Dec 30 2012, 01:58 PM
retirement is looming, as of the 23rd of march I can tell the boss to shove it where the sun don't shine.
now where to retire, will it be Queensland gin gin to be exact or Orbost in Victoria
Why Orbost,, Orbost is situated on the banks of the snowy river a short 10minuites drive from the salt water lakes at Marlo and about 30minutes from the Bemm river and there is very hot beach fishing in between so I'm told,, oh nearly forgot house prices are very cheap in Orbest
Gin Gin is 30minutes from Bunderberg on the Burnett river where the mighty Barra rule, the Kolen river is a 45minutes drive from Bunderberg. I have fished the Kolen and have had some great catches there fishing with a good mate.
lake Monduran home to some of the biggest Barra in Q.L.D. would be about 1hour drive from Gin Gin. again house prices are very good in Gin Gin
The question is do I go for the cold of the south or the heat of the north so please help me out here which would choose and why ??????????????????????????????????
Dec 30 2012, 02:28 PM
Dec 30 2012, 03:07 PM
Dec 30 2012, 03:43 PM
I have been to both places, In my opinion the biggest thing going for Orbost is it's close proximity to Lakes Entrance, which is a pretty decent fishing location, and a really hot spot for prawning in season. Orbost itself is a nice enough town, if you want to be in between things.
Gin Gin is a busy town with lots of activity going on at most times, very windy and somewhat commersial, it's close proximity to places like Monduran, Awoonga and 1770 would be a dream place for a fisherman to retire to.
I have a few friends that live in Harvey Bay and they seem to be happy with that area.
I can give you a link to a very good fisho web site up there if you're interested ?. And introduce you to some locals that could help you out, if interested ?.
What's wrong with retiring on the NSW south coast, between Ulladulla and Eden, an absolute paradise close to all the facilities anyone would want ?.
oz man
Dec 30 2012, 04:22 PM
woy woy
Dec 30 2012, 05:58 PM
floods and cyclones vs the occasional bushfire...
Don't know either place, but retirement sounds great no matter where.
BTW sky blue jumpers and QLD do not mix very well, so keep that in mind when moving north.
Dec 30 2012, 06:34 PM
Poly can't do windy.... he would go broke buying wigs.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 30 2012, 07:21 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Dec 31 2012, 10:07 AM)

No he's not
Drs have made him well again dosen't have to wear those funny looking socks anymore
Dec 30 2012, 09:41 PM
what a great site this is, it will be most likely be June before we pull the pin, that way I will maximize my pay out
possum and I have some good friends up north plus family in Lismore so it looks like we will head up north. there is no way i could afford a 5acres on the n.s.w. south coast but up north I can get a good size block for around the 150grand and build my own home on it, I have all ways to build that way we get what we want.
Frank thanks for offer, I will get in touch for that site and the addresses of your friends as the time gets closer
I am thinking of downsizing, not upsizing in retirement. Five acres is a lot of land to maintain, Pol. You need to also bear in mind medical/hospital locations shops etc. A nice villa near the water would suit me just fine

Long way for you to come for the annual get together. A nice place next door to Rumpus would be good, except it is a long way to do the shopping. I reckon that if you find an area that appeals to you, rent for 12 months and see if it is still good then. Good luck mate.
oz man
Jan 2 2013, 03:14 PM
I agree KKW a nice villa near the water would suit me down to the ground, when I retire in 5 years.
Jan 2 2013, 03:36 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Jan 3 2013, 08:40 AM)

I am thinking of downsizing, not upsizing in retirement. Five acres is a lot of land to maintain, Pol. You need to also bear in mind medical/hospital locations shops etc. A nice villa near the water would suit me just fine

Long way for you to come for the annual get together. A nice place next door to Rumpus would be good, except it is a long way to do the shopping. I reckon that if you find an area that appeals to you, rent for 12 months and see if it is still good then. Good luck mate.
yep that's the plan kk we will be renting for at least 12 months
Jan 2 2013, 11:37 PM
Sanctuary Point, Basin Veiw, Tomorong if you want acres..
The Basin, perfect for you Kayak fishing and such and the beaches of Jervis Bay for some sightseeing..
Just dont forget to drop the tyre pressure in you wheelchair tyres, dont wanna get stck in the sand..
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 3 2013, 01:38 AM
Just dont forget to drop the tyre pressure in you wheelchair tyres, dont wanna get stck in the sand..
Ewe tell him spud
How are the baby potatoes supposed to grow if all the wheelchair dudes run over them
Jan 4 2013, 12:50 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jan 3 2013, 06:37 PM)

Just dont forget to drop the tyre pressure in you wheelchair tyres, dont wanna get stck in the sand..
arrrrrrrrr yes the wheelchair, upgreads are happerning next week, new bull bar plus winch rebuild and fitted, snorkel
driving lights???????????? IPF hid 900 touring int ballast lights have been recommended are they worth the $656 dollar asking price or would I be better off staying with a set of 100w lights from some one like light force?????????????????? your recommendations please
a canopy frame well be built in the next week or two and a heavy canvas cover made to suit
7inch rims have been fitted with 245/70/16 sumo tyres replacing the 6inch 205/16 skineys
Pau l
I just fitted a set of these to the cruiser. I have seen them on ebay for $150 a set. Look like the same product, so shop around on there to get the best price. $656 was an average price a couple of years back, but they are a lot less nowadays. Light bars are excellent too, but places like Snake Racing have them for $1000 whereas you can also find them for around $300. Don't know if there is a difference in LED quality though.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 4 2013, 03:24 PM
Yo polyman
Why dont you move to the shire & become a hobbit
Jan 4 2013, 04:44 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jan 5 2013, 10:30 AM)

4wd wankers are gay.
you ride in a a sea fairy,and your calling us gay''' RRRRIIIIIGGGHHHHTTTT'''
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 4 2013, 11:44 PM
Shinny Head who ride seafairy's are weird
At least I don't chase pigs through the bush (squeal piggy squeal Oink Oink Oink!) and I don't own a banjo either.
Didn't your car come with headlights Poly?
He is looking at spotlights/driving lights. Needed for lighting up the road so you can see the roos and cows before you hit them. Need them out your way too Fed, to see the drunks stumbling out of parks and alleyways, before you hit them.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 5 2013, 04:23 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Jan 6 2013, 09:20 AM)

Need them out your way too Fed, to see the drunks stumbling out of parks and alleyways, before you hit them.

Fed just takes off his hat works like a charm
Head is a natural lighthouse
Jan 6 2013, 08:39 PM
i got a price for lightforce hid's 50w, $725 each they are Australian made so i will be buying them.
Chad what brand are you using ??????????????????????
Pol, if you are set on those then there are slightly better prices; The 70w ones for instance -
http://www.ozautoelectrics.com/lightforce-...ng+Lights+Pair+ or
$1420 pair for the 50w ones.
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