Jun 24 2017, 08:35 PM
I got myself another old boat and when I say old I mean old. its a Brooker 14' aluminium that I can turn into a decent bass boat with a little work.
At the moment it looks like a piece of old crap but that's what I wanted so I can work my skills around it to turn it into something worth having.
I will need to make another trailer as the one it's sitting on at the moment is just an old pipe trailer although it does have A C T registration, I will
try and swap it over to NSW rego and use the plate and numbers for the new trailer I make (probably alloy ).
I will pick the boat up on Tuesday, it's in ACT so I hope the bearings will get me back to Sydney, I will take a tub of grease down and check them.
I will be making a few updates as I progress with photos, so I hope the site remains open till I finish the project. Not going to rush into anything
and just do upgrades as I get the money for parts etc.
Stay tuned.
Jun 25 2017, 12:37 AM
I'm tuned. Do you want to remove the fibreglass deck on my Quintrex, fabricate alloy gunwhales with rod holders and put in a casting deck? Just asking

Jumpus would do it, but he doesn't want to. Just kidding, a bit, Frank. Good luck with your project.
oz man
Jun 26 2017, 05:35 PM
m8 this site is not about to close.
Jun 26 2017, 08:40 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Jun 27 2017, 11:35 AM)

m8 this site is not about to close.
Good pleased to hear it. We just have to try and get some people interested again.
Jun 28 2017, 03:40 PM
How did you go Frank?
Jun 28 2017, 03:50 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jun 29 2017, 09:40 AM)

How did you go Frank?
I picked the boat up on Tuesday, towed it home at 100kph with a stop and wheel bearing check every 1/2 hour and it towed like a dream, wheels stayed nice and cool
there was no wobbles no sway and no rattles or bangs. it's a bloody old ugly looking trailer but jeeze it tows well. Far too heavy and ugly for what I want so will be starting
on a new trailer in the near future.
I want to buy a sand/soda blaster and strip the hull back to bare alloy and give it a bit of a tidy up, floors etc and then I might even take it fishing.
Jun 29 2017, 12:58 AM
Frank when you stated that you had bought an OLD boat, I thought it must have been a timber clinker like my dad had when we were kids.
Jun 29 2017, 03:20 PM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Jun 29 2017, 06:58 PM)

Frank when you stated that you had bought an OLD boat, I thought it must have been a timber clinker like my dad had when we were kids.
No not quiet that old although I did have one of those, it was an old beach work boat , lifesavers, you know the type they use in the beach regattas.
I laid 3 cotes of fibreglass inside and out put a army Johnson 40hp on it and used it for about 12 months before selling it to a mate I had at the time.
extremely heavy boat but sat well in the water.
Jun 29 2017, 11:50 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Jun 30 2017, 09:20 AM)

used it for about 12 months before selling it to a mate I had at the time.
Does that mean he gave you the flick as a mate, after you sold him the boat?

don't you go stressing that old body you live inside, Frank. I'm sure you will di it at your leisure.
Hey Sumo, you never answered that last pm I sent you, months ago.
Jun 30 2017, 02:32 PM
I've Been away a couple of times, if I didn't answer did you check to see if I was still alive.
Jul 9 2017, 09:11 PM
Definitely interested in this thread. Keen to see some photos mate. I would love to do something like that but i dont think i'd have the skills to do it. Maybe one day!
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 14 2017, 12:58 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Jun 29 2017, 09:50 AM)

I want to buy a sand/soda blaster and strip the hull back to bare alloy and give it a bit of a tidy up, floors etc and then I might even take it fishing.
Soda blasting is a NO NO on alloy
Dont waste your time $$ buying a sand blasting gun you dont a compessor good enough , you'll be there 4ever
prob cost close 2 a $ 1 k to get goat bead blasted
Ewe could ask the CRIM 2 give ewe wun of his k's
Jul 15 2017, 01:39 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jul 14 2017, 06:58 PM)

