Mar 4 2013, 02:14 PM
Hi Guys,
We are heading to Bermi at the end of March. Hopefully to catch a few marlin, tuna and reef fish.
We will be in the 650F, if you see us around come and say hi.
Mar 4 2013, 03:41 PM
QUOTE (frozenpod @ Mar 5 2013, 09:14 AM)

Hi Guys,
We are heading to Bermi at the end of March. Hopefully to catch a few marlin, tuna and reef fish.
We will be in the 650F, if you see us around come and say hi.
It's very likely that I will be down there at that time, does your boat have a name.
i will be in either " NIMROD " a 5.3 Savage Lancer or RC1 a half cab Pongrass.
Won't be chasing Marlin though will be staying in close,100metre mark usually stops us these days, no need to go wider for the fish we want. Except the odd occasion when
we want some Tassie Trumpeter or such.
Welcome to the site.
Mar 4 2013, 04:05 PM
Hi Frank thank you for the welcome,
Yes the boat has a name but the name is currently under dispute and will most likely be removed this weekend. I doubt it will have a new name before this trip.
The boat has custom hardtop so it should stand out.
We will keep an eye out for you.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 5 2013, 01:06 AM
We are heading to Bermi at the end of March. Hopefully to catch a few marlin
There's no marlins in BurmaGooWee in march
All you ketch there in march are gummy shucks & Dr Elephant Fush
I doubt it will have a new name before this trip
2GoodPharkin is a GooDarus name
Mar 5 2013, 02:02 AM
If not march, when are the marlin at Bermi.
I would have thought they would be still be around and plenty of Yellow Fin.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 5 2013, 02:28 AM
Things generally start hotting up off sydney around now
pointless doing a trip in hope you'll find them elsewhere
I run with the theory if they are elsewhere they'll be here as well so why travel
Most trips away end up non fishable cause of bad weather
Mar 5 2013, 02:57 AM
Fair enough, its a decent trip for us to get anywhere near tuna and marlin and this year bermi spot.
Mar 5 2013, 03:31 AM
QUOTE (frozenpod @ Mar 5 2013, 09:57 PM)

Fair enough, its a decent trip for us to get anywhere near tuna and marlin and this year bermi spot.
Usually a fairly good month for Marlin, March/April, the Tuna generally come in close around May/June/July, Yellowfin that is.
Other forms of tuna are about all year round out wide.
Mar 5 2013, 06:14 AM
What date are you going now there Frank ? i'll be down Narooma soon not sure on the dates but i'll find out
Things generally start hotting up off sydney around now
You sound like a man with itchy feet, combined sea & swell 1 Metre for Friday.
Where do you have to tow from frozenpod?
Mar 5 2013, 02:06 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Mar 5 2013, 10:31 PM)

Usually a fairly good month for Marlin, March/April, the Tuna generally come in close around May/June/July, Yellowfin that is.
Other forms of tuna are about all year round out wide.
Hi Fred, we are coming from east Melbourne, Rowville.
Most years we do a trip up the south coast anywhere from Eden to Batemans Bay.
Mar 5 2013, 02:18 PM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Mar 6 2013, 01:14 AM)

What date are you going now there Frank ? i'll be down Narooma soon not sure on the dates but i'll find out
Dan. A lot of water between Narooma and Bermagie

I never make dates I just go down wheneven I get around to it, IF the weather is sour I have plenty to do around the property, so keep busy. Fishing is just a hobby that I get to do on the odd occasion when there's nothing else that needs to get done.
Mar 5 2013, 05:28 PM
Well if i get my new trailer ill be heading down south for a tip, should have trailer by end of march so maybe early to mid april... Dont got the house at JB anymore (rented out) so im free to travel where the wind blows (or where its not blowing would be more appropriate)...
Would be good to have a meetup down there somewhere..
Mar 5 2013, 06:45 PM
Only a 30 minute drive though haha
Mar 6 2013, 12:04 AM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Mar 6 2013, 01:45 PM)

