Oct 19 2012, 07:58 PM
What do you guys think ? it's been a while and i'd finally be able to go haha. Almost finished my HSC so i was just wondering if you guys wanted to work something out ?
Would be good to meet a few members that i haven't yet and catch up with the ones i already have.
Oct 19 2012, 10:43 PM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Oct 20 2012, 02:58 PM)

What do you guys think ? it's been a while and i'd finally be able to go haha. Almost finished my HSC so i was just wondering if you guys wanted to work something out ?
Would be good to meet a few members that i haven't yet and catch up with the ones i already have.
What floats your boat ?, we will be organising a annual get together a little closer to xmas down at the motor boat club, but would you like to have a on water meet?, perhaps at greys point sometime soon ?.
Oct 19 2012, 11:05 PM
Anything mate, Greys Point sounds good. As i go to Forster every year at XMAS i don't think i'll be able to make it.
I'll be able to tow my tinny down.
Oct 20 2012, 11:51 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Oct 20 2012, 05:43 PM)

What floats your boat ?, we will be organising a annual get together a little closer to xmas down at the motor boat club, but would you like to have a on water meet?, perhaps at greys point sometime soon ?.
how close to Xmas Frank ???????????? and were is greys point ??????????????? is it any were near st gorges basin ?????????????
Oct 20 2012, 01:22 PM
Grays Point is in Port Hacking, near to my place Pol.
Oct 20 2012, 06:13 PM
thanks KK
Oct 20 2012, 11:40 PM
17th of next month ?
Oct 20 2012, 11:40 PM
17th of next month ?
Oct 21 2012, 09:33 PM
Oct 26 2012, 03:35 PM
I would be cool for a get together on the 17th Nov, could have a morning fish and gather for a lunchtime bbq. I could take a non boater out to wet a line, won't guarantee any fish coming over the side but could float on top of the water and dangle a line in the water.
Oct 29 2012, 09:04 AM
17th okay with anyone else ?
Nov 5 2012, 05:14 AM
Went and done the driving test yesterday and they passed me. Just getting use to driving around by myself.
Nov 5 2012, 01:34 PM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Nov 6 2012, 12:14 AM)

Went and done the driving test yesterday and they passed me. Just getting use to driving around by myself.
Congratulations young man. I can still remember of the first day I got my driving licence way back in the dark ages 1964, My first legal registered car was a Austin A40, wow what memories, the mates and I still talk about those days.
Just remember you have been granted a tempory permit to allow you to prove you can do the right thing, don't abuse the priviledge.Well done and your life will change now to allow much more freedom, ENJOY.
Nov 6 2012, 12:54 AM
Thanks guys
Its been pretty good so far. Done 200km in 2 days just around the area

but feeling comfortable with it.
Nov 8 2012, 11:02 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Nov 6 2012, 08:34 AM)

don't abuse the priviledge.Well done and your life will change now to allow much more freedom, ENJOY.
hate to say this, but it will start to cost more and more as you get older, cars are exy things to own,so ENJOY my young friend and with luck I will see you on the 17th
ps AC/DC are playing on itunes at the moment /dirty deeds,, that is
Nov 9 2012, 03:24 AM
QUOTE (poly @ Nov 9 2012, 05:02 PM)

