Feb 27 2013, 10:46 PM
G,day All, Hope everyone is well.
Need some assistance.
I have an old Evinrude 50HP (mid 70's) Tilt will go up but won't go down.
The oil level was low, so I topped it up. Still won't go down. When i loosen the tilt valve with a flat head screwdriver the motor comes down. Tightened the screw and tilted up, again it won't come down although i can hear the tilt motor working but the hydraulic lifter doesn't move down.
There are 2 allen key type screws on the outside of the tilt motor. One which is used to top up oil, the other i don't know as i can't unscrew it as the allen type thread is worn out. Tried to open with multi grip pliers, but no good. There is also the flat screwdriver head screw which tilts the outboard down.
I have traced the cable from the trim motor which seems to go directly to the wire harness which connects to the battery. I cannot find any relays connected to the tilt motor.
What could the issue be?
Thanks, Majed.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 27 2013, 11:12 PM
Evinrude Trim Won't Go Down
Hit it with a BIG HEMMA
Feb 27 2013, 11:23 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Feb 28 2013, 06:12 PM)

Hit it with a BIG HEMMA

Feb 28 2013, 05:12 PM
i can hear the tilt motor working
It won't be an electrical problem.
Model Number???
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 28 2013, 08:46 PM
Tis the bald model with the shiny head
Mar 1 2013, 08:04 PM
Evinrude outboard model number - 50473M
Tilt No - ESZ 4015 12V
Brand name with some letters not visible - P ES OLINE (these are what we can see, spaces are the letters not visible as they are worn out)
That would be prestolite and only relates to the electric motor, your motor is OK.
It will be a stuck valve so unless you're going to strip it down to fix it yourself then there's no point.
There was an old service bulletin put out for this exactly symptom, I deleted it about 6 Months ago because I thought no one has stuff this old anymore.
It was caused by people tilting the motor all the way up and leaving it there instead of tilting back down onto the tilt support arms, the oil would get hot and pop the expansion relief valve which would the need resetting.
If you're serious about fixing it yourself go over to iboats and put up a post, make sure you mention "expansion relief valve" and "service bulletin", wait for replies from Joe Reeves or boobie, both those guys are very switched on. If you get no replies from them send off a PM asking them to look at your thread and see if they can help.
I went to iboats to search for that service bulletin and what do you know the first thing up in the search was Majed, boobie & Joe Reeves, keep at it mate I'll give your thread a little bump along if it goes stale.
What's the deal with the 50, have you got another boat?
Mar 3 2013, 05:29 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Mar 4 2013, 10:10 AM)

I went to iboats to search for that service bulletin and what do you know the first thing up in the search was Majed, boobie & Joe Reeves, keep at it mate I'll give your thread a little bump along if it goes stale.
What's the deal with the 50, have you got another boat?
Majed. I have a mid 80's 55hp evenrude, no tilt unfortunately, motor just sitting here doing nothing. I it's any good for you for spares, I am open to offers for it.
Was running when last on one of my boats but that was 5 years ago, been sitting ever since, I was going to put it on Ebay as spares but never got around to it.
It has stainless prop.
Mar 7 2013, 04:48 AM
I took the boat out today for a quick fishing session and thought i would lower the outboard by loosening the manual release screw. Once in the water for some reason the tilt started to work again. It would now go up and down.
Very weird. Could it be the 1/2 hour drive to the boat ramp and the numerous bumps along the way fixed the problem.
Thanks everyone for your input.
Mar 7 2013, 01:31 PM
QUOTE (Majed @ Mar 7 2013, 11:48 PM)

I took the boat out today for a quick fishing session and thought i would lower the outboard by loosening the manual release screw. Once in the water for some reason the tilt started to work again. It would now go up and down.
Very weird. Could it be the 1/2 hour drive to the boat ramp and the numerous bumps along the way fixed the problem.
Thanks everyone for your input.
If you towed the boat with the trim floating it could have jarred it loose, but IF you had the motor braced some how I think it may be just good luck.
If the trim was stuck in one position so it held the weight of the leg I would be wanting to inspect the trim rams closely for pitting.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 8 2013, 01:44 AM
QUOTE (Majed @ Mar 7 2013, 11:48 PM)

I took the boat out today for a quick fishing session and thought i would lower the outboard by loosening the manual release screw. Once in the water for some reason the tilt started to work again. It would now go up and down.
Very weird. Could it be the 1/2 hour drive to the boat ramp and the numerous bumps along the way fixed the problem.
Thanks everyone for your input.
Not weird @ all
Good guess is ewe never had power going to the motor initially via the switch
i can hear the tilt motor working but the hydraulic lifter doesn't move down.
Well I think that's weird, motor running without power, there could be some money in that for you Majed.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 9 2013, 01:01 AM
Fed ewe GOOSE
All majed was hearing was Kaboobee the magical flying camel ewe wally
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