I think Dave ( Bullrout22 ) has put a curse on me, he put up some photos of me having engine problems with another motor
set up on F A N G NSW.
Before heading down to Burrinjuck I thought it best to start the motor on the boat to make sure everything was OK.
Got fresh fuel and charged all 3 battery's made sure sounders working Ok , connected the water via muffs as I always
do to flush motor, started it first kick just about, it roared into life, very good, what's this no water coming out of tell tale ?,
give the flusher a squeeze to make sure water is getting in, still nothing, Bloody wasps I thought, so got wire and poked up
the tell tale, clear, took off the tell tale pipe and blew though it, clear as a bell.
Started motor again with more water pressure then less pressure and still no water..
Looks like a new impella needed which means this boat isn't going anywhere till it's fixed.
Good news is that Marty's boat ( fishing mate in Canberra ) is all ready to go so I will pick him up on my way through
( just a bit of a detour ) and we will take his boat for the trip.
Bloody dave and his photos