Aug 28 2015, 03:28 PM
Asked on another forum for peoples opinions and experience on electric downriggers, particularly the Scotty vs Cannon....
My post was deleted and I got a message from site admin telling me I have broken the rules!
Have a go at the responses below?? Why have a fourm if people cant discuss?
Noticed that you have been posting a lot of queries regarding brands and products.
Please make sure that you are within our site rules - no plugging/posting non-sponsor products without admin approval.
how can you find out information about a product if you cant ask!
Are you completely restricting questions even if none of your sponsors offer that product? I can understand if its a competing product but this is ridiculous?
All info posted on fishraider is available on the internet. We prefer not to advertise people's businesses or products unless a sponsor.
Plenty gets through but we have businesses that join us and run business through here by plugging product etc. The way you do research these days is by using google etc or the search engine in fishraider. Most google searches will bring you back to fishraider anyway.
You will see most members who ask for specifics will ask you to pm details, for example "I am going to QLD who is a good charter company" and they will add "pm me please"
It is not hard to abide by the rules here really.
Aug 28 2015, 03:34 PM
Kind of destroys the purpose of a forum if you cant ask what brand of downrigger do people recommend.. there was no reference to any shops or competitors to your sponsors, just asking peoples experience on different brands, which I could have then gone and purchased from one of your sponsors if any did sell them...
Instead I think Ill go and look elsewhere.
This site has lost a lot of my respect, going to go down the same path as sportsfish did years ago..
The responders bypassed filters to add the downrigger shop.
We do not advertise that shop - simple as that. Just ask for a recommendation on personal message its simple really. Most other members can run with the rule with no issues. We look after the sponsors because they keep the site open. We also do not make people buy from them, it is your choice.
I respect your opinion and sad that you feel our forum is not suitable for you. It is just a set of rules and easy to follow.
Aug 28 2015, 03:35 PM
So my post was deleted because another person mentioned the downrigger shop? I didn't ask where to buy the product, I asked for a comparasin on the 2 products.
shouldn't you be discussing this with that person?
Tell me, do you have a Sponsor who can help with my query?
The idea that searching for info on google is stupid, google is full of miss information and that's why people come to forums to ask questions from other people with experience.
Aug 28 2015, 03:51 PM
We need to get more people to this site where you can at least speak your own mind!
Aug 28 2015, 04:48 PM
So are you banned yet?
Aug 28 2015, 04:54 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Aug 29 2015, 10:48 AM)

So are you banned yet?
Nah must be husband and wife who own the site and the wife is the one messaging me in the messages, cant post until its reviewed by a moderator now..
recons she has also spoken to the others involved in the post, but still my post was deleted cause I asked and another person responded with a shop that I should goto instead of just removing that persons post... remind you of somewhere else?
oz man
Aug 28 2015, 06:29 PM
lol they are in that forum for the money it seems and don't want to upset sponsors. I would love sponsors here but they would not rule the way others use it .
Aug 28 2015, 06:37 PM
Can fully understand trying to promote the sponsors, but the product I was talking about was covered by no sponsors and is a product many different places sell? It was just too much..
Aug 28 2015, 08:00 PM
Bad Spud. I got a lifetime ban off Donna, because I insisted that her husband should use a spell checker (Poly is the exception - no need for a spell checker for him).
Aug 28 2015, 09:30 PM
Is poly on fishraider??
Im banned now, she didn't like me telling her how wrong she was! her simple fix was to ban me!
fancy telling someone that they should use google to look for info and not ask on a forum..
Aug 29 2015, 12:05 AM
I don't think Poly is on FR, but he is a wonderful spella and a wonderful fella. I'm banned under kkw, but snuck back on as someone else (learnt that off JG) and very rarely post anything. I was threatened with a ban because I complained that she pulled a mates photo with 10 niggers in it and she said there were 11. Bag limit is 10 per person and there were two of them. She is a fat bat and her husband is a 'yes dear' man. I am on Sydney Angler and KFDU as well as ozstyle
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 29 2015, 01:33 AM
QUOTE (kkw @ Aug 29 2015, 02:00 PM)

Bad Spud. I got a lifetime ban off Donna, because I insisted that her husband should use a spell checker (Poly is the exception - no need for a spell checker for him).
Lucky ewe didn't tell her her husband had a small dick
She would have Bonked ewe instead of Ban'n ewe
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 29 2015, 01:36 AM
QUOTE (Spudly @ Aug 29 2015, 03:30 PM)

