Had a guy ring me today telling me I am eligable for NBN and they are going to set me up with new modem etc.
I am with optus at the moment and I pay approx $90 per month, this gives me 250 gb broadband and all my phone calls except calls I make to mobiles that are not optus.
The guy tells me that this N B N is going to cost me $89 per month and that it covers broadband and phone and he says the system is much faster than normal broadband.
He also says that telstra optus and all the other broadband supplyers are going to become obsolete and there is no other choice than to go N B N.
This in my mind is taking away freedom of choice and first step towards becoming communism.
can someone tell me IF or not I should accept what they are telling me as the truth OR are they just saying this so I will sign up.
And what happens when the liberals take over in September ? are they still going to go ahead with this N B N sceme, I know they were dead against it when it was first thought up.