Mar 26 2015, 02:23 PM
Went for a fish off the rocks yesterday, with my good mate John, to get a few Niggers for the table. After the usual hike out to the coast, we found ideal conditions with a glorious panorama and not another soul in sight. Surprised to see a pod of humpback whales tail slapping and leaping high, not 500 metres offshore. Looks like they are getting a head start on their way north. Not long after, a Tiger Moth puttered overhead only a hundred metres high. But, back to fishing. Kicked in a bit of cabbage to burley the fish and saw them immediately rise up from the crystal clear water to thrash around in a frenzy. My float went down about a metre and stopped. Lifted the rod and felt the fish but no hook up. This happened for the next three baits, so I shortened up the trace and could see the fish balling around the bait. I left the float under for a very long count of 10 and then lifted the rod for a solid hookup. The fish were mouthing the bait and taking their time swallowing but came in steadily. Dropped quite a few on the last lift onto the ledge as they were often just lip hooked. The swell was from the SE and would lift past our ledge, hit the rocks 50m further away and rush back towards us, to hit the outcrop and shoot high, often dumping on top of us. I remember now why we used to just fish in 'scungies or budgie smugglers' back in the '60's. It was such a glorious day, that we were surprised to find we had spent three hours fishing, which is a lot longer than normal. I dumped my bag onto the rocks and took a photo of the unruly fish, which were flapping around and not co-operating. Took a second pic a few minutes later when the ones I was keeping were a little more subdued. John had phoned a friend before he started cleaning his catch and she was happy to get 8 fillets from him. There is a gutter where clean water from the waves washes through and we always clean our gear and wash the fillets before packing up. I have often told John to keep an eye on the water, no matter what the conditions. Well there is a rock shelf waist high, where the water rolls over and cascades into the gutter. John was squatting down when a larger than normal swell rolled over the shelf and dumped on him, washing away his filleting board and 20 fillets. He only managed to rescue two fillets as the rest of them and his board, floated out to sea. It really was funny and not dangerous, but I ended up giving him 6 fillets to cover his 'promise'. Life is short, so we should all get out and do the things we love rather than just sit around and veg, while we can. Good times with mates and family.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 26 2015, 03:58 PM
Wot temp did ewe get ????
Any Squirrels ???????????????
Mar 27 2015, 12:42 PM
Sounds like you had a great day Klaus.
Mar 27 2015, 01:01 PM
I thought it was illegal to fillet fish at the water KK?
Mar 27 2015, 02:07 PM
You can fillet them well away from the water (how far is well away? I reckon it is where the water doesn't reach you) or where fish are regularly cleaned (I always clean my fish there) so there is a defense in the wording as far as I'm concerned. Also, there is no way in this lifetime, where a fisheries inspector would ever be walking 6klms through the scrub to check if someone is fishing at this part of the coastline. Can't fillet them whilst you are ON the water though, Fed. I tend to sink if I try and walk on H2O.
Mar 27 2015, 08:08 PM
sounds like u had fun kkw, and i bet u felt good giving those filets to your mate.
Mar 27 2015, 09:16 PM
I felt good giving him three of my bigger fish BEFORE he started filleting. Didn't feel as good giving him another three fish, already skinned and filleted. No, not really. I had someone in mind for those fish but there is always next week
Apr 1 2015, 01:31 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Mar 28 2015, 03:08 PM)

sounds like u had fun kkw, and i bet u felt good giving those filets to your mate.
Nah but he feels good reminding me I can't catch my targeted fish in that system.
I was going to try Swansea area on Friday but then I realised it's good Friday and a long week end and there's no way I'm
going on the road then.
Well done KKW as always, you are the master at what you do.
QUOTE (nimrod @ Apr 2 2015, 08:31 AM)

as always, you are the master at what you do.
I am not a very good baiter. I recall JG won the 'Master' title for that, many years back
I need to go out and try for other species Frank.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 1 2015, 03:12 PM
I need to go out and try for other species Frank
Squirrel fush r a good species to target
I know where ewe can get nuts for bait