Well Ive had a nice 2 weeks off work, spent a week at Maitland at the in laws property, right on the hunter river. Then a few days down at my Dads at Sussex...
I took "Swifty" along for the trip, though unfortunately the weather wasn't perfect and the fishing was a bit hit and miss in the wind and sloppy seas. Spent a few days fishing out of Port Stephans, Had a run out to the FAD and got some rat kings and Dolly's. yes Jumpus, There WAS DOLLIES! and not the ones in a dress that Kaylee has.. Also had a afternoon, night out Broughton but was harassed by some sorta little mackerel thing with sharp teeth that kept stealing our lines!
Once down the coast had a few fishes in Jervis Bay, Rat kings and such was all that could be found on another day of not perfect weather.
Unfortunately it came to the last day of the holiday, and after checking the weather and begging the wife to allow me to stay another day because finally conditions were right, I launched the boat once more, heading out of Wollamia through the heads and down the coast a bit to a good snapper / king hotspot.. After running into 100s of other boats and a few that I knew, it seemed that no one was finding any fish, Boats were moving all over the bay searching but it was quiet. As a last resort we headed into shallow water, try something different... Well it paid off and we were starting to land some snapper although small ones it was better than anything else this trip...
The last fish of the trip made it all worth it and put up a great fight after taking a 6" white squidgy. @ 57cm and 4kg I was pretty happy and After cooking it up tonight all the bad days fishing are quickly forgotten..
Tomorrow im back to work to start thinking about the next trip!