Aug 25 2014, 01:14 AM
Took Kaylee (2 yr old daughter) down to Pops for a few days and got a bit of fishing in..
Had a good day out on the water. Done well on the bream considering the rain and murky cold water!
Kept 4 of 9 bream the first day, and a flatty and bream from day 2.
Most caught on Lox 1-3kg with 2kg fluro, good fun!
YES!! I know I need a haircut!
Aug 25 2014, 12:36 PM
Good one Spud. One of my daughters comes fishing with me sometimes, another one also but she insists I release all the fish and the third wouldn't dream of going fishing. Nice bream. Oh, and get a haircut.
Aug 25 2014, 01:27 PM
No Chad that's only 2 Generations , no pic of the old man, unless he looks like a bream these days.
Aug 25 2014, 03:58 PM
good onya spud, training the young one early, good idea she may become a good fishing companion in years to come.
Nice Bream and you done well.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Aug 26 2014, 01:21 PM
Yep pretty hairy, good job mate.
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 28 2014, 04:09 AM
So stuck had been naughty & to punish her ewe took her be tormented by Nando's peri peri hot chicken leg
And ewe ducked into nowra fish markets & purchased sum brims
Hope stuck learned her lesson
oz man
Sep 9 2016, 02:27 PM
These are the stories I like to see old but have a emotional relationship. That's why I sent the email
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