hate to say this, but it will start to cost more and more as you get older, cars are exy things to own,so ENJOY my young friend and with luck I will see you on the 17th
ps AC/DC are playing on itunes at the moment /dirty deeds,, that is
Thanks guys. Its been good. Haha tell me about it, put heaps of fuel in it already, feels like it's the only thing i'm doing.
Here's a few quick shots i took today after washing it, couldn't be happier with it.
Hopefully the 17th is a go
So what's happening with the 17th get together. Is anyone going? Went a bit off topic in the last several posts.
Nov 9 2012, 03:03 PM
Lunchtime BBQ at Grays Point, lunchtime so i'm going to say around 11-12ish ? everyone can go out for a fish before or after
Nov 9 2012, 05:44 PM
Lets make it for lighting the bbq at 12 noon at the boat ramp Grays Point.
I will be getting there early around 8.30 9am and going for a bit of boat soaking before the event, if anyone wants a ride in my boat I will be leaving the ramp at 9am.
Nov 9 2012, 06:06 PM
Poly, Paul if you and your young lady friend should want to call into my place first and come down with me you are most welcome to do so.
My house is not too far off the freeway and it would save you about an hours drive each way, and you are more than welcome to stay overnight at my place so you are not rushing and doing a lot of miles in one day.
Nov 10 2012, 02:09 AM
Alright sweet. This sounds good to me. I'm really keen to get out for a fish
Nov 14 2012, 03:04 AM
Is anyone coming ?
Nov 14 2012, 12:58 PM
I will be there.
Nov 15 2012, 01:39 PM
sorry all I wont be able to make it, the dr has me off work till next week, there is a crook bug going around Canberra and I got it .
Nov 16 2012, 02:38 AM
Weathers not looking too promising haha. Just our luck.
Nov 16 2012, 03:18 AM
Think we should push it back a week ? looks like its gonna be pouring
Nov 16 2012, 01:34 PM
Weather not looking the best, I have decided not to take the boat but I am still willing to drive down to the ramp to have a look around.
I'll be there at about 11.30 am so will see whoever turns up. If I'm there by myself, well it wouldn't be the first time. Will take the dog for a car ride and a walk along the beach.
Still hope to see and have a chat to some of you blokes.
I will be down Ulladulla next week end. The week end after that is V8's and as soon as the last flag drops I'll be heading down to Burrinjuck.
Then it's getting too close to Christmas and we still have to have the meet at the boat club.
See whoever is coming today.
Nov 16 2012, 02:38 PM
Might have to do the boat club meet i thinks. Parents raging about me driving by myself so far, was the only trip ive been looking forward to as well
Nov 16 2012, 03:11 PM
Dan. Can't really understand the logic behind your parents thoughts.
Doesn't the fact that you have sat a test and passed and obtained the right to occupy the drivers seat without instruction mean that you are now capable of driving a motor vehicle, weather you drive that vehicle within 5 k's of your residense or venture further afield means little.
Did you know that most accidents, fatal and non fatal actually accur within a 5 k radius of the licence holders place of residence ? so in fact by statistics, keeping your driving habits within that radius is actually statistically placing you at a greater persent risk than driving further afield.
Or do your parents feel that you are not yet capable of handling a motor veichle unaided, in anything other than perfect close to home conditions, after the testing officer has placed that trust in your hands.
Anyhow Dan it was your suggestion that we meet, so IF you are there I will see you then, if not well perhaps some other time.
Nov 16 2012, 07:05 PM
Well, Frank and I were the only two who showed up. Spent an hour or so chatting and watching the manoeuverings of the experts. Saw some amazing things. One bloke drove down at 30kph, swung wide and slammed it into reverse, to race down the ramp at 20kph. One problem was the 4x4 post with a huge sign on it. Slammed the stern of the boat into it at speed and loosened the post in its footing. He pulled forward, checked the damage to the stern, dropped the motor fully down and proceeded to back down the ramp. I was waiting for the skeg to hit the concrete, but it was a very high tide - lucky for him.
Anyway, it is a shame that no-one else rocked up. This site is held together by only a half dozen of us, so it would be nice to at least catch up once or twice a year. I hope we can get a better turn up for lunch, drinks and a chat at the Christmas get together.
Nov 16 2012, 11:10 PM
KKW you forgot about the other launching we observer, the trailer which had 2 out of 4 tyres flat and appeared like the trailer was broken in the front frame.
Really has me thinking just where was that guy looking to hit that pole with such a thud, it is a good 4 feet from the side of the ramp.
Yes 2 show up for a get together, perhaps it's a good thing that we have another meeting planned for the boat club, hope a few more show up for that one.
Danny do you think your parents may loosen the leash a little for that meet ?.
Don't mean to sound harsh with you mate, but you are old enough now to let go of the apron strings.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 17 2012, 02:50 AM
QUOTE (kkw @ Nov 17 2012, 02:05 PM)

Well, Frank and I were the only two who showed up.
Wot !
no Twit Top present ??????????
Wot a Sirplize
Bees Knees
Nov 18 2012, 01:03 PM
Weekends are packed till Xmas for me lads. I dont have 1 free weekend at the moment.
I would have put a $1000 on Dan not showing up... easy cash...hahahaha
Nov 18 2012, 08:40 PM
I was laying odds on the Jedi missing it as well. Cleaned up (my shoe - stepped in a dog turd) . The Millennium Falcon must have broken down.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 18 2012, 09:36 PM
Well it is DUCK mating season & there's alot of DUCKS 2 fluck
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