About 8 years ago I organised a 10 person houseboat on the Hawkesbury River for a week end in winter so we can chase Hairtail.
We ( FangNSW ) have done it every year since and its becoming harder each year to get 10 guys to commit.
We pick up the boat on Friday about 10.30 am and return it on Sunday Afternoon.
Boat sleeps 10 so that's what we set as a minimum. It's early days yet and we only have 5 guys committed.
This year the trip will be on 26th 27th and 28th July.
The cost per head is $170 unless fees have gone up since last year, and covers boat hire, fuel, and all the food you can eat, but you bring your own fluid refreshments.
I always take another boat and another guy also usually takes his boat so we have a couple of boats so we can get off the mother ship and cruise around fishing day or night.
It's always a great week end as you can imagine with 10 hillbillies confined to a small space.
As yet it has been a ALL MALE thing and I think the guys want to keep it that way.