Only a 30 minute drive though haha
Dan. When I go down that way I am actually bassed on a 10 acre property 1 k out of a small village called Cobargo on the Bermagui rd. It's about a 20 min drive to get to the ramp from where I stay, not entirely ideal but it doesn't cost me anything for accomodation and I come and go as I please, so I just go down when it suits me.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 6 2013, 01:15 AM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Mar 6 2013, 01:45 PM)

Only a 30 minute drive though haha
Wot about on your push bike with the training wheels DanuSun ????
Mar 6 2013, 02:43 AM
Bout 2 days haha. Lucky I've actually got a car now

that sounds good Frank. We're going down on the 8th of April for 10 days
Mar 6 2013, 02:43 AM
Bout 2 days haha. Lucky I've actually got a car now

that sounds good Frank. We're going down on the 8th of April for 10 days
Mar 6 2013, 02:43 AM
Bout 2 days haha. Lucky I've actually got a car now

that sounds good Frank. We're going down on the 8th of April for 10 days
Mar 6 2013, 07:05 PM
Still plenty of prep required, some of the lures need to be re rigged, one reel still needs a new top shot and the big boats in bits.
The trailer needs bearings/brakes inspected and new tyres. Working Saturday but hopefully I will make good headway the rest of the long weekend.
Trying to make a point Danny? I think you are going down on the 8th April for 10 days.
Mar 7 2013, 01:46 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Mar 7 2013, 04:39 PM)

Trying to make a point Danny? I think you are going down on the 8th April for 10 days.
Bad case of the stutters.
Mar 8 2013, 02:53 AM
I didn't think i was clear enough, maybe i should try again
Mar 11 2013, 12:59 AM
QUOTE (frozenpod @ Mar 7 2013, 02:05 PM)

Still plenty of prep required, some of the lures need to be re rigged, one reel still needs a new top shot and the big boats in bits.
The trailer needs bearings/brakes inspected and new tyres. Working Saturday but hopefully I will make good headway the rest of the long weekend.
After a long weekend working on the boat, it is now in even more bits.
Hardtop was wired with non tinned wire that was made of several short sections joined together. Wires also had nicks and damaged that was mostly covered with electrical tape. The wires were pretty rusty and upon a light tugg broke. Looks like left over scrap wire, cant believe what we found.......
Sadly the wires were also glassed into the hardtop which has made running new wires very difficult as all bar one wire broke a few cms into the hardtop.
Very hard to believe but the previous owner paid a so called professionals a small fortune to have the custom hardtop built and wired.
Although taking a bit longer than expected on the upside at least this time I will be done right.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 11 2013, 01:17 AM
Wires also had nicks and damaged that was mostly covered with electrical tape. The wires were pretty rusty and upon a light tugg broke. Looks like left over scrap wire, cant believe what we found.......
There's only wun way to do elects on a goat in my book
The Jumpus Way
Never do i have elect probs, everything is soldered even spades etc & glued heatshrinked
Dont like cable ties multiple wires are spiral wraped the wraping gives that etra protection cant stand elect tape
Very hard to believe but the previous owner paid a so called professionals
Now ewe know why i take the piss out of peeps boasting to be so called professionals
Good mate of mine scratch's his head after looking @ wun of my wiring jobs he's in the marine buisness as well & harass's me to do wiring jobs on his personal rigs
Mar 11 2013, 02:03 AM
Lot of hopless auto/marine elecs out there by the looks of it.
Rewired the 520 17 years ago still all 100% to this day. Job done right will last.
At this stage I have managed to run one wire through using broken bits of what was left of the orginal wire and coat hangers, hopefully I can use this to bring the rest of the wires through tomorrow.
Mar 12 2013, 06:33 PM
Finally some progress.
Managed to get all the wires through, performed a electrical test all ok then bolted the hardtop back on.
New tyres go on tomorrow leaving the weekend to prep the rest of the gear.
New rod arrived today and I cant wait to use it.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 13 2013, 01:12 AM
Ha Ha Ha
I got a new set of tiagra's 2day
Mar 13 2013, 01:49 AM
Which ones?
What are you going to spool them with?
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 15 2013, 01:49 AM
Thoufgt i'd retire the FinNoras a 24 kg reel
just anutta 50lrs to replace it
A couple of new 30 A's & a 50
Mar 15 2013, 04:20 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Mar 15 2013, 07:49 PM)

