snow for the next few days so it might be a while till we get back down the coast.
Jun 15 2018, 05:44 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Jun 16 2018, 10:33 AM)

they are predicting snow for the next few days so it might be a while till we get back down the coast.

Only a tiny annoyance, Poly. Get out there.
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