QUOTE (kkw @ Feb 11 2014, 02:28 PM)

How did it all go Frank?
Wind, Wind, And more bloody wind, with a steady 30 knots and gusting to around 40-45 knots it was all we could do to stay on our feet let alone put a boat in the water.
We did manage once during a bit of a lull in the wind for about 1/1/2 hours, which was enough time to let Aengus have a drive of the boat. and enough time to be inspected
by the water police/fisheries, turns out I need a new fire extinguisher.
Took Aengus to the Cobargo country fair on Sunday and seen a few cows and horses and such, and lots of kids entertainment, like $5 to put 5 balls down a moving clowns great gob only to
be told the number reached wasn't one of the chosen numbers you have to get to win a $2 prize, he had better luck with the mickey mouse's gob, same deal $5 for 5 balls, but the attendant felt sorry for Aengus
and gave him a consolation prize which Aengus was happy with.
Aengus's dad didn't come to the show with us as it was too hot for him and he stayed at the caravan and rested.
The time at the show nearly killed me, trying to keep up with a 7 year old with all them games and risk taking side shows, the best time was when he had a go in the jumping castle, only
$ 4 for this and was the best value at the show. And it allowed me to have at least some rest, turns out it was better value as the attendants wasn't clock watchers and allowed him to jump till he had enough
which was probably more like 12-15 minutes rather than the 5 minutes allowed.
Too much time between events, from cow parades to bull jumping etc, was 10 minutes to have an event and 3/4 of an hour to set up for the next event, Aengus couldn't sit around doing nothing during this time
and wanted to go and put more balls down clowns mouths, I had to call it quits in the end as I didn't want to be solely responsible for the attendants vacation at a luxury resort.
Turns out when it was time to pack up and head home the wind disappeared and the lake was a mill pond. Glad to get home.