Thoufgt i'd retire the FinNoras a 24 kg reel
just anutta 50lrs to replace it
A couple of new 30 A's & a 50
Cause the Damn Fin Nor locks up on my 1st :(
ya owe me another.... And i owe ya a goat and a pig or 2....
Will organise a trip soon mate
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 16 2013, 03:07 AM
That's because you're a wally
Think i'm the only wun who can master that reel it's very finicky with it's setting & reason it's getting replaced
Mar 16 2013, 04:08 PM
Its an Old Classic though..
Love the look of it...
Also love this pic I took that day, think it was heading out!
Mar 16 2013, 04:10 PM
Another pic, this one is heading across JB...
Mar 16 2013, 04:11 PM
Actually tried to get the tiagra drag scream as my phone message aleart, but it was too windy when i recorded it so will have to try again on a nice calm day!
Mar 17 2013, 02:20 AM
Boat finally ready, new top shots on, lures good to go along with all the other gear.
Leaving Tuesday hopefully the fish are around.
Mar 21 2013, 02:14 AM
Tough day yesterday I didn't find any warm clean water.
Ended up about 65-70km offshore.
16 boats out fishing for marlin with none being raised.
Too windy today hopefully we get out tomorrow.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 22 2013, 03:34 AM
Any Dolly's ???????
Mar 28 2013, 02:30 PM
Couple of dolly's, couple of yellow fin and a shit load of stripies.
No luck on the marlin but did well with the reef fish.
Had a good trip weather was pretty good but the water was cold and dirty inclose.
Warm water started to come in close in the last couple of days and it looks very good for easter.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 30 2013, 12:09 AM
Any Marlins ?????????
Mar 30 2013, 10:44 PM
Nope, hopefully they will be around next time.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 30 2013, 11:58 PM
Well i've given evllybloody's a GooDarus head start
Time to start fushings again me tinks
Mar 31 2013, 02:10 PM
I've been waiting for you to come out from under your rock & go fishing Jumpy.
Mar 31 2013, 08:00 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Apr 1 2013, 09:10 AM)

I've been waiting for you to come out from under your rock & go fishing Jumpy.
that's not nice fed, you know the old man needs his rest.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 1 2013, 12:19 AM
Wally's the pair of ewes
How's the weather looking, SST shot up yesterday.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 5 2013, 11:23 PM
Did a trip out yesterday
Haven't seen water that lifeless fot luv me long time
Pulled lures for a good 8 hrs
Wasn't till packing up did i notice @ some stage of the day we did raise a looker
Only retraced all lures night b4 & leader on evil told me a wittle stripe had been playing tooche turtle with lure
Twas on rigger so no ratchet noise but even if it were off a transom rod still wouldn't have herd anything
Bucket mouth rob da nob was @ it again wouldn't shut up & ozza 4got to bring the box of ear plugs i asked him to
Apr 8 2013, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 6 2013, 05:23 PM)

Did a trip out yesterday
Haven't seen water that lifeless fot luv me long time
Pulled lures for a good 8 hrs
Wasn't till packing up did i notice @ some stage of the day we did raise a looker
Only retraced all lures night b4 & leader on evil told me a wittle stripe had been playing tooche turtle with lure
Twas on rigger so no ratchet noise but even if it were off a transom rod still wouldn't have herd anything
Bucket mouth rob da nob was @ it again wouldn't shut up & ozza 4got to bring the box of ear plugs i asked him to
Better luck next time.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 9 2013, 01:16 AM
Better luck next time.
Ewe reckon
Pulled lures on a big day sunday not even a looker did find bait late in arvo to no avail
The nob got a stiffy when he saw sumting on surface
Turned out to be a Bloody Big Whale who wanted to mate with him
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