I wanna know which wun of ewe boofheads left the gate unlocked & let the parrot in ?????????
Sep 29 2012, 12:31 PM
How was it Poly, did you wet a line?
Sep 29 2012, 01:39 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Sep 30 2012, 06:31 AM)
How was it Poly, did you wet a line?
no mate, just did all the touristy things. oh and almost bought a house in great place called Port Broughton S.A. check this out, were else could u buy a house so close to the water and never be built out
I wanna know which wun of ewe boofheads left the gate unlocked & let the parrot in ?????????
it was Mr Norton jumpy, he was the one that did the dirty deed and done it dirt cheep, now back to itnes
Sep 29 2012, 01:59 PM
I thought it would be him or his mate Mr McAfee who were the problem.
Sep 29 2012, 03:33 PM
So Paul I gather you didn't get out with the charter ?. Port broughton is a nice place but not a great activity place, less you want to visit crystal lakes. Maybe 1/2 a dozen of us guys should pool in and buy that place and use it for our SA hide away for a couple of weeks each year.
ps welcome back
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