Feb 27 2013, 01:47 PM
Jumpy. Show us your new mode of transport.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 27 2013, 11:12 PM
Which wun
I got 2 new donkeys
Feb 28 2013, 01:53 PM
I saw a swarm of moths last week & thought Jumpy must have opened his wallet.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 1 2013, 05:04 AM
Yeah right
Says the bloke who keeps his coins in a jam jar with a label that says
Never Open
Only just got the ute back probs from the start with blown module
Ended up spiting the dummy @ ford
Udder than that i like the car & it drives like a charm got sum grunt behind it
Started on a few mods considering only got it back udder day
Mar 2 2013, 09:41 AM
Not a bad car at all. I like the Rangers (dads got one as well, 2 door turbo diesel) makes my car feel slow !
Looking good mate I bet you were pissed at the teething problems.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 3 2013, 02:13 AM
You've got no idea
Even more pissed with idiots in servicing full of shite
Plics had car 2 days got it back no odometer reading had to take it back again but not b4 i had a chance to do a bit of my work on it
When i took it back i asked to speak to mech who'd worked on it i chewed his ear off i was not in a good mood plic had left wiring dangling , bent a pin on battery cover & just left it siting under the bonet
Mar 3 2013, 03:56 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Mar 3 2013, 09:13 PM)

You've got no idea
Even more pissed with idiots in servicing full of shite
Plics had car 2 days got it back no odometer reading had to take it back again but not b4 i had a chance to do a bit of my work on it
When i took it back i asked to speak to mech who'd worked on it i chewed his ear off i was not in a good mood plic had left wiring dangling , bent a pin on battery cover & just left it siting under the bonet
Sounds like a pretty normal start for a Ranger. Tried to tell you, but what would I know'
Anyhow good luck with the new car and hope you get a few weeks enjoyment out of it before the next thing goes wrong,,, OH and I wouldn't be taking a lot of notice of the trip computer either, that is IF it's still working.
All jokes aside, I hope you have lots of fun with it, it does LOOK good.
Mar 11 2013, 02:30 PM
JUMPY if the ranger is a diesel have a water separator fitted as soon as you can, it can cost up to $10,000 for the repairs on the common rail diesels if you pick up as much as a spoon full of water
Mar 12 2013, 07:05 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Mar 12 2013, 09:30 AM)

JUMPY if the ranger is a diesel have a water separator fitted as soon as you can, it can cost up to $10,000 for the repairs on the common rail diesels if you pick up as much as a spoon full of water
Will that solve the water separator prevent damage if you do get water mixed in with the fuel?
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 13 2013, 01:04 AM
QUOTE (frozenpod @ Mar 13 2013, 02:05 PM)

Will that solve the water separator prevent damage if you do get water mixed in with the fuel?
Not really esp if seperator is tucked up out of view you'll never ketch epsy of water till it's to late
Did do a few mods to ute much deeper tray on ranger than was on navara so opted not to do a new tray instead utilized existing
There's a 25 litre s/s fresh water tank fitted under tray with tap situated on towbar
Great big trundle tray going from back to front had to make up my own runner system using bearings to take the weight
Battery wun side compessor udder side & remaining area over wheel arch storage
There's more wing is going to paint shop 2mollo
Mar 13 2013, 09:30 PM
Not really esp if seperator is tucked up out of view you'll never ketch epsy of water till it's to late
thats very true j.g., the one i have fitted to my 4/B has a very loud buzzer mounted in the bash, any more than a tea spoon full will set it off
the unit is made by cooma diesel here in Canberra.
talk to your local 4 wheal drive people for the best advice.
Mar 13 2013, 10:44 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Mar 13 2013, 08:04 PM)

Not really esp if seperator is tucked up out of view you'll never ketch epsy of water till it's to late
Did do a few mods to ute much deeper tray on ranger than was on navara so opted not to do a new tray instead utilized existing
There's a 25 litre s/s fresh water tank fitted under tray with tap situated on towbar
Great big trundle tray going from back to front had to make up my own runner system using bearings to take the weight
Battery wun side compessor udder side & remaining area over wheel arch storage
There's more wing is going to paint shop 2mollo
What I did with a cruiser I had was turned the side steps into water and oil tanks,. I welded two steps together mahing them twice as deep, I had water the full length of one side and devided the other side into two and had engine oil in one half and gear/diff oil in other half, so if I ever flodded the engine and diffs ( unlikely ) I would have fresh oil to fill.
This was a huge success as the low gravity and extra weight eather side low down made it great off road vehicle, only thing was I had to watch my height as the tanks were 3" lower then standard, but never damaged them, and in those days I used to do some heavy off roading.
Mar 14 2013, 11:47 AM
4WD wankers.
What's wrong with you people?
Mar 14 2013, 02:40 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Mar 15 2013, 06:47 AM)