Soda blasting is a NO NO on alloy
Dont waste your time $$ buying a sand blasting gun you dont a compessor good enough , you'll be there 4ever
prob cost close 2 a $ 1 k to get goat bead blasted
Ewe could ask the CRIM 2 give ewe wun of his k's

Well thanks for the encouragement, no way I could afford to have it done, maybe I could hire a decent compressor for a day or so. the blaster I have
in mind is $299 and it would be handy to have from time to time on other jobs. My old comp will handle small jobs.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 16 2017, 09:31 PM
4get it frank not even a 3 phase 4hp compressor is good enough you'll be there 4 a week
Unless ewe want to hire one of those mobile desiel compressors with a 40mm line u r wasting your time
Jul 17 2017, 12:31 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jul 17 2017, 03:31 PM)

4get it frank not even a 3 phase 4hp compressor is good enough you'll be there 4 a week
Unless ewe want to hire one of those mobile desiel compressors with a 40mm line u r wasting your time
Jumpy. I would normally take your advise on most things but I have to give this a try, If I fail I fail but I need the thing to be taken back to bare metal
and I ain't got that long left to start rubbing it back with sand paper and I sure as hell can't afford to pay someone to do the job.
Jul 19 2017, 03:16 PM
After thinking on this quiet a bit I have decided to go with good old paint stripper, for a few reasons, you can buy a
hell of a lot of stripper for the cost of the sand blower, let alone all the added extras like hiring compressors and buying the media for the blaster.
Plus I can do the job bit by bit without too much preparation and clean up later, although stripper is pretty messy I can restrict the mess to one area.
I will go to Bunnings and buy 4 ltres paint stripper $59 for a start a couple of cheap brushes I have scrapers etc and drop sheets/plastic to catch the waste etc.
With the money I save I will be able to buy the etch primer and paint to do the job, haven't decided on colour yet, might go with Maroon and Black.
Then I need to buy alloy to make trailer frame, I have enough to do Xmembers and such.
Going to be a big project.
Jul 20 2017, 02:09 PM
Good thinking Frank, Make sure you give us some Progress Reports including Pics.
How is the project coming along Frank?
Aug 3 2017, 04:33 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Aug 4 2017, 08:22 AM)

How is the project coming along Frank?
I haven't done much so far, been busy making mouse breeding racks, and last week I was bitten by a neighbours cat and it tore a tendon in my hand,
so I haven't been able to do anything for a while.
I have managed to strip about half of one side of the paint off the upper portion of the boat so far and can tell the alloy under the paint is in real good condition.
A mate bought around some scrap 50 x 50 rhs alloy yesterday so that will be part of the new trailer, just have to clean it up a bit and should be able to use it.
I found out the other day that a box trailer 6x4 that I bought about 6 years ago is actually registered as a boat trailer, so when I make my new trailer I can use
the rego from that to put on the new trailer, just won't have a registered box trailer any more.
QUOTE (nimrod @ Aug 4 2017, 10:33 AM)

been busy making mouse breeding racks, .
Just got a picture in my mind...... Frank and Jingles.
Sep 4 2017, 06:41 PM
Progress has been a bit slow to say the least. Not spending much time at all on this project, maybe a couple of hours a week at the best.
My aim at the moment is to have the boat up and running by Cod opening, 1st December.
all I have done so far is stripped about half of one side of the upper hull back to bare alloy.
I have made my centre rollers from stock alloy I melted and cast myself, big job, it would be much easier just to go and buy the rollers
but I like making everything possible myself.
Will try and show some photos a bit later.
Sep 5 2017, 01:33 PM
Keep up the good work Frank , We all get slower as we get Older, Don't over do it
Go Frank. Casting your own rollers!! I bought a couple of alloy rollers from Whitworths a few years back but haven't seen any in shops since then. They certainly help to slide the Quintrex into the water - at least they did the last time it actually went into the water.
oz man
Sep 9 2017, 04:41 PM
What about some photos.
Sep 16 2017, 05:52 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Sep 10 2017, 10:41 AM)

