Sep 10 2012, 08:07 PM
Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well....
Its been a while now...need some time now to fish...don't want to keep mowing lawns...
Bought a 17ft Seafarer with a Johnson 120HP VRO on a pod. Looks like a pretty descent shape, deep hull and in pretty good nick. I believe it is around the early 90's model or so. I love the POD, much more space. It also has a canopy which is not in the pics.
Haven't owned one of these before but i know Fed has and probably still does. Have checked reviews via google and all seem to be positive.
What is your take on these boats and the Johnson outboard?
Sep 10 2012, 11:00 PM
That shot on the beach looks like a Seafarer convention.
Have you had it out for a run yet Majed?
Sep 11 2012, 12:58 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Sep 11 2012, 05:00 PM)

That shot on the beach looks like a Seafarer convention.
Have you had it out for a run yet Majed?
Only bought it last night. Will hopefully take it for a run on the weekend.
It's weird. Last night it pumped water. The water took about 15 seconds to piss out through the top hose outlet.
Ran it today after work but no water would come out for some reason. Mind you I didn't.'t dare to run it more than 20 or so seconds.
Could it be the impeller, water pump, the muffs or the motor needs to get to a certain temperature before it pisses out through the hose? The motor was cold and didn't seem to be even warm. Other model outboards i have owned used to immediately flush out.
Sep 11 2012, 02:37 AM
Not a bad boat at all Majed, hope it serves you well
Sep 11 2012, 01:03 PM
The water should start coming out straight away Majed.
My first guess would be something blocking the little pisser fitting so poke a bit of wire up there to make sure it's clear. You may even have to remove the rubber hose from the fitting to clear it.
Other than that, muffs on, hose full blast & let it rip.
Sep 11 2012, 02:36 PM
Nice boat Majed. Looks to be really heavy in the stern. I was about to say it was a Seafarer convention, but Fed beat me to it.
Sep 11 2012, 02:49 PM
I think the bow could be resting on the sand KK they're rated to 175HP so that means a V6 and Majed's is a V4 so I doubt it's too heavy in the bum.
The motor being on a pod would drag it down a bit I guess.
Sep 11 2012, 06:53 PM
you go through some boats majed!
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 12 2012, 02:56 AM
Seafairy owners are weird
Sep 13 2012, 12:30 AM
Started the outboard again today on the muffs and left running for less than a minute. Kept feeling the temperature of the power heads which were still cold as soon as they started to get warm the water started flowing through the tell tale. From what I could see I believe there is a thermostat that opens at a certain temperature.
Thanks everyone for your help.
Sep 13 2012, 02:05 PM
The pisser outlet comes out of the block before the thermostats.
You've got 2 thermostats Majed but they are the last things in the water circulation circuit so the water pressure should be greater when the engine is cold and thermostats are closed.
After the water leaves the pump it first fills the block and pisser hose then circulates through the heads, comes out of the 2 large hoses at the bottom of the heads and dumps into the thermostat housing down low at the back of the motor. After the thermostats it dumps into the exhaust.
Do you have reasonable water pressure at your taps and do you turn the tap on full blast?
The water should be spewing out of the sides of the muffs.
Do you turn the tap on then climb into the boat and root around a bit before starting it up or do you have someone else turn the tap on and you hit the key straight away.
They are a large engine and it takes a bit of time to fill the block before the pisser will flow.
I wouldn't be happy running for a minute waiting to see the pisser start flowing.
I'd get it serviced and explain your concerns to the guy, better to be safe than sorry.
Oct 14 2012, 03:34 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Sep 12 2012, 09:36 AM)

Nice boat Majed. Looks to be really heavy in the stern. I was about to say it was a Seafarer convention, but Fed beat me to it.
Took the boat out the weekend before last and found the boat really heavy from the stern.
Even with the 120HP and the outboard trimmed correctly, the bow lifted very high and took a while to get on the plane. It was a very uncomfortable ride and the steering was so stiff because of the stern weight. Even when we anchored for fishing, it was uncomfortable sitting in the chairs with the boat sloping towards the back.
As soon as i got home, i took some pics and put it on ebay and sold it for more than i paid for it before the auction ended....
Now i am boatless again.....
Oct 14 2012, 04:23 PM
Oh well, at least you made a profit. Shame, as they are a nice boat. Hoping Fed will leave me his in his will.
Oct 15 2012, 02:17 AM
Would've made a good wake boarding boat!
Oct 15 2012, 03:26 PM
You've got to stop buying oddball boats Majed.
Oct 16 2012, 02:07 PM
Just dont buy modified ones!
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 16 2012, 05:59 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Oct 16 2012, 10:26 AM)

You've got to stop buying oddball boats Majed.
But ewe bought wun didn't ewe
Oct 17 2012, 03:52 PM
Majed. I have a Pongrass Waverider 17' half cab I am putting on the market if you're interested.
Oct 17 2012, 04:40 PM
My boat's not odd Jumpy.
Knowing Majed's love of older classic glass boats I reckon the perfect boat for him & his tribe would be a Caribbean Baron.
Good solid boat, big enough to fit Majed, put the kids up the front bow rider section, the wives in the cabin and the real fishermen down the back.
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