Aug 4 2013, 03:45 PM
Time has come to update the old tech sounder plotter in my boat as the screen has started to go on it... Was originally going to keep the navman as a plotter but with the dud screen ill have to upgrade..
Looking at staying under 2k....
Got a few options and checked them out at the show...
Furuno 1670f or 1870f combo unit with cmap 4d maps come in around 2k
Furuno 627 which is what i orginally wanted is around 1500 or so but leaves litttle room for a plotter.
Simrad NSS8 can be found for around the 2k Mark
Lawrance HDS7 as a sounder and a Elite 5 as a plotter gives me seperate units and will come in around 2k as well......
So big decidions to make and would love to hear peoples feedback...
Aug 4 2013, 11:14 PM
Why do you want to spend so much money, great units available for under $1000. Are you circum navigating the globe ?
OK if you think you need to spend up big, but still be under $2000 try the Raymarine e7d with gold nav chart.
You should have put this request up BEFORE the show so people could make suggestions and then you could have checked them out at the show.
Aug 5 2013, 03:30 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Aug 5 2013, 05:14 PM)

Why do you want to spend so much money, great units available for under $1000. Are you circum navigating the globe ?
OK if you think you need to spend up big, but still be under $2000 try the Raymarine e7d with gold nav chart.
You should have put this request up BEFORE the show so people could make suggestions and then you could have checked them out at the show.
Looked at them all at the show and just got more confused!
Really like the furuno 627 but not sure if i trust the navman sounder and the maps it takes are far from what the new maps are...
Think the furuno combo is my fav unit, but the HDS7 as a single unit with maps would work good and is half the price...
Aug 5 2013, 03:33 AM
even the lowrance elite 7 comes in lots cheaper again and can put more money towards the next boat instead! Picked it out at the show and plan on owning one within the next 5 years!
Aug 5 2013, 02:40 PM
The elite 7 would do the job nicely but would put you down towards the slum area, bit like owning a holden instead of a BMW or Mercedes, the holden would do all that is asked of it but low down on the status symbol.
Electronics are the same, you appear to be in the upper class if you use the expensive gear.
Depends if you want a reliable work horse OR a status symbol.
I'd grab a nexus 7 + Navionics for a touch over $200 then buy the best you beaut Furuno you can afford.
These shots were taken with a camera so the quality is a little short of what you actually see.
Click to view attachmentClick to view attachmentClick to view attachmentClick to view attachmentClick to view attachmentClick to view attachmentSame location zooming out.
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 6 2013, 04:43 AM
Raymarine's are good
I have wun in the car to find gates in paddocks when it gets dark
No good 4 finding fish though
Aug 6 2013, 12:16 PM
and you cant even do that because you put it in backwards!
I have an early model raymarine (Raytheon) that has pictures of little fish on the screen, they all look like they're laughing at me.
Aug 6 2013, 03:21 PM
Combo Units covers both and com with map cards included..
elite 7 hdi under $1000
simrad nss7 $1399
Sounder only leaves me hoping navman holds in, maybe upgrade card or get tablet..
furuno 627 $1400
I'd get a Furuno anything purely because I believe they aren't toys.
Do you have plenty of dash space, I have f**K all so I had to get smaller stuff.
Aug 6 2013, 05:58 PM
Aug 6 2013, 07:34 PM
The get a 587 with a 1kw tranny. Take it out and put it in your new boat in 5 years time.
Forget the GPS.
Aug 6 2013, 11:49 PM
the new boat is going to have 2 Furuno Navnet 4 TZT14's linked up on the flybridge, linked to a tablet down at deck level
Aug 6 2013, 11:57 PM
SPECIAL GOFREE BUNDLE includes NSS7 Display, GOFREE WIFI, 50/200KHZ Transom Transducer & CMAP MAX N All Australia & NZ Mapping . Save $939 off RRP component prices!!
This is very tempting, can get the tablet cheap as and use it to veiw charts and keep the screen on the sounder for sounding....
Seems like a great price!
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 7 2013, 01:48 AM
Fed has plenty of tablets
He keeps them in a plastic box labelled S M T W T F S
Aug 7 2013, 02:00 AM
always something constructive to say
thinking im going to go the nss7 now... Thats my current opinion.
will change tomorrow
GOFREE sounds like a tampon, people will laugh at you!
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 7 2013, 03:40 AM
No can find magazine SPUD pulled last room apart udder day
Aug 7 2013, 03:48 PM
Ill order one, now worries ;)
ill give ya a bell when i can find time to scratch myself! Have not stopped in the last few weeks!
Aug 7 2013, 09:28 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Aug 7 2013, 05:49 PM)

the new boat is going to have 2 Furuno Navnet 4 TZT14's linked up on the flybridge, linked to a tablet down at deck level