What about some photos.
this is what the rollers look like, should last my lifetime out. Alloy roller and bracket Stainless Steel pin, s/s split pins.
Sep 17 2017, 03:27 AM
Very nice, Frank. They will last many years I'm sure.
oz man
Sep 17 2017, 02:03 PM
nice job on the rollers
Oct 21 2017, 12:17 PM
Well finally got the boat off the road and into one of the back sheds and off the trailer onto the floor.
Now I have this very ugly very heavy trailer I have to do something with, Val doesn't want it on the
back lawn and doesn't want it on the front lawn, so guess there is only one place for it and that's back on the road.
Now that the boat is in the back yard I will feel more like doing something with it. Maybe!!.
Oct 21 2017, 12:42 PM
Just Take it one day at a time Frank It will all come together eventually
oz man
Oct 24 2017, 12:43 AM
So true there Sumo
Nov 5 2017, 08:30 PM
I have the upper portion of the outside hull stripped back to bare alloy, it looks that good I might keep it unpainted.
Have removed the windscreen and drilled out all the old pop rivets and nuts and bolts that were holding various things on.
Have made the frame for the floor and will buy the Marine ply for it tomorrow, will put old 70 ltr esky into the floor for keeper tank.
Good work Frank. Keep plugging away at it. I just got back from 3 weeks at Tuncurry. Caught heaps of flathead on lures and had a few tow the kayak around the flats. Had one old girl on and played to the side of the kayak in 1m of water, but she was too big for the net. Reckon she hit the metre mark plus!!. I released several that were over 70cm. Lots of fish up there this year. Also caught nice bream on S.P. Good fun.
Nov 6 2017, 01:17 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Nov 7 2017, 07:54 AM)

Good work Frank. Keep plugging away at it. I just got back from 3 weeks at Tuncurry. Caught heaps of flathead on lures and had a few tow the kayak around the flats. Had one old girl on and played to the side of the kayak in 1m of water, but she was too big for the net. Reckon she hit the metre mark plus!!. I released several that were over 70cm. Lots of fish up there this year. Also caught nice bream on S.P. Good fun.
Wow that sounds really good, good job on releasing the big girl. You should write a report and start another post.
Nov 9 2017, 01:12 AM
Got the floor all cut out and 2 coats of sealer on the ply, carpet coming tomorrow or Monday, decided on a dark charcoal colour
on the carpet and will paint inside of boat a steel grey colour mixed the paint today. Stripped all the old wiring out pulled the nav
and anchor lights off all old switches bilge pump, starting from scratch with all the toys. Got a few adjustable rod holders laying
around and a small downrigger, will fit the lowrance elite 5X sounder.
Will prep inside of boat ready for paint tomorrow and should have it painted by Monday ready for the floor and carpet.
Nov 9 2017, 12:56 PM
Sounds like you will be all finished and on the water for Cod opening, Well done Frank
Nov 13 2017, 02:53 AM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Nov 10 2017, 07:56 AM)

Sounds like you will be all finished and on the water for Cod opening, Well done Frank
It's bloody hard work when you do 5 minutes work and have to have 10 minutes to recover and get your breath back, getting too bloody
old for doing this sort of stuff. I have the interior painted, waiting on glue for carpet, should get here tomorrow or Wednesday.
Then I have to try and get the motor on the back and hooked up etc. Then I gotta start thinking about a trailer to sit it on, it's sitting
on the floor at the moment and that ain't gonna get it to Burrinjuck.
One bit of good news is we couldn't get a cabin for 1st December so had to settle for 4th 5th and 6th Dec so I have a couple of extra
days to get things happening. It's going to be tight but I'm still in with a chance.
Nov 13 2017, 12:41 PM
I was working on my motorhome last week and I was on my knees and constantly having to get up then it takes 10 mins to recover and I had the same
thoughts as you I'm getting too old for this stuff, even a bit at the time can seem too much at times. Frank I don't know what glue you are using
But I used sikaflex Contact cement, I got it from Bunnings.
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