Sep 27 2013, 11:27 PM
After nearly 2 years of owning the boat, im going to make a fwe mods to make her a bit more practicle..
I recently got a big esky to store food/drinks and the catch in, and ther isnt alot of room to fit it, so ive decided to go down the cruise craft path and get some of these!!! (SEE PICTURE) This way I can slide the esky under the seat instead of the wasted space from the pedastals. Will do this on both sides so that the other side i can get a large storage box to put all my fishing gear in.
Might know a bloke who can knock me some up, will have to harass him a little or there is a few manufacturers out there who make them..
Also would like to put a better targa cover on the boat, with raised front screen and clears etc and rocket launcher but that might be a little futher down the track, does anyone know any good targa cover makers?
Sep 28 2013, 03:36 PM
You getting pompoms for around the screen & a big arsed boom box to go with the new additions?
Sep 28 2013, 04:01 PM
No pom poms, new stereo (has never had one) is coming though
Sep 28 2013, 07:42 PM
They are the seats I want to put in my boat as well. Box them in with marine ply and would be perfect. Reckon you might harass the bloke you know to knock up two sets. If it is the bloke I know, I guess I know the answer :(
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 29 2013, 12:19 AM
QUOTE (kkw @ Sep 29 2013, 01:42 PM)

They are the seats I want to put in my boat as well. Box them in with marine ply and would be perfect. Reckon you might harass the bloke
you know I can knock off two sets
Hu else
Sep 29 2013, 12:50 AM
Walked right into that one, didn't I.
Sep 29 2013, 02:30 PM
Why do people have this psychotic urge to take perfectly good boats & f**K them up by adding all these extras & alterations?
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 29 2013, 02:59 PM
I agree fed esp with huffa boats
guess they're trying to take the
shine off tings
Sep 29 2013, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Sep 30 2013, 08:30 AM)

Why do people have this psychotic urge to take perfectly good boats & f**K them up by adding all these extras & alterations?
Need space to put the esky mate, Simple soultion, get rid of pedastals that take up room and put in somthing that works. Cruise Craft have had it right for a long time now.
Sep 29 2013, 06:32 PM
I'd take some convincing mate, unless you had no seats to start with.
Don't get me wrong I've done all sorts of things over the years but now I look back and admit many of them were not best idea in the world.
I cut a hole the size of a small shoebox in a bulkhead to fit a switchboard that I didn't even need or didn't even want...why, because I could.
Cut a huge hole in the front of a boat to fit a hatch that I didn't need or didn't want.... bloody silly stuff really.
Sep 29 2013, 06:39 PM
its nothing like that mate!! Few screws into the ply on the sidewall and a few into the glass floor. Very easy to change back to original way and holes will be minor and easily filled if nessacay..
Will prob start with passenger seat and see how it goes and then do drivers later if i need it
Sep 29 2013, 06:45 PM
I'm hearing you mate, at least you can put it back.
Sep 29 2013, 06:59 PM
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 30 2013, 12:10 AM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Sep 30 2013, 12:59 PM)

have you got outriggers FEDZ?
Yes he has
Ewe'z them to do do high speed trolling on the jig for flathead
Sep 30 2013, 12:50 PM
The boat came with Wilson outrigger bases on it Spud but the parts that fit onto them are about $250 per side plus the poles & rigging.
Bloody costly exercise for something I'd never use, be different if I was out there trolling all the time.
Sep 30 2013, 12:52 PM
Can't believe you've had your boat nearly 2 years already.
Sep 30 2013, 05:10 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Oct 1 2013, 06:52 AM)

Can't believe you've had your boat nearly 2 years already.
I was only taking the piss mate! ;)
Oct 3 2013, 05:31 AM
Cruise Craft mounts are a good idea, I have been thinking about doing the same thing.
The under seat boxes are rarely used but I would slide the esky under them all the time.
Ugly, temporary, rickety, shaky, shonky, silly looking things, did I mention UGLY?
Sell the esky FFS.
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 6 2013, 02:21 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Oct 4 2013, 09:02 AM)

did I mention UGLY?
But look @ how shinny they are fed
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