Nov 24 2013, 10:25 PM
Just got back from 9 days at Forster and the weather has been windy, wet and blowy, pretty well ever since. This morning looked ok for a fish off the rocks, so headed off for a couple of hours with a run in tide. Fish were there, and a little bit hungry. Had a good couple of hours, before it started to rain and the wind came in from the SE. Landed 19 fish between 4 of us. I ended up with 8 nice fish, none of them less than 38cm. Solid fish, very firm and thick. Nice white fillets should do us for a few days.
Last week at Forster, I took the kayak and fished the oyster leases for a swag of nice flathead. Fell in the drink once and lost a bunch of lures and a knife. Would have been a laugh for someone if they had a camera. Ended up in mud to my waist and the guys at the caravan park christened me "the Mud Crab". Bagged out on whiting each morning, in 45 minutes or less. Great fishing up there at the moment.
Nov 24 2013, 11:26 PM
Well done as usual, geeze you had a good streak up at Forster, every time I been there in the last 15 years I end up with zilch, figured it was fished out so haven't bothered the past few years.
WINDY tell me about it, I put up a shade sail 5 met X 5 metre and it's been blowing a gale ever since, got sick of putting the bloody thing up and taking it down, so now just letting it blow the guts out of it.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 25 2013, 12:48 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Nov 25 2013, 06:26 PM)

Well done as usual, geeze you had a good streak up at Forster, every time I been there in the last 15 years I end up with zilch,
Just have 2 no how 2 smoke your weed
Nov 25 2013, 01:36 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 25 2013, 07:48 PM)

Just have 2 no how 2 smoke your weed
Knew there was something I was doing wrong.
Thought you would have picked up on the Streak comment, but you let it slide.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 26 2013, 01:28 PM
i was busy smoking weed i wood be able to ketch fish
Dec 2 2013, 02:13 PM
a good read as usual KK, now its time for some reports from the yak , when possum and I get back home we will be going across to Loch sport for a fish from our yaks
I don't care what they say KK, you're a good fisherman.
Dunno - only got four yesterday. The others were there for 2 hours before me and I got mine in 20 mins, while they score zero, zero and two. I am just lucky.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 3 2013, 12:38 AM
Get a room ewe 2
We dont want 2 see ewe 2 blowing kiss's
Dec 3 2013, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Dec 3 2013, 07:38 PM)

Get a room ewe 2
We dont want 2 see ewe 2 blowing kiss's

kiss's what kiss's lol
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