Nov 26 2012, 10:01 PM
Just in case you didn't read my reply on the other thread.
So who's up for a meet at the boat club Saturday 8th OR Sunday 9th December.
Up to the majority which day. I suggest 11.30am or their abouts out the back where we have met the past few years.
Come on guys it'a only 1 day a year.
Wonder how many family weddings/birthdays etc will be on that week end ?.
Nov 26 2012, 10:59 PM
Guys. I'm gonna have to make this for the Saturday if anyone interested as I have to go to Sydney aquarium for grandsons birthday on Sunday.
If this does not suit, I will have to have a pass. And see you all some other time.
Nov 27 2012, 12:22 AM
Saturday the 8th is good for me, how about the re3st of you lot.
Nov 27 2012, 12:52 AM
Good for me.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 27 2012, 01:10 AM
Is it Formal attire or can wun rock up in a loincloth or mankini ??????
oz man
Nov 27 2012, 10:51 AM
Sorry no can do have a Company do on the 8th.
Nov 27 2012, 02:00 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 27 2012, 08:10 PM)

Is it Formal attire or can wun rock up in a loincloth or mankini ??????
You are not allowed in the clubhouse anyway, so you might as well rock up in that green mankini of yours.
Make sure you wax prior......
Nov 27 2012, 02:09 PM
9th is a definate nogo.
I might rock up for a bit on the 8th but it's my sons birthday party that day.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 27 2012, 09:04 PM
Looks evllybodies jack has offered himself as target practice for all ewe rock tossing guru's
Well, looks like it will most likely just be 4 of us, Frank. Long way for Pol and Pam to come and no interest from the rest. Asked a few personally but couldn't get any commitment. Oh well.
Dec 2 2012, 09:53 PM
too far for me to travel sorry all...
Will be fishing between chrissy and NY down at JB and the Basin though!
Dec 4 2012, 09:08 PM
Well I'll be there Saturday about 11.30-12noon so see whoever bothers to show up.
I reacon if guys can't make the effort for 1 day a year to join their mates for a drink and a chat then so be it, i'm not gonna piss in anyones pocket to have a meeting.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 4 2012, 10:09 PM
How many rocks are you bringing frank ?????
Dec 5 2012, 08:50 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Dec 5 2012, 05:09 PM)

How many rocks are you bringing frank ?????
Bringing suggests you will be there, If you were not going to be present you would have said
" how many rocks are your TAKING frank.
See you there, and I will have yellow rocks in my pocket.
I will be there around 12.30 Frank. Got a morning commitment I cant get out of. See you then. Have a schooner of black ready for me.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 6 2012, 01:06 AM
Bringing suggests you will be there, If you were not going to be present you would have said
As you know i never commit but velly velly goodarus chance i'll be there
Got me a jack wabbit to hurl rocks @
Had a nice lunch and get together at the club. Jack managed an appearance before heading off to his sons birthday and Frank and Jumpus made up rest.
Whinge time - community spirit and friendship is dying, along with common sense which has already died. What are we coming to??

Saw JG throw a rock at Jack when I arrived. Throws like a girl. No Poly and Pam, no Fed and Denise, no Danny boy

and no Jedi and family. Oh well...
Dec 8 2012, 01:35 PM
Yes was good to catch up with those that bothered to make the effort, it's hard to do these things and it appears it is getting harder every year. Almost didn't make it myself. I left my place at 10.45 thinking 3/4 of an hour would be plenty of time to get there and I would arrive around 11.30 as I stated I would, with the traffic being an absolute nightmare at every intersection for some reason, I arrived around 12.20 and poor old Jack who had been sitting, waiting since 11.30 was about to leave, thankfully he hang around a while till Jumpy and KKW arrived.
Nothing much changed the 3 of us sat listening as Jumpy talked, good to see you guys again.
Anyone why feels left out could always make a time and place themselves for a meet.
Dec 8 2012, 05:07 PM
Had my work chrissy party last night, got a bit of a headache...
few more weeks and ill be down the coast to take the boat out for a run. anyone else heading away for christmas break?
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 9 2012, 01:19 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Dec 9 2012, 08:35 AM)

Nothing much changed the 3 of us sat listening as Jumpy talked, good to see you guys again.
Yeah right
Just as well i brought ear plugs along knowing wot you're like
Had to sit there & listen to frank telling us how tom ugly's bridge got it's name some 150 years years ago
Old bugger was mumbling sumting about his 1st goat & how he did a run from fugly to capt cook bridge in the nutty hence the naming of the bridges
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 9 2012, 01:21 AM
Oh yeah jumpy took out 1st prize
Nailed that jacket wabbit with 1st rock i threw
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