Aug 12 2014, 04:20 PM
A little word or warning I was out doing a pre-flight inspection on the boat the other day and noticed my right hand clear has been destroyed by the sun.
The lower few inches has turned brown after only 7 years and keep in mind the boat sits under a carport and only gets a small amount of Winter sun on that area.
The disturbing part is that it happened all of a sudden as if it hit its 'use by date' and went from clear to brown in just a few Months. I'll put up a pic later.
Aug 12 2014, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Aug 13 2014, 10:20 AM)
The disturbing part is that it happened all of a sudden as if it hit its 'use by date' and went from clear to brown in just a few Months. I'll put up a pic later.
Sounds just like your undies. One moment white and the next, brown around the edges and centre.
I just had my storm cover replaced. Similar thing - it suddenly went hard and cracks appeared all over it, thanks to a hail storm.
Aug 12 2014, 05:52 PM
Nasty stuff KK, I expect I'll be buying a new one but I'm going to try & polish the turd first.
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Aug 12 2014, 10:38 PM
damm you got to hate those hail storms.
Aug 13 2014, 12:05 AM
It was the best thing for me Pol. Got a new, better cover and all paid for by insurance. Didn't even lose out a cent on excess.
That may be Ebola on those clears, Fed. I wouldn't go handling them.
Sep 19 2014, 06:32 PM
Sep 19 2014, 06:35 PM
So did they clean up? With what product? or are they new ones?
Sep 19 2014, 07:03 PM
Got a new one mate, didn't even try to revive the old one.
Oct 3 2014, 12:48 PM
My clears are ok, but my canopy has seen its best days, stiching all coming out and zipper R/S..
I priced up getting a whole new setup done, $3k.... or for $500 he can replace the canopy using my poles and match it to the rest of my clears and rear awning.
As much as id like the whole lot new its a lot of money that could be better spent elsewhere at the moment....
Oct 3 2014, 12:49 PM
Will also replace the windows one day as they are crazing up suddenly..
The first time I had my canopy & 2 sides done for 600 Spud so the 500 for just the canopy sounds about right, the extra 2400 for your poles + extras sounds a bit hot to me.
The recent replacement of the single side cost 100.
Try some Plexus on the screen it works wonders on mine.
Oct 3 2014, 03:44 PM
the 3000 was for new poles and canopy, all new clears, flash ones with moon shape cutout in front window, new rear curtain and road travelable full boat cover..
Lots of extras then eh?
Don't root around mate get the works & a new windscreen to go with it, it's only money.
(PS Can I have your old perspex from the screen it might be better than mine)
Seriously, give the plexus a try.
Oct 4 2014, 04:50 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Oct 5 2014, 10:03 AM)
it's only money.
Something that's getting harder and harder to come by...
2 kids,
3 dogs,
3 horses,
3 cars,
1 boat,
1 caravan,
1 horse float and
1 wife...
Just keeping all that stuff going is costing me an arm and a leg, barley enough left to put fuel in the boat these days by the time I drive 600km to the coast!
Im sure pouring money into a house will be worth it in the long run!
Oct 4 2014, 04:50 PM
Yea, Ill try n find some and give it a go FED.
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