I got Easter Spam from someone pretending to be from fishing oz style, typical spammers couldn't even get the address right. Probably that Russian chick again.
Forwarded straight to report@submit.spam.acma.gov.au
oz man
Mar 29 2013, 03:42 PM
Lol it was me Fed and I hit a , not a . sorry.
Mar 29 2013, 05:57 PM
I thought it was spam so I reported you, sorry. :(
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 30 2013, 12:08 AM
My email said visit ozstyle & tell us a story
Well this is a story of a baldy guy called shinny head Got hungry wun day & opened up a can of spam I though geese ate worms & grass but not Fed He likes a bit of spam on his fruitloop roll
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