4WD wankers.
What's wrong with you people?
Loved my off roading when I was a young fit healthy bloke, bought my first 4x4 a 1963 land rover SWB in 1969, shooting, fishing and general site seeing and sleeping under the stars, every week end without fail, when it was raining it just added to the fun. got my 2nd one a LWB 1972 model with a 186 S motor bored to 192 and it had a fairy overdrive, wow what a vehicle, although not as good in the rough stuff as the SWB, it was a very comfy vehicle, could drive from Sydney to Adelaide on the one fill up, mind you it took a while at the pump to fill the tanks. Had several different makes and models since, now for the first time since I bought that first Land Rover I am without a 4X4 .
Mar 14 2013, 08:34 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Mar 15 2013, 09:40 AM)

Loved my off roading when I was a young fit healthy bloke, bought my first 4x4 a 1963 land rover SWB in 1969, shooting, fishing and general site seeing and sleeping under the stars, every week end without fail, when it was raining it just added to the fun. got my 2nd one a LWB 1972 model with a 186 S motor bored to 192 and it had a fairy overdrive, wow what a vehicle, although not as good in the rough stuff as the SWB, it was a very comfy vehicle, could drive from Sydney to Adelaide on the one fill up, mind you it took a while at the pump to fill the tanks. Had several different makes and models since, now for the first time since I bought that first Land Rover I am without a 4X4 .
try this one Frank
Mar 14 2013, 11:40 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Mar 15 2013, 03:34 PM)

Paul. Not thinking or wanting another 4X4 but sometimes I do miss the old days.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 15 2013, 01:47 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Mar 15 2013, 06:47 AM)

4WD wankers.
What's wrong with you people?
No need to keep reminding us
Mar 15 2013, 04:23 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Mar 15 2013, 05:47 AM)

4WD wankers.
What's wrong with you people?
we have life's
Mar 15 2013, 06:04 AM
Great setup Jumpy. Making me want to buy a ute more and more, stupid good for nothing sedans
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 16 2013, 03:05 AM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Mar 16 2013, 01:04 AM)

stupid good for nothing sedans

Sedans are wot the Fed's drive
Ripped the front end off 2day setting up winch
Mar 16 2013, 11:55 PM
What does that say
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 17 2013, 01:11 AM
When ewe grow up ewe want to be just like Fed
A Goose
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 14 2013, 02:33 AM
Just about done
Wow have even just clocked up the 1st 1000 klms
Full length draw had to come with my own track system powered by bearings

Pass corner under targa/ switch box, compressor, lighting etc for gear runing off 2nd battery

Opted not 2go full bullbar this time just enough for HID's & winch, headlights have also been converted to HID

They wanted sumting like $5 k for targa wun could buy alot of chookens for $ 5 k
So i built my own out of alloy
Apr 14 2013, 03:06 AM
where is the bull bar?
Apr 22 2013, 04:38 AM
Hope youve put some heavier springs under it
Apr 28 2013, 01:55 PM
you might run into air flow problems with that bar?
May 22 2013, 06:53 PM
Not bad for a Ford. Did you know they now have heated tailgates? Keep your hands warm when you are pushing them home.
Jumpus GooDarus
May 23 2013, 02:00 AM
Had wun of those stupid female drivers run up my arse 2day
Very common around here those stupid female drivers, very easy to spot
They think they can drive & operate a phone whilst doing their makeup all @ the same time
Wittle scratch on my GOOSEneck no not Fed refering to my towbar
Her car didn't fair so well though
May 23 2013, 02:33 PM
Know what you mean. Picked up a brand new Mazda one time and was driving it over to show my folks. Saw a woman driving along behind me - sometimes real close other times way back. Stopped at several sets of lights and saw her brake late at most. About the 4th set, bam straight into the back. Car was only a few hours registered. She was uninsured!!!! Has to go around a few weeks later, appropriately dressed and in the appropriate car, to get money out of her for repairs.
Bees Knees
May 23 2013, 05:46 PM
So you used your place of employment for leverage? Thats 'criminal'...
May 23 2013, 11:27 PM
She was uninsured!!!! Has to go around a few weeks later, appropriately dressed and in the appropriate car, to get money out of her for repairs.
Batman in the Batmobile?
I would have shot you out for trying to pull rank, would have been worth it just to see the look on your face.
Your response to... "SOSUME, SLAM!" ?
May 24 2013, 12:20 AM
It would have been "sosume!!!! and then 'Slam, Bam'.
May 24 2013, 02:43 PM
is that the same stuff the boys up north call there discount clothing??????????????????????????????????????????
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