Maybe in 5 years time they will have something better again.
We have a 585 with 1kw tranny, if I had to buy a new sounder today I wouldn't think twice about buying another although I would have a closer look at the chirp units.
Aug 8 2013, 12:28 AM
yea, THe simraD NSS IS AT LEAst upgradable and can support 1kv, so can take it to next boat, the elite 7 is what you get no upgrade.. also like the touch screen on the nss, think im decided
Aug 9 2013, 02:50 AM
They do look good but I have to say the touch screen is pretty much pointless.
At least no one will pinch a simrad so there's one upside.
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 10 2013, 02:51 AM
Aug 12 2013, 07:45 PM
Rumpus I have no idea if this is good value, bad value or not what you are looking for but...
http://www.sydneyangler.com.au/forum/showt...5877#post345877... I get the feeling you'd have to be quick.
Aug 12 2013, 11:58 PM
The only Add I've seen that bloke put up without the accompany of the somewhat large breasted femail.
Or did you save her for yourself ?.
Oct 7 2013, 08:52 PM
Have decided on the sounder i want... The Simrad NSS but i can get 2x 7s for the price of an 8..
7 has 6.4" screen 8 has an 8" screen.. Think ill go with the 8 as i probably dont have room for the 2 7's and ill leave the navman in and use it as numerical display (speed, lat, long, etc and its a backup sounder charts when i need them.
Is the extra work worth flush mounting them? or leave them in their brackets? Flush looks nicer but means cutting big holes in the dash.
I'd stick with the brackets mate even if the work was the same.
Firstly you're not butchering your boat and secondly I think the viewing angle & location will be better with brackets.
Oct 19 2013, 05:35 PM
After seeing the size of this new Sounder, it will fill my dash completely

I think im best of completely removing the old unit, was originally going to leave it in as a backup etc but i don't think its needed?
Will probably sell it to pay for maps fr the new unit, Unless I hang onto it to put in my small tinny for fishing the rivers of something?
Oct 20 2013, 12:10 AM
Well new unit is installed, filled all the old transducer holes with gelcoat touchup bog, just needs sanding off.. Screen is massive! split into 3 screens all of them are bigger than old unit. Will get pics when i get it out in the light. Hopefully head down the coast after my qld trip and test her out!
Oct 20 2013, 12:48 PM
How did you go with the transducer mate, isn't your boat one with a queer transom?
Oct 20 2013, 01:32 PM
we will find out in due time fed!
Oct 20 2013, 01:35 PM
Oct 20 2013, 02:01 PM
Yes the map of JB looks very plain! Im getting the Navionic Platinum 3d maps and "fish n chips" bathymetric charts.
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 20 2013, 02:21 PM
That card id good for locating wabbits in their warrens
Oct 20 2013, 02:55 PM
we will find out in due time fed!
Surely you're not putting it there, you're trying to wind me up aren't you?
That top map is a shocker who put that out?
Did you look at the online map at navionics (navionicsplus?), to me it doesn't get any better.
I think there comes a time when the lines start to clutter the screen too much.
At least your boat's not queer.
Oct 20 2013, 03:01 PM
Thats where I puit it, best place to line it up with the transom.
Top map is the base map in the unit, have the navionics platinum+ card coming soon
Oct 20 2013, 03:05 PM
Thats where I puit it, best place to line it up with the transom.
I don't care how much burley you put out I'm not biting.
Oct 20 2013, 03:10 PM
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 20 2013, 07:32 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Oct 21 2013, 09:55 AM)

Surely you're not putting it there, you're trying to wind me up aren't you?
At least your boat's not queer like my seafairy
Think he's trying to scare sum hair to pretrude outa your shiny melon
Nov 11 2013, 12:35 AM
Few pics now that maps have arrived!
Standard Navionics platinum + , then with the "fish n chips" overlay

Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 11 2013, 01:48 PM
No good 2 ewe
Tis not showing any wabbit holes
Fed cant use it not shinny nough
Nov 12 2013, 05:00 PM
Has to be a fake, I can clearly see fish & water or one side but the other screen is a road with houses. You got gypped Spud.
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