Jun 11 2007, 02:57 PM
Anyone out there worried about Murray River water levels for fishing? If so, take a look at the attached consultation...
Jun 12 2007, 01:28 PM
Hi Anna, as yet we do not appear to have any members on the Murray river, but even though we might have, a survey about the Murray river water levels is like putting the Cart before the Horse, as you are probably well aware, the Murray river is fed by many tributories in N.S.W. and QLD. if the state governments do not have the brains to control the flows of water from the impoundments in these States then there is never going to be a reform or reversal of degregation to the murray river flows.
This problem never existed when we were producing Wheat Sheep and Beef in these areas, but the introduction of Giant cotton producing corporations have not only taken over the sheep and wheat production that we had, but is apparently lining the pockets of our Polititions as there is no sensible explanation for the sale of our stored water supplies years in advance of the releases of water, I believe it is a disgraceful situation to see the mass releases of water from our storage dams in the heart of a Nation's Drought, If the Federal Government is concerned about the Murray River Flow: Then I would suggest that it look at the problem and not wait for an election year to try and buy votes.
Jun 15 2007, 05:02 PM
:mellow: :mellow: :huh: :huh:
Jun 15 2007, 06:13 PM
MY View, Of this member is that she has joined this forum for political Gain and not as a fishing member of the forum, I would suggest that before replying to this post Read her article, It appears that She is a Political Analist employed by the CSIRO in Canberra, and probably has no interest whatsoever in Fishing.
Jun 15 2007, 11:50 PM
Yes i think you hit the nail on the head ther sumo.
when i first saw it thought the same.
Jun 16 2007, 12:04 AM
when i first saw it thought the same.
well why didnt u say so
Jun 16 2007, 12:22 AM
Yea, Yep, Well said Sumo!
Jun 16 2007, 12:30 AM
QUOTE (poly @ Jun 16 2007, 05:54 PM)

when i first saw it thought the same.
well why didnt u say so

Did you need me to hold your hand and take you to potty.
sumo is the dislecsic one and he got it :drop the daks:
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 16 2007, 02:50 AM
QUOTE (poly @ Jun 16 2007, 05:54 PM)

when i first saw it thought the same.
well why didnt u say so

You didn't have 2B Blind Freddy to see what it was poly !
I left the thread here simply because it's done what I thought it would
Given You Guys Something to bitch about
I've said it B4 & I'll say it again
The net is full of Bullshit as long as bullshit generates conversation then it's OK by me to a certain point
As ling as it's harmless who cares what the topic is aboutNow that Viagra guy with the stiffy problem was a different kettle of fish I cant handle those type of wankers & he got deleted over & over
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