1st thing ewe need tu du is burn that glass HUFFA thing ewe float around in & get yourself a FULL BOAT, cant ketch blues in HUFFA boat
Next ewe to spend a FULL day on the water, no more of these HUFFA days
Oh yeah lose your KUNG FU PANDA costume

Well peeps looked @ weather yesterday & today was looking GooDarus so i hooked up the goat & went for anutta wun of my solo trips thought a marlins would be nice but was morso geared up for a dolly fush
Glorious day on the water lucky for auto pilot cause i was having nanny naps was having wun around 2ish when all hell broke loose.
Now said i was out to chash dollys did pack 3 game stics they were 24kg outfits but the wuns i use when walking slimmys not my trolling outfits they had 50A's on them not the LRS's i use on the bent buts @ wun stage i was ruing my choice of outfits.
I've been fushing for many many many moons no stranger to the gamefishing scene not to much i haven't done nor caught BUT TODAY i saw the bottom of the spool for the 1st time ever reckon maybe 30 meters of the braid backing.
I top shot outfits with around 300 meters of mono that 300 meters diappeared just as i pulled 1st outfit in concerned left udder outfit out turned the boat to chase fish wise move me tinks on 4 occasions i was down to 100 meters on the spool but managed to get line back cause fish was playing nice on surface.
It's last run was a killer it went deep & i was out in 800 meters of water that was the run i saw bottom of spool, i knew i had a awesom fish on the udder end cause i saw it jumpus early in the fight really do believe not to many fisho's would've landed this fish dont think they would've had what it took, i called on all my years of expirence & something i'm very good @
I'm as calm as they get & never panic i didn't up the drag as many would i backed it off to allow for water pressure & drag increase due to diminishing spool dia.
I dont fish club scene so dont have to abide by rules fight was a bit over 2hr ordeal & that last run well put it this way i couldn't lift the fish on rod strokes so i put rod in rod holder used the motor & current to elevate fish to the surface all with only 30 meters of line left on the spool.
In the end all to no avail cause the fish came up dead as a door nail i was not happy about that @ all a magnificent specimen of a BLUE MARLIN my estimation on the weight was over the 180 kg mark
Did have it along side of boat & overall length was 3300 mm
Did take camera out today to much going on for me to worry about pics no different to all the BLUE's i've encounted over the years they jump @ start of fight then you dont see them till they're boatside i did take pics with camera but been years since i last used it & have lost lead till i replace lead