Have u ever wished u owned a high powered rifle?.
last evening possum and i stepped out on to the verandah, so we could enjoy a glass of wine and the last of late evening sun,its been a hot day and we just love this time.
hmmmm maybe its best I tell u what the view is from our west facing verandah.
we look across an open paddock to the bush about 250mt away, on the average afternoon there will be the odd Roo and even a wombat from time to time, but this evenings is just a little different, yes the Rosella's and laureate are chatting there heads off in the Banksia's, old broken ear [he's the boss roo] looks up from his grazing long enough to see we mean him no harm the rest of the mob are a long way off so they don't even notice we are there
Its possum that spots them first, not one not two but three hog deer rite on the edge of the bush and about 100m's north a very large fallow dear.
perhaps one day I will own a A good rifle that can reach and touch that deer so we can enjoy the very best of free range meet
P.S, I forgot to say there are also lots of rabbits and foxes around the place plus very fat pigeons, and all sorts of bird life we just love it here