Sep 15 2013, 03:48 PM
Hi guys now that I have my new computer up and running, I would like to be able to download and watch/save some movies.
anyone do this ? and if so can you advise me of any decent downloads that are simple and safe, and most of all free, or if there's a club or something that you join for a small fee that give you good movie downloads.
I know a mate of mine ( since passed on ) used to get movies through some site and he could copy them and all.
He had hundreds of great movies.
Don't want to get sucked in to a site that will constantly hound me for more dollars for the latest you beaut piece of useless junk.
oz man
Sep 15 2013, 08:32 PM
I usually download movies from bit torrents and off warez sites.
Sep 16 2013, 12:58 PM
The ones I've seen Frank seem to be up around 1 GB files, too frigging slow to be downloading that size.
Why don't you record off the TV stations, I'm setup with two set top boxes and two 500GB usb hard drives, never a shortage of stuff.
Sep 16 2013, 02:18 PM
Fed. I have a 500gb pvr in the comuter room and a 1 terrabite pvr in my bedroom, I can record all the TV I want, but very rarely anything worth recording.
I want to down load movies cause I can pick and choose what movie I download and watch and when I want to do it.
Sep 16 2013, 02:35 PM
So did you download anything yet?
*Waiting for that other criminal to chime in...................
Sep 16 2013, 08:02 PM
Fed no mate not yet, I am trying to get used to the machine before I start to do anything like downloading.
Sep 17 2013, 10:09 AM
Install a torrent client (I use & personally like uTorrent) then go to a site like The Pirate Bay (I know it's the most common, but it's easy to use and has alot of good movies on there) and find the movie you want, make sure it has lots of seeders (more seeders = more people downloading it = faster it downloads) and it's as simple as that mate, you should be able to download the torrent file which will be opened in uTorrent. I have over 1TB of movies, TV shows etc on my HDD.
And FED, unless you have really slow internet like dail-up you should be able to download movies in 20 minutes. Make sure you have enough internet data as well Frank, it's pretty cheap these days so if your provider isn't giving you much ask for an upgrade. I'm getting 120GB a month which is more then enough for me for around $50 a month.
Sep 17 2013, 03:00 PM
Thanks Dan I will try what you say and see how I can stuff it up. My intention is to download the movie then copy onto DVD and save, then delete from comp.
I hope to build up a bit of a library of movies, but not fill my comp with them.
BTW Dan how many gig does a 1/1/2 hour movie take on a DVD ? the DVD's I have say they are 120 min 4.7 gb does this mean I could put a 2 hour movie on one DVD ?.
oz man
Sep 17 2013, 04:11 PM
That all comes down to what you save it in eg AVI , MPEG4, DVD etc.
Sep 17 2013, 05:35 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Sep 18 2013, 10:11 AM)

That all comes down to what you save it in eg AVI , MPEG4, DVD etc.
OZ so if for instance i want to just watch a movie and not save it, would I download it using mpeg4 ? and IF I wanted to make a hard copy on DVD download it in DVD ?.
I tried to download one of the download clients I was told about and it just kept going around in circles and finally got onto a window of modern hep style music which I have absolutely NO interest in and wouldn't allow me to get off that page, Had to turn computer off to escape the head banger style music.
Sort of putting me OFF doing it altogether.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 18 2013, 12:48 AM
Me tinks frank is trying to download Finding NEMO
In all honesty tis not worth the effort downloading movies it's what got meinto computors in the 1st place
OZ so if for instance i want to just watch a movie and not save it, would I download it using mpeg4
Ewe really dont have a choice unless ewe want to spend the time looking for file format ewe want
People butcher movies by convrting them into file 4mat in a bid to reduce file size which in turn makes it easier/quicker to up/dowmload
Which means you end up watching a poor quality movie not to mention after DL'g movie you still may not be able to watch it if you haven't got codecs installed on pc to read the files.
Getting back to file size an average movie burnt toa DVD is around 4.7 GB do the maths & you'll seehow much a movie has been reduced in order to upload it
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