Haven't been in the mood to do anything of late
New i'd gotten rid of that fush scaring pototo but why cant peeps leave me alone to do sleepy's
Bloody Mustaffa was harassing the crap out of me said his kids were starving & could His Eminance take him out to feed the pretzel's
Being the GooDarus samaritan that i am i couldn't let the pretzel's starve so i went fushing
Unprepared couldn't get a hold of any live cabbage so dead live pilly's had to suffice perfect day weather wise just that the sea's were to flat for plastics to be of any use use so it was dead live pilly's.
Water temp is way to warm for a GooDarus snapper session & all bites were blind fush aren't schooling yet so sounder is of no use
Fushing was very slow , Mustaffa like allways gets 1st fush but it's generally the only wun he ketch's all day early bite saw fush just over legal & i was happy that Mustaffa was ketching those.
Then His Eminance thought he had the bottom till i got a bit of line on the reel thought bloody big ray till i got it to the surface called for the BIG net & thought ewe beauty fresh bait it was thumpus Calamaris
Rest is history big baits produced some very nice reds we kept huffa doz & as allways poor Mustaffa didn't ketch anything over 35 cm's i let him pose with wun of my fush.
Great ketching the big momma's but wuns in pics are the ideal keeper size