Is poly on fishraider??
Im banned now, she didn't like me telling her how wrong she was! her simple fix was to ban me!
fancy telling someone that they should use google to look for info and not ask on a forum..
Yep the web is full of idiots googlers hu have not a clue but think they know it all
Tis why not to many people like jumpus on forums
He tells it as it is not what people want to hear
oz man
Aug 29 2015, 01:38 PM
That sounds like an interesting site , must visit one day and say hello
Aug 29 2015, 01:48 PM
At least here we have Administrators that can read Black and White and understand peoples references , and By the way OZ man you are a sponsor so you should
plug your wares every now and then.
oz man
Aug 29 2015, 01:58 PM
That was an interesting visiting mrs swordfish . they are using IPB script the same as us just a later version which I could upgrade this site to but all have said no. But I do see what you mean it is all based around sponsors and advertising , but what got me was how she divides the members into gold etc.
But what really got me was the top posters
Now start and invite
Aug 29 2015, 02:43 PM
I think we should upgrade, newer scripts look fresher..
If the advertising fits in to go for it, as long as it doesn't overtake the board?
Aug 29 2015, 03:10 PM
I Googled Fishraider and This is the First Line on their Site.
Welcome to Fishraider for all your Fishing & Boating tips & information Click Here
oz man
Aug 29 2015, 05:17 PM
Yes they have a port in front of the main forum, I could do that here if you wished it.
Aug 29 2015, 08:18 PM
Well the site sure has it's problems. I have been a member for about 15 years and think I made about 3 posts.
Just nothing there to keep my interest. In saying that they do have a huge following and they have gatherings/outings
where they get plenty of support by the members.
In my opinion the members get on just fine providing they suck up to Mrs balls, but I suck up to nobody so simply don't
visit there unless someone points me to something interesting going on there.
Aug 29 2015, 09:03 PM
She sure didn't like me arguing the point with her.. I'm guessing she has no life outside of that!
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 29 2015, 11:48 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Aug 30 2015, 02:18 PM)

In my opinion the members get on just fine providing they suck up to Mrs balls, .
Frank i know how ewe can cut her down to size
Tell the squirrels where she lives
but I suck up to nobody
Knew it allways suspected ewe wanted 2b a Mini Jumpus when ewe grew up
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 29 2015, 11:53 PM
QUOTE (Spudly @ Aug 30 2015, 03:03 PM)

She sure didn't like me arguing the point with her.. I'm guessing she has no life outside of that!
How Dumb are ewe ??
Must be related to zorro's pack mule
There is not a single living person His Eminance could not puick an arguement with
His Eminance is also wise enough to know nobody can argue with the Delete Button
My personal view who have the need to use The Delete Button are very unsecure cowards
oz man
Sep 3 2015, 12:36 PM
What we have gone quiet again.
Where is some new members or do we need to do a giveaway for the first member to do ------ post in a month or bring new members.
Sep 3 2015, 02:53 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Sep 4 2015, 06:36 AM)

What we have gone quiet again.
Where is some new members or do we need to do a giveaway for the first member to do ------ post in a month or bring new members.
George I have tried to introduce new blood to the site on several occasions but they never seem to get through.
Most come back and tell me their email was not excepted.
So I gave up trying to get new guys to join here.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 3 2015, 05:26 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Sep 4 2015, 08:53 AM)

George I have tried to introduce new blood to the site on several occasions but they never seem to get through.
Most come back and tell me their email was not excepted.
So I gave up trying to get new guys to join here.
Frank that's prob because they are using a Gmail account
Put a block on gmail accounts yonks ago cause i had to sit here & delete spammer after spammer it got to be ridiculous
What we have gone quiet again.
Where has that talking pig gone
Sep 3 2015, 08:04 PM
Everyone uses gmail, might have to rethink that one!
oz man
Sep 3 2015, 09:40 PM
yes I agree Spudly and if they do have problems just get them to email me direct ozman@fishingozstyle.com.au
and I will set the account up.
all I need is user name.--------------- password they want to use.---------------
Hey Oz. Just logged in with Firefox and the shoutbox works fine. Seems to be an issue with I.E. ? At least on my PC. Saw this fix, where a number of sites had similar issues. Does it apply here?
No, the problem isn't in the "class_display.php" file. It's just a problem that happens while you run the installation mod.
Here are some steps to fix it:1.Go in the Admin CP.
2.Click on Components at the top.
3.On the sidebar, you'll see (FSY22) Universal Mod Installer, right under it, click on Manage Mod Installations
4.You'll then see D22-Shoutbox. At the far right, there's Options, click on it. Then, click on Reinstall...
5.It will re-install the tables and everything. You should then be able to view the shoutbox properly.
6.Continue on with your installation.
GMail accounts are pretty much mandatory with Android for Google Play access.
oz man
Sep 4 2015, 05:34 PM
lol no what it is a compatible problem , go the top right corner of IE click on the sprocket and a drop down will appear just click comparability and your fixed.
It's not the script we are using problem it is a problem with IE updating and their type of script not allowing an older type of script or we could update to 3.4 ipb script but in doing that we lose skins and mods.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 5 2015, 01:15 AM
Wots this idiot club evllybloody is joining up tu ??????????????
C'mon you know. You're the master. Master boat builder, master fisherman, master baiter
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 6 2015, 01:19 AM
The correct title is His Eminance
oz man
Sep 6 2015, 12:35 PM
QUOTE (Spudly @ Aug 30 2015, 08:43 AM)

I think we should upgrade, newer scripts look fresher..
If the advertising fits in to go for it, as long as it doesn't overtake the board?
ok will upload the new script to a new location so as not to affect here so people can see whats its like.
Sep 7 2015, 07:05 AM
I've had post deleted before on Fishraider its crazy haha.. they think they have the best forum in the world going on there..
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