Well, the best days of Fishing Oz Style are behind us. I often wonder what the 'early' members are now doing. We had a good number who contributed with reports and other things, Christmas get togethers, days out together on the water, lots of chatting, gee-ups and just plain fun. Also a few tense times, which hopefully are forgiven and forgotten. We had a good, social group of like minded blokes who became friends and "family" in a lot of cases. It takes a bit of effort and enthusiasm to keep relationships (and this forum) going and sadly, there are now just a half dozen of us left and even less who contribute anything. We have lost contact with each other, as the forum and get togethers arranged through the forum, were really the only way most of us got to reconnect.
I wish you all a very Happy and safe Christmas and a satisfying 2017. Longing for the 'old days'.