I'm starting to find it's too small for me. I can drive now and i'm finally getting the knack of towing it and reversing it (what a mission) but when i'm getting out on big lakes (like those up at Forster i just spent 2 weeks at) it's just too small, abit slow and i'd just like something bigger.
I've done abit of pricing around, abit of research and the boat i'm leaning towards at the moment is the Stacer Proline 399. I've got quotes of a painted hull with trailer for around $4k. Which i think isn't too bad. Basically what i want to do is sell my boat (which leads to the first question) what do you think it's worth ? 2009 model hull, 2005 model 8HP Yamaha, older fully reconded Brooker trailer. It only gets used 10 hours a year max. If i get get some cash i'll add whatever on top i need to buy the hull and trailer and as money comes in i'll install full casting decks, live well, leccy on the bow and all that stuff. And towards the end of the year i'll throw all my cash to a second hand 25hp 2 stroke
What do you guys think ? is there any other boats i should look at ?